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Last active February 4, 2025 08:08
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Weather widget for waybar
"custom/weather": {
"format": "{}",
"tooltip": true,
"interval": 3600,
"exec": "",
"return-type": "json"
#!/usr/bin/env python
import json
import requests
from datetime import datetime
'113': '☀️',
'116': '⛅️',
'119': '☁️',
'122': '☁️',
'143': '🌫',
'176': '🌦',
'179': '🌧',
'182': '🌧',
'185': '🌧',
'200': '⛈',
'227': '🌨',
'230': '❄️',
'248': '🌫',
'260': '🌫',
'263': '🌦',
'266': '🌦',
'281': '🌧',
'284': '🌧',
'293': '🌦',
'296': '🌦',
'299': '🌧',
'302': '🌧',
'305': '🌧',
'308': '🌧',
'311': '🌧',
'314': '🌧',
'317': '🌧',
'320': '🌨',
'323': '🌨',
'326': '🌨',
'329': '❄️',
'332': '❄️',
'335': '❄️',
'338': '❄️',
'350': '🌧',
'353': '🌦',
'356': '🌧',
'359': '🌧',
'362': '🌧',
'365': '🌧',
'368': '🌨',
'371': '❄️',
'374': '🌧',
'377': '🌧',
'386': '⛈',
'389': '🌩',
'392': '⛈',
'395': '❄️'
data = {}
weather = requests.get("").json()
def format_time(time):
return time.replace("00", "").zfill(2)
def format_temp(temp):
return (hour['FeelsLikeC']+"°").ljust(3)
def format_chances(hour):
chances = {
"chanceoffog": "Fog",
"chanceoffrost": "Frost",
"chanceofovercast": "Overcast",
"chanceofrain": "Rain",
"chanceofsnow": "Snow",
"chanceofsunshine": "Sunshine",
"chanceofthunder": "Thunder",
"chanceofwindy": "Wind"
conditions = []
for event in chances.keys():
if int(hour[event]) > 0:
conditions.append(chances[event]+" "+hour[event]+"%")
return ", ".join(conditions)
data['text'] = WEATHER_CODES[weather['current_condition'][0]['weatherCode']] + \
" "+weather['current_condition'][0]['FeelsLikeC']+"°"
data['tooltip'] = f"<b>{weather['current_condition'][0]['weatherDesc'][0]['value']} {weather['current_condition'][0]['temp_C']}°</b>\n"
data['tooltip'] += f"Feels like: {weather['current_condition'][0]['FeelsLikeC']}°\n"
data['tooltip'] += f"Wind: {weather['current_condition'][0]['windspeedKmph']}Km/h\n"
data['tooltip'] += f"Humidity: {weather['current_condition'][0]['humidity']}%\n"
for i, day in enumerate(weather['weather']):
data['tooltip'] += f"\n<b>"
if i == 0:
data['tooltip'] += "Today, "
if i == 1:
data['tooltip'] += "Tomorrow, "
data['tooltip'] += f"{day['date']}</b>\n"
data['tooltip'] += f"⬆️ {day['maxtempC']}° ⬇️ {day['mintempC']}° "
data['tooltip'] += f"🌅 {day['astronomy'][0]['sunrise']} 🌇 {day['astronomy'][0]['sunset']}\n"
for hour in day['hourly']:
if i == 0:
if int(format_time(hour['time'])) <
data['tooltip'] += f"{format_time(hour['time'])} {WEATHER_CODES[hour['weatherCode']]} {format_temp(hour['FeelsLikeC'])} {hour['weatherDesc'][0]['value']}, {format_chances(hour)}\n"
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PavlosMelissinos commented Mar 13, 2022

Hey, thanks for the script!

For anyone interested, I played a bit with it and here's the result.

I've made a couple of changes:

  • I've added localization support. If you want text to appear in a different language all you have to do is
  • Weather events appear in descending order of probability, e.g. Fog 32%, Overcast 82%, Rain 24% now appears as Overcast 82%, Fog 32%, Rain 24%

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Thanks for the widget, @bjesus! Could you modify it to also show the wind direction with a little arrow in the waybar?

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bjesus commented Aug 6, 2022

Hey @mortenivar, you should be able to use winddir16Point and replace it with a unicode character like 🡰 🡲 🡱 🡳 🡴 🡵 🡶 🡷.

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Hi @bjesus,
I will try that. Thank you very much.

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@bjesus - thanks for your script, I am loving it.

Made some changes to add the areaName and region to the tooltip because sometimes geolocated a very wrong location. You did not specify any license for the snippet, Would you mind if I checked in the modified script in my github. - of course I will give credits.

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bjesus commented Dec 12, 2022

Hey @truschival - please go ahead! It's yours. Happy to hear you found it useful.

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saltasatelites commented Jan 15, 2023

Only problem I'm having right now is that is giving a different result than for current condition, so the current temperature is outdated. For example, right now it's 26C but the widget reports 43C, which would have been accurate a couple of hours ago I believe.

Maybe your "interval" is too long. By "default" is 6000. Have you tried with a short interval?

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Hey, thanks for the script!

For anyone interested, I played a bit with it and here's the result.

I've made a couple of changes:

* I've added localization support. If you want text to appear in a different language all you have to do is
  * add a new entry to [the localization dictionary](; make sure that the keys match those from the existing entries and
  * set [`lang`]( to that locale. The locale name [has to be supported by](

* Weather events appear in descending order of probability, e.g. `Fog 32%, Overcast 82%, Rain 24%` now appears as `Overcast 82%, Fog 32%, Rain 24%`

Thanks, works perfectly in es

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For any American heathens that prefer fahrenheit and anyone that likes to specify a location. I updated the script to parse arguments for location and temperature unit:

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Here's a version that:

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fhmbrg commented Apr 13, 2023

Thanks for this script works like a charm. Only a little cosmetical change is needed to make it the perfect fit. How can I change the date output from YYYY-MM-DD into DD-MM-YYYY?

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PavlosMelissinos commented Apr 13, 2023

@fhmbrg You need to change data['tooltip'] += f"{day['date']}</b>\n" to data['tooltip'] += f"{datetime.strptime(day['date'], '%Y-%m-%d').strftime('%d-%m-%Y')}</b>\n"

What this does is take day['date'] which has the YYYY-MM-DD format, convert it to a datetime object (via strptime, string "parse" time) and then pass the result to strftime (string "format" time) to get the final formatting.

edit: fixed nesting in fstring

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fhmbrg commented Apr 14, 2023

@PavlosMelissinos thanks for your reply you've made my day.

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Is it possible to show the time in 24-hour format instead of pm/am ?

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bjesus commented Apr 17, 2023

Hey y'all, this gist got a little out of hand with so many fixes and version floating around. I therefore converted the whole script to Rust and made it much more configurable via CLI arguments - you can now set your date format, exact location, AM/PM mode, and more. I thought it's nicer to have this one binary that doesn't depend on Python. check it out here:

If I missed your use case please submit an issue there 🙏

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Haikuno commented Apr 17, 2023

Thank you so much!

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Thank you! Much appreciated! 🙏🏻😀

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fhmbrg commented Apr 17, 2023

Hey y'all, this gist got a little out of hand with so many fixes and version floating around. I therefore converted the whole script to Rust and made it much more configurable via CLI arguments - you can now set your date format, exact location, AM/PM mode, and more. I thought it's nicer to have this one binary that doesn't depend on Python. check it out here:

If I missed your use case please submit an issue there pray

I installed the AUR package and replaced my old weather module (python variant) with the following entry, assuming that the date is in format and the time format is 24h, since I did not specify --ampm:

But date is shown as YYYY-MM-DD and time format is am/pm.

"custom/weather": {
    "format": "{}",
    "tooltip": true,
    "interval": 3600,
    "exec": "wttrbar --location=52382 --main-indicator=FeelsLikeC --date-format=%d.%m.%Y",
    "return-type": "json"

I also tried enclosing e. g. FeelsLikeC in single quotes and without "=" in front of it. How to I set these parameters?

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bjesus commented Apr 17, 2023

@fhmbrg please use the issues in the repo fo this, so others can benefit from it too.

the syntax is --main-indicator "FeelsLikeC" --dateformat "%d.%m.%Y". I should however change it to use --date-format instead of --dateformat, will update it later

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This awesome, hackable Python version is public domain now, right?

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bjesus commented May 7, 2023

Sure - it always was - but I don't know why one would prefer using this and not the Rust based implementation (which is MIT licensed, so practically also do whatever you want with it).

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I personally prefer using this over the Rust solution, as it's easier (at least, to folks familiar with Python) to hack together, or configure, things the way we want to.

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is the location grabbed automatically, or do we need to specify it? @fhmbrg has put a number in location, where do i get that number for my specific location? Thanks in advance

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@veggiedev you can check the wttr docs to see what they allow. Visit their help page and check under Supported location types.

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@veggiedev you can check the wttr docs to see what they allow. Visit their help page and check under Supported location types.

Thank you!

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Can it show both "feelslikeC" and "tempC", if so, please, how to do that?

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Can it show both "feelslikeC" and "tempC", if so, please, how to do that?

@daxisunder Just copy and paste line 95 and change one of them to be tempC, and also update the description accordingly.

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bjesus commented Dec 28, 2023

The rust version allows you to use to use --custom-indicator to show multiple things as the main indicator.

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manio commented May 4, 2024

@bjesus I was still using this python version (very often it was not working for unknown reason - it was just not showing the weather in some specific refresh-cycle, next hour after refresh it was OK).

Today I was copying this plugin and config to my new Arch sway machine and the script was working fine from console, but swaybar was complaining about some JSON parsing - weird.

I was googling how to fix this problem and ... I encounter your Rust version which I was not even aware of!
I don't have to say how great news is this!
Your great weather applet is now in rock-solid rust version! Yay! 🎉
Much thank you for this. Now I have it migrated and works like a charm! 🚀 :)

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bjesus commented May 5, 2024

Thanks @manio , such a great message to receive! ❤️ it's nice to have so many people contributing to wttrbar now (14 contributers so far!) and the the strictness of Rust makes it easier to keep it all structured in a sane way.

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