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Last active March 14, 2022 21:01
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Create a sideways wibar in awesome window manager

Create a sideways wibar in awesome wm


The wibar of the awesome window manager is extremely flexible and can do many things that are hard to do with other panels at best, that ususally end up being janky anyway, and sometimes just are not possible outright. One of these things is to move the panel to the side of the screen and have everything behave correctly. In the following, I am going to show you how you can create a panel attactched to the right side of each of your connected screens.

The code

#!/usr/bin/env lua5.3
local awful         = require("awful")
local wibox         = require("wibox")
local gears         = require("gears")
local hotkeys_popup = require("awful.hotkeys_popup")

-- Create a new wibar on the left of the screen.
-- s = the scrren (from `screen.connect_signal...`)
local function sideways_wibar(s)
	local swwb = {}

	if mylauncher then
		swwb.main_menu_button = mylauncher
		swwb.main_menu_content = {
			{ "hotkeys", function() hotkeys_popup.show_help(nil, awful.screen.focused()) end },
			{ "manual", terminal .. " -e man awesome" },
			{ "edit config", editor_cmd .. " " .. awesome.conffile },
			{ "restart", awesome.restart },
			{ "quit", function() awesome.quit() end },

		swwb.main_menu = {
			items = {
				{ "awesome", swwb.main_menu, beautiful.awesome_icon },
				{ "open terminal", terminal or "xterm" }

		swwb.main_menu_launcher = awful.widget.launcher {
			image = beautiful.awesome_icon,
			menu = swwb.main_menu,

	swwb.taglist = awful.widget.taglist {
		screen  = s,
		filter  = awful.widget.taglist.filter.all,
		layout  = {
			layout  = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical
		widget_template = {
						id     = "text_role",
						align  = "center",
						valign = "center",
						widget = wibox.widget.textbox,
					layout = wibox.layout.align.horizontal,
				margins = 5,
				widget = wibox.container.margin,
			id     = "background_role",
			widget = wibox.container.background,
		buttons = {
			awful.button({ }, 1, function(t) t:view_only() end),
			awful.button({ modkey }, 1, function(t)
				if client.focus then
			awful.button({ }, 3, awful.tag.viewtoggle),
			awful.button({ modkey }, 3, function(t)
				if client.focus then
			awful.button({ }, 4, function(t) awful.tag.viewprev(t.screen) end),
			awful.button({ }, 5, function(t) awful.tag.viewnext(t.screen) end),

	swwb.layoutbox = awful.widget.layoutbox {
		screen  = s,
		buttons = {
			awful.button({ }, 1, function () 1) end),
			awful.button({ }, 3, function () end),
			awful.button({ }, 4, function () end),
			awful.button({ }, 5, function () 1) end),

	swwb.tasklist = awful.widget.tasklist {
		screen = s,
		filter = awful.widget.tasklist.filter.currenttags,
		layout = {
			layout  = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical
		widget_template = {
				id     = "icon_role",
				widget = wibox.widget.imagebox,
			id     = "background_role",
			widget = wibox.container.background,
		buttons = {
			awful.button({ }, 1, function (c)
				c:activate { context = "tasklist", action = "toggle_minimization" }
			awful.button({ }, 3, function() { theme = { width = 250 } } end),
			awful.button({ }, 4, function() awful.client.focus.byidx(-1) end),
			awful.button({ }, 5, function() awful.client.focus.byidx( 1) end),

	swwb.clock = wibox.widget {
			format = "<b>%H:%M</b>",
			widget = wibox.widget.textclock,
		expand = "outside",
		layout = wibox.layout.align.horizontal,

	swwb.systray = wibox.widget {
		horizontal = false,
		widget     = wibox.widget.systray,

	swwb.wibar = awful.wibar {
		position = "left",
		screen = s,
		width = 42,
		widget = {
			{ -- Top
				layout = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical,
			{ -- Center
				layout = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical,
			{ -- Bottom
				layout = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical,
			--expand = "outside",
			layout = wibox.layout.align.vertical,

	return swwb.wibar

return sideways_wibar


This document is released into the public domain under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0 license) license, while the code snippets within it are licensed under the unlicense. Both licenses can be considered public domain, as-is licenses (this is not legal advice; read the licenses).

Any questions left?

Just leave a comment, I'll try to help!

Tags / SEO / search engine optimization

These are some tags so that people looking for a solution will find this, rather than a dozen disconnected Reddit posts :)

  • awesome
  • awesome wm
  • awesome window manager
  • awesome wm sidebar
  • create sidebar awesome wm
  • move panel to side awesome
  • sideways panel awesome
  • awesome rotate panel
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This is the first time I see someone have a tab's size of 8, lol
Btw, nice gist

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SkyyySi commented Jan 25, 2022

@Kritiqual Well, that's GitHub's fault. I use tabs with a width of 4, and even set that in the GitHub editor - they just don't save that change and always use 8 character wide tabs instead. I guess Microsoft really wants people to use spaces, lol

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Add y music best after yt vanced for me but ads comes in this that can be blocked via adblockers very good experimence with that app purpose both you can watch videos either listen song with blocking videos and saving data

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Hey pro sir i wanna learn coding independently for myself how can i start as a student

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SkyyySi commented Mar 14, 2022


Add y music best after yt vanced for me but ads comes in this that can be blocked via adblockers very good experimence with that app purpose both you can watch videos either listen song with blocking videos and saving data

Wrong thread mate ;)

Hey pro sir i wanna learn coding independently for myself how can i start as a student

I learned this by repeatedly trying to make widgets for the Awesome window manager by reading the docs and modifying the code while asking dozens of questions on their Subreddit and Discord. That was my first real experience with programming.

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