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quotes and thoughts
- ![](
- Go slow and look ahead
- Move anything forward
- Everyone is doing the best they can
- If you ask for money, you get advice. If you ask for advice, you get money
- Tell stories, not plans
- Doing is better than perfect
- If it's not impossible, there must be a way to do it
- It's the scary choices that end up being the most worthwhile
- The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated
- When was the last time you did something for the first time?
- Don't be cruel
- thought -> todo -> calendar -> action -> journal
- Separate thinking and execution to execute faster and think better
- Failure is not a state; it's an event
- It's better to fail at something you love than to succeed at something you hate
- Life must be lived forward, but can only be understood backward
- I never regret things I've done, but I regret many things I have not done
- You're smarter and more interesting than you think you are
- You're stupider and less interesting than you think you are
- The ability to transcend roles is the most impressive feature a human being can have
- Listen with the intent to understand, not the intent to respond
- If you see a problem, you can fix, ignore, learn about, escape, or worsen the problem
- Entrepreneurship is the conversion of 'self' into money
- Pursue loneliness for the sake of internal exploration
- Passion and technical skills are distinct, almost orthogonal
- Of anything, one may consume, produce, digest, reduce, or improve.
- Great men are forged in fire. It is the privilege of lesser men to light the flame.
- A genius is the one most like himself.
- Success Is Going from Failure to Failure Without Losing Your Enthusiasm
- consume to produce, produce to learn / learn by producing, produce by consuming
- meditate: to detach from inputs and outputs
great people of the past who excelled in math/sciences sought time and passions in creative works (philosohy, art, writing) to escape the emotions caused by neurosis. Then, it was natural to pursue both, but due to our education systems pidgeonholing and focusing on a career so early, it happens often (at least for me) by more of a manual means
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