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Created November 17, 2017 20:45
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{% set network = "master" %}
{% set id = grains['id'] %}
{% set interface = "Master" %}
{% set interfaceConfig = pillar['vAddress'] + "" %}
{% set tincBase = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\tinc\\" %}
{% set configBase = tincBase + network + "\\" %}
{% set hostsPath = configBase + "hosts\\" %}
{% set port = "655" %}
Install Tinc:
- name: tinc
Tinc Path:
- name: {{ tincBase }}
- require:
- pkg: Install Tinc
{% for host in salt['mine.get']('*', 'tinc_export').items() %}
{% set name = host[0] %}
{% if name != id %}
Populate Host {{ name }}:
- name: {{ hostsPath }}{{ name }}
- source: salt://{{ tpldir }}/config/host.template
- template: jinja
- makedirs: true
- defaults:
interfaceConfig: {{ interfaceConfig }}
interface: {{ interface }}
id: {{ id }}
port: {{ port }}
hostName: {{ name }}
mineName: tinc_export
- require:
- pkg: Install Tinc
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for host in salt['mine.get']('*', 'tinc_export_slave').items() %}
{% set name = host[0] + "slave" %}
{% if name != id %}
Populate Host {{ name }}:
- name: {{ hostsPath }}{{ name }}
- source: salt://{{ tpldir }}/config/host.template
- template: jinja
- makedirs: true
- defaults:
interfaceConfig: {{ interfaceConfig }}
interface: {{ interface }}
id: {{ id }}
port: {{ port }}
hostName: {{ host[0] }}
mineName: tinc_export_slave
- require:
- pkg: Install Tinc
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Init Tinc:
- name: tinc -n {{ network }} init {{ grains['id'] }}
- creates:
- {{ configBase }}ed25519_key.priv
- {{ configBase }}rsa_key.priv
- {{ hostsPath }}{{ grains['id'] }}
- require:
- win_path: Tinc Path
Configure Tinc:
- name: {{ configBase }}tinc.conf
- source: salt://{{ tpldir }}/config/tinc.conf
- template: jinja
- defaults:
interfaceConfig: {{ interfaceConfig }}
interface: {{ interface }}
network: {{ network }}
id: {{ id }}
port: {{ port }}
- require:
- cmd: Init Tinc
Configure Up Script:
- name: {{ configBase }}tinc-up.bat
- source: salt://{{ tpldir }}/config/windows/tinc-up.bat
- template: jinja
- defaults:
interfaceConfig: {{ interfaceConfig }}
interface: {{ interface }}
network: {{ network }}
id: {{ id }}
port: {{ port }}
- require:
- pkg: Install Tinc
Add Address:
- name: tinc -n {{ network }} add address {{ grains['id'] }}
- unless: tinc -n {{ network }} get address
- require:
- cmd: Init Tinc
Log Directory:
- name: {{ tincBase }}log
Install Tap Cert:
- name: salt://{{ tpldir }}/config/windows/openvpn-tap.cer
- cert_format: cer
- context: LocalMachine
- store: TrustedPublisher
Create Tap Device:
- name: cmd.exe /c 'tapinstall.exe install OemWin2k.inf tap0901'
- cwd: C:\Program Files (x86)\tinc\tap-win64\
- onlyif: get-wmiobject win32_networkadapter | ? { $_.netconnectionid -eq "{{ interface }}" } | % { exit 1 }
- shell: powershell
- require:
- win_pki: Install Tap Cert
Rename Tap Device:
- name: get-wmiobject win32_networkadapter | ? { $_.ServiceName -eq "tap0901" } | select -first 1 | % { $_.NetConnectionID = "{{ interface }}"; $_.Put() }
- onlyif: get-wmiobject win32_networkadapter | ? { $_.netconnectionid -eq "{{ interface }}" } | % { exit 1 }
- shell: powershell
- require:
- cmd: Create Tap Device
Remove Bad State Service:
- name: tinc -n {{ network }} stop
- unless: Get-Service | ?{ ($_.Status -ne "Running") -and ($_.Name -eq "tinc.{{ network }}") } | %{ exit 1 }
- shell: powershell
- require:
- cmd: Create Tap Device
Ensure Service Installed:
- name: tinc -n {{ network }} start --logfile
- onlyif: Get-Service | ? { $_.Name -eq "tinc.{{ network }}" } | %{ exit 1 }
- shell: powershell
- require:
- cmd: Remove Bad State Service
Restart Tinc Service:
- name: tinc.{{ network }}
- enable: True
- watch:
- file: Configure Tinc
- cmd: Rename Tap Device
- require:
- cmd: Ensure Service Installed
Enable Firewall Tinc TCP:
- name: Tinc (TCP)
- localport: 655
- protocol: tcp
Enable Firewall Tinc UDP:
- name: Tinc (UDP)
- localport: 655
- protocol: udp
Set Network Type To Private:
- name: Get-NetConnectionProfile | ?{$_.InterfaceAlias -eq 'Master' -and $_.NetworkCategory -ne 'Private'} | Set-NetConnectionProfile -NetworkCategory Private
- unless: Get-NetConnectionProfile | ?{$_.InterfaceAlias -eq 'Master' -and $_.NetworkCategory -ne 'Private'} | %{ exit 1 }
- shell: powershell
- require:
- service: Restart Tinc Service
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