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Swoorup Joshi Swoorup

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vi /
Last active September 10, 2024 02:16
List of crates that improves or experiments with Rust, but may be hard to find

Let's list here crates that enhance Rust as a language.

It not "batteries" like in stdx, but Rust-specific crates for workarounds for various missing features and experimental ideals from non-accepted/postponed RFCs, or just hacky tricks.

The list is supposed to contain (mostly) crates that are internal to Rust, not ones for making Rust deal with "external world" like other languages bindings, file formats, protocols and so on.

Primary focus should be on crates that are not easy to find by conventional means (e.g. no algorithm name, format or protocol to search for).

Note that quality of the listed crates may vary from proof-of-concept to stable-and-widely-used.

Savelenko / Program.fs
Last active June 13, 2021 14:41
Advanced(?) domain-driven design in F#
let main argv =
printfn "Should be zero (netWeight emptyPallet): %A" Stock.shouldBeZero
printfn "harvesterPartsWeight: %A" Stock.harvesterPartsWeight
printfn "grossWeight harvesterParts: %A" (Stock.grossWeight Stock.harvesterParts)
printfn "grossWeight emptyPallet: %A" (Stock.grossWeight Stock.emptyPallet)
printfn "netWeight harvesterParts: %A" (Stock.netWeight Stock.harvesterParts)
printfn "value harvesterParts: %A" (Stock.value Stock.harvesterParts)
printfn "boxLabels harvesterParts: %A" (Stock.boxLabels Stock.harvesterParts)
printfn "boxLabels emptyPallet: %A" (Stock.boxLabels Stock.emptyPallet)
Horusiath / Effect.fs
Created September 19, 2020 04:58
Inferred dependency injection over async bindings.
open System
[<Struct>] type Effect<'env, 'out> = Effect of ('env -> Async<'out>)
module Effect =
/// Create value with no dependency requirements.
let inline value (x: 'out): Effect<'env,'out> = Effect (fun _ -> async.Return x)
/// Create value which uses depenendency.
Horusiath / Program.fs
Last active December 26, 2023 12:21
A simple Reliable Causal Broadcast implementation using F# and Akka.NET
module Program =
type InMemoryDb(replica: ReplicaId) =
let snapshot = ref null
let mutable events : Map<uint64,obj> = Map.empty
interface Db with
member _.SaveSnapshot state = async { snapshot := (box state) }
member _.LoadSnapshot<'s>() = async {
match !snapshot with
graninas /
Last active April 25, 2024 20:49
Haskell Approaches Comparison Table

An Opinionated Comparison of Software Design Approaches in Haskell

| | Raw IO | Free Monads; Church Encoded Free Monads | Final Tagless / mtl | Effect Systems | ReaderT

ckelner /
Last active April 9, 2024 20:04 — forked from WintersMichael/
Understanding Kubernetes in 10 minutes - By Mike Schuette

Understanding Kubernetes in 10 minutes

Original document can be found here; written by Mike Schuette.

This document provides a rapid-fire overview of Kubernetes concepts, vocabulary, and operations. The target audience is anyone who runs applications in a cloud environment today, and who wants to understand the basic mechanics of a Kubernetes cluster. The goal is that within 10 minutes, managers who read this should be able to listen in on a Kubernetes conversation and follow along at a high level, and engineers should be ready to deploy a sample app to a toy cluster of their own.

This orientation doc was written because the official Kubernetes docs are a great reference, but they present a small cliff to climb for newcomers.

If you want to understand why you should consider running Kubernetes, see the official Kubernetes conceptual overview document. This doc

Understanding Kubernetes in 10 minutes

This document provides a rapid-fire overview of Kubernetes concepts, vocabulary, and operations. The target audience is anyone who runs applications in a cloud environment today, and who wants to understand the basic mechanics of a Kubernetes cluster. The goal is that within 10 minutes, managers who read this should be able to listen in on a Kubernetes conversation and follow along at a high level, and engineers should be ready to deploy a sample app to a toy cluster of their own.

This orientation doc was written because the official Kubernetes docs are a great reference, but they present a small cliff to climb for newcomers.

If you want to understand why you should consider running Kubernetes, see the official Kubernetes conceptual overview document. This document is intended to complement that one, but one layer deeper.

For a deep dive, see [Kubernetes concepts](

postandcourier / r-geocoder.r
Created August 26, 2016 14:17
Geocoding large dataset in R
# Script to geocode many items
# Modified by J Emory Parker
# Aug 25 2016
# Based on script originally by Shane Lynn
#load up the ggmap library
# get the input data
twolfson /
Last active September 15, 2024 15:32
Setting up SOPS

I'm learning about SOPS and setting it up as my preferred mechanism for storing secrets. Here are my notes.


It’s security mechanism is that we (i.e. client) use a PUBLIC key from the receiver (i.e. server) and encode it with a random key (I’m saying nonce but it could be reused)

This varies from RSA and SSH because the server uses a PUBLIC key to identify the client.

Web of trust

Web of trust operates by still using PGP (i.e. encoding with recipient’s public key) but additionally, we can encrypt/sign the data as our own by signing it with the client’s private key.

This means the recipient will initially decrypt via our (i.e. client’s) public key (verifying the source) and then decrypting via their (i.e. server’s) private key to get the data.

Swoorup /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:27 — forked from l1am9111/
Python GTA: SA Path Reader
from struct import unpack
from cStringIO import StringIO
class SAPath():
def __init__(self, node):
self.path = StringIO(open(node, "rb").read())
self.header = {}
self.pathnodes = []
self.navinodes = []
self.links = []