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Created July 27, 2022 18:54
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/// Thin, bytes-friendly middleware
/// This Middleware corresponds with `HTTPBytes` handlers
module HttpMiddleware.HttpMiddlewareV1
module Request =
open Prelude
open LibExecution.VendoredTablecloth
module RT = LibExecution.RuntimeTypes
module HttpQueryEncoding = BackendOnlyStdLib.HttpQueryEncoding
let private parseQueryString (query : string) : RT.Dval =
// Drop leading ?
let query = if query.Length > 0 then String.dropLeft 1 query else query
HttpQueryEncoding.ofFormEncoding query
let private parseHeaders (headers : (string * string) list) =
|> (fun (k, v) -> (String.toLowercase k, RT.DStr v))
|> Map
|> RT.Dval.DObj
let private parseCookies (cookies : string) : RT.Dval =
let decode = System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode
|> String.split ";"
|> String.trim
|> (fun s -> s.Split("=", 2) |> Array.toList)
|> (fun cookie ->
match cookie with
| [] -> ("", RT.DNull) // skip empty rows
| [ _ ] -> ("", RT.DNull) // skip rows with only a key
| k :: v :: _ -> (decode k, RT.DStr(decode v)))
|> RT.Dval.obj
let private cookies (headers : HttpHeaders.T) : RT.Dval =
HttpHeaders.get "cookie" headers
|> parseCookies
|> Option.defaultValue (RT.DObj Map.empty)
let private url (headers : List<string * string>) (uri : string) =
// .NET doesn't url-encode the query like we expect, so we're going to do it
let parsed = System.UriBuilder(uri)
// FSTODO test this somehow (probably fuzz against old)
parsed.Query <- urlEncodeExcept "*$@!:()~?/.,&-_=\\" parsed.Query
// Set the scheme if it's passed by the load balancer
|> List.find (fun (k, _) -> String.toLowercase k = "x-forwarded-proto")
|> (fun (_, v) -> parsed.Scheme <- v)
|> ignore<Option<unit>>
// Use .Uri or it will slip in a port number
RT.DStr(string parsed.Uri)
// -------------------------
// Exported
// -------------------------
// If allow_unparsed is true, we fall back to DNull; this allows us to create a
// 404 for a request with an unparseable body
let fromRequest
(uri : string)
(headers : List<string * string>)
(query : string)
(body : byte array)
: RT.Dval =
let body =
UTF8.ofBytesUnsafe body |> RT.DStr
| _ -> RT.DError(RT.SourceNone, "Invalid UTF8 input")
let parts =
[ "body", body
"queryParams", parseQueryString query
"headers", parseHeaders headers
"cookies", cookies headers
"url", url headers uri ]
RT.Dval.obj parts
module private Headers =
open Prelude
open LibExecution.VendoredTablecloth
module MediaType =
type T =
| Json
| Text
| Other of string
override this.ToString() : string =
match this with
| Json -> "application/json"
| Text -> "text/plain"
| Other s -> s
let parse (str : string) : T =
match String.trim str with
| "application/json" -> Json
| "text/plain" -> Text
| _ -> Other str
module Charset =
type T =
| Utf8
| NotUtf8 of string
override this.ToString() : string =
match this with
| Utf8 -> "utf-8"
| NotUtf8 s -> s
let parse (str : string) : T =
match String.trim str with
| "utf-8" -> Utf8
| _ -> NotUtf8 str
module ContentType =
type T =
| Known of MediaType.T * Charset.T
| KnownNoCharset of MediaType.T
| Unknown of string // don't parse out charset or boundary or anything
override this.ToString() : string =
match this with
| Known (mt, cs) -> $"{mt}; charset={cs}"
| KnownNoCharset (mt) -> string mt
| Unknown s -> s
let toMediaType (ct : T) : Option<MediaType.T> =
match ct with
| Known (mt, _) -> Some mt
| KnownNoCharset (mt) -> Some mt
| Unknown s -> None
let toHttpHeader (ct : T) : HttpHeaders.Header = "Content-Type", string ct
let text = (Known(MediaType.Text, Charset.Utf8))
let json = (Known(MediaType.Json, Charset.Utf8))
let textHeader : HttpHeaders.Header = toHttpHeader text
module Response =
open Prelude
module RT = LibExecution.RuntimeTypes
type HttpResponse =
{ statusCode : int
body : byte array
headers : HttpHeaders.T }
module ContentType = Headers.ContentType
module MediaType = Headers.MediaType
module DvalReprLegacyExternal = LibExecution.DvalReprLegacyExternal
module Telemetry = LibService.Telemetry
let toHttpResponse (result : RT.Dval) : HttpResponse =
// HttpBytesTODO: should we do less, or different things, for these error cases?
// maybe we really just leave all of this up to the user, and yell if we have anything other than DBytes?
match result with
// ----------
// errors
// ----------
| RT.DErrorRail (RT.DOption None)
| RT.DErrorRail (RT.DResult (Error _)) ->
// CLEANUP: result should become a 500 error
Telemetry.addTags [ "response-type", "Common ErrorRail response"
"result", result ]
{ statusCode = 404
headers = [ "Server", "darklang"; ContentType.textHeader ]
body = UTF8.toBytes "Not found" }
| RT.DErrorRail _ ->
Telemetry.addTags [ "response-type", "Unexpected ErrorRail response"
"result", result ]
{ statusCode = 500
headers = [ "Server", "darklang"; ContentType.textHeader ]
body = UTF8.toBytes "Invalid conversion from errorrail" }
| RT.DIncomplete _ ->
Telemetry.addTags [ "response-type", "dincomplete"; "result", result ]
let message =
"Application error: the executed code was not complete. This error can be resolved by the application author by completing the incomplete code."
{ statusCode = 500
headers = [ ContentType.textHeader ]
body = UTF8.toBytes message }
| RT.DError _ ->
Telemetry.addTags [ "response-type", "derror"; "result", result ]
let message =
"Application error: the executed program was invalid. This problem can be resolved by the application's author by resolving the invalid code (often a type error)."
{ statusCode = 500
headers = [ ContentType.textHeader ]
body = UTF8.toBytes message }
// ----------
// expected user responses
// ----------
| RT.DHttpResponse (RT.Redirect str) ->
Telemetry.addTags [ "response-type", "httpResponse redirect" ]
{ statusCode = int 302; headers = [ "Location", str ]; body = [||] }
| RT.DHttpResponse (RT.Response (code, headers, body)) ->
Telemetry.addTags [ "response-type", "httpResponse response" ]
let body =
match body with
| RT.DBytes b -> b
| _ ->
// HttpBytesTODO: what should we do here?
// If the user indicates some specific content-type, should we do something?
DvalReprLegacyExternal.toPrettyMachineJsonStringV1 body |> UTF8.toBytes
{ statusCode = int code; headers = headers; body = body }
| dv ->
Telemetry.addTags [ "response-type", "user value" ]
// HttpBytesTODO: what should we do here?
// for demonstrations sake, let's return 200 Okay when
// no HTTP response object is returned
{ statusCode = 200
headers = [ ContentType.toHttpHeader (ContentType.json) ]
body =
dv |> DvalReprLegacyExternal.toPrettyMachineJsonStringV1 |> UTF8.toBytes }
module Cors =
open Prelude
open Tablecloth
module Req = Request
module Resp = Response
let private inferCorsOriginHeader (headers : HttpHeaders.T) : string option =
let originHeader = HttpHeaders.get "Origin" headers
let defaultOrigins =
[ "http://localhost:3000"; "http://localhost:5000"; "http://localhost:8000" ]
let header =
match originHeader with
// if there's no explicit canvas setting, allow common localhosts
| Some origin when List.contains origin defaultOrigins -> Some origin
// if there's no supplied origin, don't set the header at all.
| None -> None
// Otherwise: there was a supplied origin and it's not in the setting.
// return "null" explicitly
| Some _ -> Some "null"
let addCorsHeaders
(reqHeaders : HttpHeaders.T)
(response : Resp.HttpResponse)
: Resp.HttpResponse =
inferCorsOriginHeader reqHeaders
|> (fun origin ->
{ response with
// these are added in order, so make sure the user's setting wins
headers = [ "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", origin ] @ response.headers })
|> Option.defaultValue response
let optionsResponse (reqHeaders : HttpHeaders.T) : Option<Resp.HttpResponse> =
// When javascript in a browser tries to make an unusual cross-origin
// request (for example, a POST with a weird content-type or something with
// weird headers), the browser first makes an OPTIONS request to the
// server in order to get its permission to make that request. It includes
// "origin", the originating origin, and "access-control-request-headers",
// which is the list of headers the javascript would like to use.
// (Ordinary GETs and some POSTs get handled in addCorsHeaders, above,
// without an OPTIONS).
// Our strategy here is: if it's from an allowed origin (i.e., in the canvas
// cors_setting) to:
// - return an Access-Control-Allow-Origin header for that origin
// - return Access-Control-Allow-Headers with the requested headers
// - return Access-Control-Allow-Methods for all of the methods we think
// might be useful.
let acReqHeaders = HttpHeaders.get "access-control-request-headers" reqHeaders
let allowHeaders = Option.defaultValue "*" acReqHeaders
(inferCorsOriginHeader reqHeaders)
|> (fun origin ->
{ statusCode = 200
body = [||]
headers =
[ "Access-Control-Allow-Headers", allowHeaders
// CLEANUP: if the origin is null here, we probably shouldn't add the other headers
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin", origin
"Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET,PUT,POST,DELETE,PATCH,HEAD,OPTIONS" ] })
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