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Mark Lopez Silvenga

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Enable GPG signing by default:

git config --global commit.gpgsign true
git config --global gpg.program (Get-Command gpg).Source

git config --global --unset gpg.format 

gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format=long
git config --global user.signingkey B862284A2975BD3B!
Silvenga / install.ps1
Created September 13, 2023 00:16
A simple PS script to install ADB/Fastboot (aka platform-tools) directly from Google and add the the binaries to PATH.
function Update-UserPath([string]$Value)
$currentPath = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path", [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User)
if ($currentPath -like "*${Value}*")
Write-Host "The value '${Value}' already exists in user PATH, no update is needed."
$targetPath = $currentPath + ";${Value}";
#(nop) CMD ["/opt/"]
cp /usr/share/pmm-server/ /opt/
ansible-playbook -vvv -i 'localhost,' -c local /opt/playbook-init.yml
#(nop) COPY file:a969fd4cfc09f89b74fb2ba60e955c0f6a7f4aaf050100501633d19c933cae4d in /opt/playbook-init.yml
ansible-playbook -vvv -i 'localhost,' -c local /opt/playbook-install.yml
#(nop) COPY file:b94f58ef90751b3a827d3d85000e585b2ce11a83e830db6d722f31c31fcc8453 in /opt/playbook-install.yml
#(nop) COPY file:07c96ecb439e64ef84963c186de39d8a34efc3cbef0a1fc0fbc2dee4a3ba78c3 in /tmp/gitCommit
#(nop) COPY dir:2e52ca7492897d14e051e405564f95426a034c5d705d76c7129a83463cf47906 in /tmp/RPMS
yum -y install epel-release && yum -y install ansible
useradd -s /bin/false pmm
<Query Kind="Program">
cPanelClient Client = new cPanelClient("silvenga", "", password: Util.GetPassword("mxroute-silvenga"), cpanel: true);
// Version 1
type Ttl = string | number;
// Top Level Functions
declare function REV(address: string): string;
declare function NewRegistrar(name: string, type: string, meta?: any): string;
declare function NewDnsProvider(name: string, type: string, meta?: any): string;
declare function DEFAULTS(...modifiers: any[]): void;
Silvenga / global.d.ts
Created December 24, 2017 00:07
dnscontrol Typescript Definitions
type Ttl = string | number;
// Top Level Functions
declare function REV(address: string): string;
declare function NewRegistrar(name: string, type: string, meta?: any): string;
declare function NewDnsProvider(name: string, type: string, meta?: any): string;
declare function DEFAULTS(...modifiers: any[]): void;
declare function D(name: string, registrar: string, ...meta: any[]): void;
Install Pre-Reqs:
- pkgs:
- apt-transport-https
- ca-certificates
- curl
- software-properties-common
Install Docker Apt Repo:
{% set network = "master" %}
{% set id = grains['id'] %}
{% set interface = "Master" %}
{% set interfaceConfig = pillar['vAddress'] + "" %}
{% set tincBase = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\tinc\\" %}
{% set configBase = tincBase + network + "\\" %}
{% set hostsPath = configBase + "hosts\\" %}
{% set port = "655" %}
"expected_update_period_in_days": "14",
"url": "",
"type": "html",
"mode": "on_change",
"extract": {
"Title": {
"css": "tbody > tr th:nth-child(1)",
"value": "normalize-space(.)"
$apps = @(