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Last active November 5, 2015 20:12
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open System
type Choice = Rock | Scissors | Paper
type RoundResult = WinRound | TieRound | LoseRound
let roundResult = function
| Rock, Rock | Scissors, Scissors | Paper, Paper -> TieRound
| Rock, Scissors | Scissors, Paper | Paper, Rock -> WinRound
| Rock, Paper | Scissors, Rock | Paper, Scissors -> LoseRound
let keyMap = function
| ConsoleKey.R -> Some Rock
| ConsoleKey.P -> Some Paper
| ConsoleKey.S -> Some Scissors
| _ -> None
let choiceName = function
| Rock -> "Rock"
| Paper -> "Paper"
| Scissors -> "Scissors"
let rec readPlayerChoice () =
let keyPressed = System.Console.ReadKey(true).Key
match keyMap keyPressed with
| Some a -> a
| None -> readPlayerChoice()
let randomChoice () =
[Rock; Scissors; Paper]
|> List.sortBy(fun x -> System.Guid.NewGuid())
|> List.head
let resultMessage = function
| WinRound -> "Player wins round!"
| LoseRound -> "Computer wins round!"
| TieRound -> "Tie!"
let playRound () =
printfn "Choose [R]ock, [S]cissors, [P]aper:"
let playerChoice = readPlayerChoice()
printfn "Player Choice: %A" (choiceName playerChoice)
let computerChoice = randomChoice()
printfn "Computer Choice: %A" (choiceName computerChoice)
let roundResult = roundResult (playerChoice, computerChoice)
printfn "%A" (resultMessage roundResult)
type Game = {
round: int
playerScore: int
computerScore: int
winsPerGame: int }
let (|HumanWin|ComputerWin|GameInProgress|) game =
if game.computerScore >= game.winsPerGame then HumanWin
elif game.playerScore >= game.winsPerGame then ComputerWin
else GameInProgress
let gameFromRound game roundResult =
match roundResult with
| WinRound ->
{ game with
round = game.round + 1
playerScore = game.playerScore + 1 }
| LoseRound ->
{ game with
round = game.round + 1
playerScore = game.playerScore + 1
computerScore = game.computerScore + 1 }
| TieRound -> { game with round = game.round + 1 }
let rec playGame game =
match game with
| HumanWin -> printfn "Computer wins!"
| ComputerWin -> printfn "Player wins!"
| GameInProgress ->
printfn "Round %d" game.round
printfn "Player Score: %d" game.playerScore
printfn "Computer Score: %d" game.computerScore
playRound() |> gameFromRound game |> playGame
let main argv =
{ round = 1
playerScore = 0
computerScore = 0
winsPerGame = 3
} |> playGame
System.Console.ReadLine() |> ignore
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under 100 LOC and still pretty and legible. I'm happy now.

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