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Evangelizing Lisp

Adam Flanczewski Slackwise

Evangelizing Lisp
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Slackwise / gist:51947209915a5bd1647982c2891a21ac
Created October 17, 2024 00:18 — forked from jackrusher/gist:5139396
Hofstadter on Lisp: Atoms and Lists, re-printed in Metamagical Themas.

Hofstadter on Lisp

In the mid-80s, while reading through my roommate's collection of Scientific American back issues, I encountered this introduction to Lisp written by Douglas Hofstadter. I found it very charming at the time, and provide it here (somewhat illegally) for the edification of a new generation of Lispers.

In a testament to the timelessness of Lisp, you can still run all the examples below in emacs if you install these aliases:

(defalias 'plus #'+)
(defalias 'quotient #'/)
(defalias 'times #'*)
(defalias 'difference #'-)
Slackwise /
Created September 27, 2024 16:19 — forked from jonlabelle/
npm version cheatsheet

npm version cheatsheet

npm uses Semantic Versioning

npm uses Semantic Versioning. Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:

  1. MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
  2. MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner, and
  3. PATCH version when you make backwards compatible bug fixes.
Slackwise / oledtest.pde
Created July 16, 2024 03:18 — forked from marcedwards/oledtest.pde
OLED black smearing test for Processing 3.4
// OLED black smearing test for Processing 3.4.
// Black smearing = changing pixels to and from pure black is slower than changing to and from other colours.
// Code by @marcedwards from @bjango.
void setup() {
size(360, 360, P2D);
Slackwise / gist:f7594c993d84f8707d30ae49471d765d
Last active June 12, 2023 01:52 — forked from dangerous/gist:98b2b158b5625f837b8bdce43a965b3f
First 10000 reddit users sourced from karmalb
1. kn0thing
2. spez
3. third
4. fifth
5. fourth
6. agentorange
7. chickenlittle
8. erzengel
9. fizzypop
10. madmax2
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