Presented by Shougo
The presentation is in English for the foreign people.
But the talk is in Japanese.
The slide may contain the dark powerd topic(Chuunibyou: 厨二病).
My name is Shougo.
I am called as Dark Vim Master(暗黒美無王: Uncock Vim Awe).
Text editor is the reason to live.
My developed plugins: dein.vim, deoplete.nvim, unite.vim, neosnippet.vim, ...
What is denite.nvim?
Why unite.vim is so slow?
Unite.vim problems
Denite.vim features
The future works
Denite.nvim in Vim 8.0
The secret topics
It is the Dark powered nEo of uNITE.vim
The rewrite of unite.vim by Python3 for neovim/Vim 8.0+
It is already faster than unite.vim
"unite.vim slow" is suggested by Google
Vim script is slow than Python
Unite.vim must save all candidates to implement the features
If the Vim script plugin like unite.vim uses huge memory, Vim will be slow
Slow, slow, slow!
Not easy to extend and debug
Easy to conflict other plugins or configurations
Denite.nvim is faster
Easy to extend if you can write Python3 language
Hard to conflict
Almost same with unite.vim
Denite {options} {sources}
Denite file_rec
Python3 implementation
Asynchronous candidates update support
Decoupled UI
Block Vim UI until denite.nvim execution is finished
Faster than ctrlp and unite.vim
Can call unite sources
Denite.nvim is written by Python3 like deoplete.nvim
The sources are written by Python3
You can define the asynchronous source
Example: grep, file_rec
Denite.nvim is splitted into UI and Denite framework
The default UI is named as "default"
You can define the original UI
You can use denite without UI in your plugin like vimfiler.
Note: Unite.vim is hardly combined with UI and unite.vim framework
- Demo
unite.vim has "unite" source
It can call unite source from denite.nvim
:Denite unite:register
neovim-prompt integration Shougo/denite.nvim#40
source kind support
source completion support: completion(args, arglead)
quickmatch feature
multiple candidates select
choose action
It already works in Vim 8.0 even in Windows.
So no problem :-)
You need if_python3 enabled Vim8.0+
unite.vim development is already finished(Bug fix only)!
My next work is to add Vim8 support in deoplete.nvim.
And... the next of dark powered plugins!
de???: The dark powered neosnippet (new!)
de???: The dark powered vinarise (new!)
de???: The dark powered vimshell (new!)
de???: The dark powered vimfiler (new!)