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Last active April 28, 2021 14:57
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Project Google_Critic

There is two problems:

#1 When inspect the footer does not belong with the page and it not shrink the page height. #1.1 Footer text not being responsive with the page #2 Header when reducing the space between them are not the same. #2.1 The image header (dots) need to be always at the same size independentment the viewport.


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<title> Google Mask </title>
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<h1> One account. All Data for Google.</h1>
<h3> Google is your friend.</h3>
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<summary> Concept Work </summary>
<p> <i style="font-size: 1.5em;"> "The masterful use of deceptive rhetoric and purposeful cultural malpractice." </i> <br> by Shoshana Zuboff</p>
<p> Users are no longer ends in themselves, but means for the purposes of others. Google found out that we are worth less than other people's bets on our future behavior. The discovery of the behavioral surplus company sells the forecasts for targeted advertising. It is the beginning of surveillance capitalism. google ignored the moral and legal content of individual decision rights and turned the situation on to technological opportunism and unilateral power. We are not the product but sources of supply of raw materials.</p>
<br> <summary>Our Mission</summary>
<p>It is up to us to make the digital future of our home. We will have to decide. we will have to decide who decides. This is our struggle for a human future.</p>
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<li > Portugal </li>
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<li ><a href="#images"> No Terms </a></li>
<li ><a href="#gmail"> A Matter of Business </a></li>
<li ><a href="#images"> Advertising all of the Time $ </a></li>
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