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Forked from bjesus/
Last active January 4, 2021 19:48
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Weather widget for waybar
"custom/weather": {
"format": "{}",
"tooltip": true,
"interval": 3600,
"exec": "",
"return-type": "json"
#!/usr/bin/env python
import json
import requests
from datetime import datetime
'113': '☀️',
'116': '⛅️',
'119': '☁️',
'122': '☁️',
'143': '🌫',
'176': '🌦',
'179': '🌧',
'182': '🌧',
'185': '🌧',
'200': '⛈',
'227': '🌨',
'230': '❄️',
'248': '🌫',
'260': '🌫',
'263': '🌦',
'266': '🌦',
'281': '🌧',
'284': '🌧',
'293': '🌦',
'296': '🌦',
'299': '🌧',
'302': '🌧',
'305': '🌧',
'308': '🌧',
'311': '🌧',
'314': '🌧',
'317': '🌧',
'320': '🌨',
'323': '🌨',
'326': '🌨',
'329': '❄️',
'332': '❄️',
'335': '❄️',
'338': '❄️',
'350': '🌧',
'353': '🌦',
'356': '🌧',
'359': '🌧',
'362': '🌧',
'365': '🌧',
'368': '🌨',
'371': '❄️',
'374': '🌧',
'377': '🌧',
'386': '⛈',
'389': '🌩',
'392': '⛈',
'395': '❄️'
data = {}
weather = requests.get("").json()
def format_time(time):
return f'{int(int(time) / 100)}:00'
def format_temp(temp):
return (hour['FeelsLikeC']+"°C").ljust(3)
def format_chances(hour):
chances = {
"chanceoffog": "Fog",
"chanceoffrost": "Frost",
"chanceofovercast": "Overcast",
"chanceofrain": "Rain",
"chanceofsnow": "Snow",
"chanceofsunshine": "Sunshine",
"chanceofthunder": "Thunder",
"chanceofwindy": "Wind"
conditions = []
for event in chances.keys():
if int(hour[event]) > 0:
conditions.append(chances[event]+" "+hour[event]+"%")
return ", ".join(conditions)
data['text'] = WEATHER_CODES[weather['current_condition'][0]['weatherCode']] + \
" "+weather['current_condition'][0]['FeelsLikeC']+"°C "
data['tooltip'] = f"➜ <b>Now in {weather['nearest_area'][0]['region'][0]['value']}</b>\n"
data['tooltip'] += f"► {weather['current_condition'][0]['weatherDesc'][0]['value']} @ {weather['current_condition'][0]['temp_C']}°C\n"
data['tooltip'] += f"► Feels like: {weather['current_condition'][0]['FeelsLikeC']}°\n"
data['tooltip'] += f"► Wind: {weather['current_condition'][0]['windspeedKmph']}km/h\n"
data['tooltip'] += f"► Humidity: {weather['current_condition'][0]['humidity']}%\n"
for i, day in enumerate(weather['weather']):
data['tooltip'] += f"\n➜ <b>"
if i == 0:
data['tooltip'] += "Today, "
if i == 1:
data['tooltip'] += "Tomorrow, "
data['tooltip'] += f"{day['date']}</b>\n"
data['tooltip'] += f"► ⬆️ {day['maxtempC']}°C\t⬇️{day['mintempC']}°C\t"
data['tooltip'] += f"🌅 {day['astronomy'][0]['sunrise']}\t🌇 {day['astronomy'][0]['sunset']}\n"
for hour in day['hourly']:
if i == 0:
if int(hour['time'].replace("00", "").zfill(2)) <
data['tooltip'] += f"<i>{format_time(hour['time'])}</i>\t • {WEATHER_CODES[hour['weatherCode']]} {format_temp(hour['FeelsLikeC'])} {hour['weatherDesc'][0]['value']}, {format_chances(hour)}\n"
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