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Created December 30, 2013 19:47
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JS Training Session 1: Variables, Functions, Arguments, Primitives, Objects, Properties, and References.
* Variables *
var foo = 99;
//"var" is the syntax used for declaring a variable. It doesn't matter what
//type of value you want to store in the variable, JavaScript doesn't care.
bar = 'banana';
//omitting the "var" keyword will still create a variable (if it doesn't
//already exist in the scope), but it will be implicitly global.
//There is almost never a good reason to do this.
* Primitives *
//* Number:
1e3, /* Scientific notation */
0xABC, /* Hexadecimal */
01234567, /* Octal (0-7), must have leading 0. */
Infinity /* Technically a reserved word. Infinity > everything, and
* -Infinity < everything. This is useful for Min/Max operations */
//* String:
"a 'foo' is cool",
'so is a "bar", right?',
"Or I can \"escape\" quotes"
//* Boolean:
true, false
//* Other:
null, undefined, NaN
* Objects *
var foo = {
bar: 0,
baz: true,
banana: 'fancy',
monkey: { lorem: 99, ipsum: undefined }
//We create an variable named "foo" that stores an object with several properties.
//A property can be assigned any primitive value, object reference, or inline
//object. To be more specific, we can use any expression on the right-hand side
//of the colon to assign the value of the property. We'll cover expressions later.
var bar = new XMLHttpRequest();
//The "new" operator is important here.
//We create a new instance of the XMLHttpRequest object, and assign it to the
//variable named "bar". We'll cover classes in more detail a bit later.
* Functions *
function foo(){
//do stuff
//This is a "Function Statement"
var bar = function(){
//do some other stuff
//This is a "Function Expression", being assigned to the variable "bar".
//Function expressions can have a name. This allows you to reference the
//function from within itself:
var baz = function lorem(n){
//Now I can call lorem inside of lorem. This is called "Recursion"
if (n > 0) lorem(n-1);
//Make sure you have an exit condition when writing a recursive function.
//lorem will be undefined outside of its own scope. More on scope later.
// do some stuff
//This is referred to as an Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE)
//and sometimes Self-Invoking Function Expression (but this is somewhat of a misnomer)
//IIFEs are useful when you need to isolate a scope in-line. A common example is
//a loop that sets up an asynchronous callback:
for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++){
//"i" will always be 10 here.
//"index" will be the expected value
}, 1000);
* Parameters & "arguments" *
function foo(a, b, c){
if(a === 1) // do one thing
if(b === 2){
if (c === 3){
// do another thing
} else {
// what you say?
//The function "foo" is written to expect 3 parameters, "a", "b", and "c".
//This should look familiar. This is how most functions/methods are written.
function min(){
var lowest = Infinity,
i, len = arguments.length, cur;
for(i = 0; i < len; i++){
cur = arguments[i];
if(cur < lowest){
cur = lowest;
return lowest;
//"arguments" is a context-sensitive array-like keyword that contains everything
//that the function was called with. It also has some meta information like a
//reference to the function itself (arguments.callee) the function that called
//it (arguments.caller), and the number of arguments passed in (arguments.length)
//"arguments" is useful for allowing a function to take any number of parameters.
* Classes and "prototype" *
function Person(name, birthday){ = name;
if (birthday instanceof Date){
this.birthday = birthday;
} else {
this.birthday = new Date(birthday);
//Here we create a generic "Person" class. Note the use of "this". "this" is
//referring to the instance of the "Person" being created when you create a
//"new Person(...)". We can create a new person like so:
var jfk = new Person("John", "1917-05-29T12:00:00-05:00");
console.log(, jfk.birthday);
//logged: John Tue May 29 1917 11:00:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time)
//If we want to add some utility to this class, like finding out the Person's age,
//for example, we could add it to the "constructor" of the function like so:
function Person(name, birthday){
this.getAge = function(){
var today = new Date();
return today.getFullYear() - this.birthday.getFullYear();
//But this is not ideal. If done this way, each instance of "Person" will have
//a separate copy of the "getAge" function. This means that each instance will
//have a larger memory signature. Thankfully, there is an easy way to avoid this:
Person.prototype.getAge = function(){
var today = new Date();
return today.getFullYear() - this.birthday.getFullYear();
//By adding the "getAge" method to the "prototype" of "Person", each instance of
//"Person" will share the same "getAge" reference. This means that it will be in
//memory only once. "this" will be a reference to the instance of "Person" that
//"getAge" is being called on.
var jfk = new Person("John", "1917-05-29T12:00:00-05:00"),
fdr = new Person("Franklin", "1882-01-30T12:00:00-05:00");
jfk.getAge(); // 96 (as of 12/30/2013)
fdr.getAge(); // 131 (as of 12/30/2013)
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