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TDC-bob / gist:5603894
Last active December 17, 2015 11:39
Dispos instructeurs
[size=24][color=#0000ff]Ce premier post sera mis à jour au fur et à mesure que je reçois les informations[/color][/size]
[size=18][color=#ff0000]Pour les gens qui demandent un cours: merci de préciser sur quelle(s) thématique(s) vous souhaiteriez approfondir vos connaissances[/color][/size]
[size=32][u]Instructeurs & disponibilités[/u][/size]
Dispo pendant les mois de juin et de juillet, jours & heures à convenir
groupCounter = 100
unitCounter = 100
PickupZones = {
[1] = {
ZoneName = "PickupZone",
SmokeColor = trigger.smokeColor.Blue,
TDC-bob / medevac.lua
Last active December 17, 2015 19:20
Script de medevac
-- MEDEVAC Script for DCS, By RagnarDa 2013
medevac = {}
medevac.medevacunits = {"MEDEVAC #1", "MEDEVAC #2"} -- List of all the MEDEVAC _GROUP NAMES_!
medevac.clonenewgroups = false -- Set to false to not spawn in new units (clone)
medevac.maxbleedtime = 1800 -- Maximum time that the wounded will bleed in the transport before dying
medevac.bluemash = Unit.getByName("BlueMASH") -- The unit that serves as MASH for the blue side
medevac.redmash = Unit.getByName("RedMASH") -- The unit that serves as MASH for the red side
local SuppressedGroups = {} --Table to temporary store data for suppressed groups
--Function to end suppression and let group open fire again
local function SuppressionEnd(id)
id.ctrl:setOption( , AI.Option.Ground.val.ROE.OPEN_FIRE)
SuppressedGroups[id.groupName] = nil
--trigger.action.outText(id.groupName .. " suppression end", 2) --Info for debug
TDC-bob / artillery.lua
Created June 11, 2013 14:44
Artillery support fire
---- Artillery Enhancement Scrip ----
-- v1.0 - 26. May 2013
-- By Marc "MBot" Marbot
-- Control functions:
TDC-bob / file.rb
Created June 17, 2013 04:44
Traduction DCS World en français
TDC-bob / transport.lua
Created June 19, 2013 13:41
Transport script
-- Original script by Deck. Modified by Angel(Geloxo)
-- To enable units to use the script set them in the list of pilots
-- Compatible with air and ground units
-- Units will drop troops types based on the coalition they belong to
-- Pickup and drop smoke markers can be enabled or disabled
-- Human pilots need to use F10 radio action to load and unload troops when inside the triggers
-- AI pilots will automatically load troops when inside the pickup triggers
-- AI pilots will automatically unload troops when inside the drop triggers if they are close enough to trigger (500m for ground units and 10km for air units) to allow wider air drop areas for big battles but allow ground units to enter triggers without dropping
-- Dropped troops will move to a random point within 200-400m from drop triggers to avoid crowding the drop zones
--MIST 2.0 required
--Following trigger zones need to be placed in the ME:
--1: Zone called 'airfield1', which defines location of airfield 1
--2: Zone called 'airfield2', which defines location of airfield 2
--3: Zone called 'airfield2', which defines location of airfield 3
--4: Zone called 'airlanehub1', which defines the entry/exit point of the airfield the planes are set to land or takeoff
--Do not use numbers (f.e. "11","151") for naming of groups in the ME, these names are used by this script
intervall = math.random(300,900) --random repeater intervall between (A and B) in seconds
---- Dismounts Scrip ----
-- v1.0 - 5. July 2013
-- By Marc "MBot" Marbot
-- Control functions:
TDC-bob / CTTS.lua
Created August 2, 2013 19:40
Complete Troop Transport Script
Complete Troops Transport Script (CTTS) including logistics v1.04
Based on original HueyDrop script idea by Deck and modified by Angel(Geloxo)
- Script is compatible with both air and ground transports controlled by players or AI
- Transports will drop troops types based on the coalition they belong to and the number of previously loaded troops
- Typically the troops are loaded inside a pickup trigger and dropped inside a drop trigger, but usage of triggers is not mandatory
- Pickup and drop smoke markers can be enabled, disabled and their colours configured