tmux new [-s name] [cmd]
) - new session
tmux ls
) - list sessionstmux switch [-t name]
) - switches to an existing sessiontmux as [id] [-t name]
) - attaches to an existing session<C-a>c
) - detach the currently attached session
- list sessions<C-a>$
- name session
tmux kill-session [-t name]
(:neww [-n name] [cmd]
) - new window
(:selectw -t [i]
) - go to window[i]
- go to last window<C-a>p
- go to previous window<C-a>n
- go to next window
- rename window<C-a>,
- rename window<C-a>w
- list all windows<C-a>f
- find window by name<C-a>.
- move window to another session (promt):movew
- move window to next unused number
) - kill window
- (%)
(:splitw [-v] [-p width] [-t focus] [cmd]
) - split current pane vertically - (")
(:splitw -h [-p width] [-t focus] [cmd]
) - split current pane horizontally
- (o)
(:selectp -t :.+
) - move cursor to the next pane <C-a><Up>
(:selectp -U
) - move cursor to the pane above<C-a><Down>
(:selectp -D
) - move cursor to the pane below<C-a><Left>
(:selectp -L
) - move cursor to the pane to the left<C-a><Right>
(:selectp -R
) - move cursor to the pane to the right:selectp [i]
- move cursor to the pane[i]
- (
:swap-pane -U
) - move current pane up - (
:swap-pane -D
) - move current pane down <C-a>{
(:swap-pane -L
) - move current pane to the left<C-a>}
(:swap-pane -R
) - move current pane to the right<C-a>q
- show pane numbers (type number to move cursor)<C-a><Space>
- toggle pane arrangements
:resize-pane -U [i]
- move horizontal divider up by[i]
lines:resize-pane -D [i]
- move horizontal divider down by[i]
lines:resize-pane -L [i]
- move vertical divider left by[i]
columns:resize-pane -R [i]
- move vertical divider right by[i]
resize-pane [-DLRUZ] [-x width] [-y height] [-t target-pane] [adjustment]
) - kill current pane
- show time<C-a>r
- reload config
Yes, so the default action is not move the pane to the right or left.
So it can't move pane like as vim buffer to the right or left in this markdown file say.