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Created February 16, 2024 00:51
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SSH based prometheus collector for GPON SFP
# Invoked as: /usr/bin/python3 /home/strykar/.bin/ --hostname --port 22 --user admin --password XXXXXX --webserver-port 8111
import argparse
from prometheus_client import start_http_server, Gauge, Info
import paramiko
import time
import re
#import logging
# Define the command-line argument parser
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='GPON Metrics Collector')
parser.add_argument('--hostname', action='append', help='Hostname or IP of the GPON device', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--port', action='append', type=int, help='SSH port of the GPON device', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--user', action='append', help='Username for SSH authentication', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--password', action='append', help='Password for SSH authentication', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--webserver-port', type=int, default=8114, help='Port for the Prometheus metrics web server to listen on')
# Parse command-line arguments
args = parser.parse_args()
# Metric Definitions
temperature_gauge = Gauge('gpon_temperature_celsius', 'Temperature of the GPON device in Celsius', ['ip'])
voltage_gauge = Gauge('gpon_voltage_volts', 'Voltage of the GPON device in Volts', ['ip'])
tx_power_gauge = Gauge('gpon_tx_power_dbm', 'Tx Power of the GPON device in dBm', ['ip'])
rx_power_gauge = Gauge('gpon_rx_power_dbm', 'Rx Power of the GPON device in dBm', ['ip'])
bias_current_gauge = Gauge('gpon_bias_current_mA', 'Bias Current of the GPON device in mA', ['ip'])
onu_state_gauge = Gauge('gpon_onu_state', 'ONU State of the GPON device', ['ip'])
onu_id_gauge = Gauge('gpon_onu_id', 'ONU ID of the GPON device', ['ip'])
loid_status_gauge = Gauge('gpon_loid_status', 'LOID Status of the GPON device', ['ip'])
# ONU State and LOID Status Mappings
onu_state_mapping = {
'03': 3,
'O5': 5,
# Add more mappings for other states as needed
loid_status_mapping = {
'Initial Status': 0,
'Loid Error': 1,
# Add more mappings for other statuses as needed
def fetch_and_update_metrics_via_ssh(hostname, port, username, password):
client = paramiko.SSHClient()
client.connect(hostname, port, username, password, look_for_keys=False, allow_agent=False)
commands = {
'diag pon get transceiver bias-current': bias_current_gauge,
'diag pon get transceiver rx-power': rx_power_gauge,
'diag pon get transceiver temperature': temperature_gauge,
'diag pon get transceiver tx-power': tx_power_gauge,
'diag pon get transceiver voltage': voltage_gauge,
'diag gpon get onu-state': onu_state_gauge,
'omcicli get onuid': onu_id_gauge,
'omcicli get state': loid_status_gauge,
for command, gauge in commands.items():
stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command(command)
result =
if command in ['diag pon get transceiver rx-power', 'diag pon get transceiver tx-power']:
value ='(-?\d+\.\d+)', result)
if value:
elif command.startswith('diag gpon get onu-state'):
state_code ='ONU state: (.*)', result)
if state_code:
gauge.labels(ip=hostname).set(onu_state_mapping.get(, 0))
elif command.startswith('omcicli get state'):
status_code ='LOID Status: (.*)', result)
if status_code:
gauge.labels(ip=hostname).set(loid_status_mapping.get(, 0))
value ='(\d+\.\d+)', result)
if value:
def main():
while True:
for i in range(len(args.hostname)):
fetch_and_update_metrics_via_ssh(args.hostname[i], args.port[i], args.user[i], args.password[i])
time.sleep(60) # Fetch every 60 seconds
if __name__ == "__main__":
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