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Siva Arwin SivaArwin

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city_from = input('From which city? ')
city_to = input('Where to? ')
date_start = input('Search around which departure date? Please use YYYY-MM-DD format only ')
date_end = input('Return when? Please use YYYY-MM-DD format only ')
# city_from = 'LIS'
# city_to = 'SIN'
# date_start = '2019-08-21'
# date_end = '2019-09-07'
def start_kayak(city_from, city_to, date_start, date_end):
"""City codes - it's the IATA codes!
Date format - YYYY-MM-DD"""
kayak = ('' + city_from + '-' + city_to +
'/' + date_start + '-flexible/' + date_end + '-flexible?sort=bestflight_a')
# sometimes a popup shows up, so we can use a try statement to check it and close
def page_scrape():
"""This function takes care of the scraping part"""
xp_sections = '//*[@class="section duration"]'
sections = driver.find_elements_by_xpath(xp_sections)
sections_list = [value.text for value in sections]
section_a_list = sections_list[::2] # This is to separate the two flights
section_b_list = sections_list[1::2] # This is to separate the two flights
# if you run into a reCaptcha, you might want to do something about it
def page_scrape():
"""This function takes care of the scraping part"""
xp_sections = '//*[@class="section duration"]'
sections = driver.find_elements_by_xpath(xp_sections)
sections_list = [value.text for value in sections]
section_a_list = sections_list[::2] # This is to separate the two flights
section_b_list = sections_list[1::2] # This is to separate the two flights
# if you run into a reCaptcha, you might want to do something about it
# Load more results to maximize the scraping
def load_more():
more_results = '//a[@class = "moreButton"]'
# Printing these notes during the program helps me quickly check what it is doing