Save Takhion/10a37046b9e6d259bb31 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
apply from: 'strip_play_services.gradle' |
-dontwarn com.google.android.gms.** |
// taken from https://gist.github.com/Takhion/10a37046b9e6d259bb31 | |
def toCamelCase(String string) { | |
String result = "" | |
string.findAll("[^\\W]+") { String word -> | |
result += word.capitalize() | |
} | |
return result | |
} | |
afterEvaluate { project -> | |
Configuration runtimeConfiguration = project.configurations.getByName('compile') | |
ResolutionResult resolution = runtimeConfiguration.incoming.resolutionResult | |
// Forces resolve of configuration | |
ModuleVersionIdentifier module = resolution.getAllComponents().find { it.moduleVersion.name.equals("play-services") }.moduleVersion | |
String prepareTaskName = "prepare${toCamelCase("${module.group} ${module.name} ${module.version}")}Library" | |
Task prepareTask = project.tasks.findByName(prepareTaskName) | |
File playServiceRootFolder = prepareTask.explodedDir | |
// Add the stripping to the existing task that extracts the AAR containing the original classes.jar | |
prepareTask.doLast { | |
// First create a copy of the GMS classes.jar | |
copy { | |
from(file(new File(playServiceRootFolder, "classes.jar"))) | |
into(file(playServiceRootFolder)) | |
rename { fileName -> | |
fileName = "classes_orig.jar" | |
} | |
} | |
// Then create a new .jar file containing everything from the first one except the stripped packages | |
tasks.create(name: "stripPlayServices" + module.version, type: Jar) { | |
destinationDir = playServiceRootFolder | |
archiveName = "classes.jar" | |
from(zipTree(new File(playServiceRootFolder, "classes_orig.jar"))) { | |
exclude "com/google/ads/**" | |
exclude "com/google/android/gms/actions/**" | |
exclude "com/google/android/gms/ads/**" | |
exclude "com/google/android/gms/analytics/**" | |
exclude "com/google/android/gms/appindexing/**" | |
exclude "com/google/android/gms/appstate/**" | |
exclude "com/google/android/gms/auth/**" | |
exclude "com/google/android/gms/cast/**" | |
exclude "com/google/android/gms/drive/**" | |
exclude "com/google/android/gms/fitness/**" | |
exclude "com/google/android/gms/games/**" | |
exclude "com/google/android/gms/gcm/**" | |
exclude "com/google/android/gms/identity/**" | |
exclude "com/google/android/gms/location/**" | |
exclude "com/google/android/gms/maps/**" | |
exclude "com/google/android/gms/panorama/**" | |
exclude "com/google/android/gms/plus/**" | |
exclude "com/google/android/gms/security/**" | |
exclude "com/google/android/gms/tagmanager/**" | |
exclude "com/google/android/gms/wallet/**" | |
exclude "com/google/android/gms/wearable/**" | |
} | |
}.execute() | |
delete file(new File(playServiceRootFolder, "classes_orig.jar")) | |
} | |
} |
Hi Takhion, thank you for your script.
I got this error: Error:Cannot get property 'moduleVersion' on null object
on the line "ModuleVersionIdentifier module = resolution.getAllComponents().find { it.moduleVersion.name.equals("play-services") }.moduleVersion"
I'm using google service as library which I imported in Android Studio as a module
Could you help me on this
Just wanna clarify my problem which I solved some days ago. My project was migrated from Eclipse to Studio, I'm not sure it's reason or not but the jar file is located in libs/google-play-services.jar and the jar file named: google-play-services.jar
Hope this help somebody else
Thanks for sharing but I ran into an issue, could you help?
I assume that "minifyEnabled true" in the Gradle build script should be used?
I got the following error:
Error:Gradle: Execution failed for task ':waach:proguardDevDebug'.
java.io.IOException: Please correct the above warnings first.
When I ran "./gradlew :waach:proguardDevDebug" I got a lot of warnings:
Warning: butterknife.internal.ButterKnifeProcessor: can't find superclass or interface javax.annotation.processing.AbstractProcessor
Warning: com.actionbarsherlock.internal.ActionBarSherlockCompat: can't find referenced class com.actionbarsherlock.BuildConfig
Warning: com.google.common.cache.Striped64: can't find referenced class sun.misc.Unsafe
Warning: com.google.common.primitives.UnsignedBytes$LexicographicalComparatorHolder$UnsafeComparator: can't find referenced class sun.misc.Unsafe
@fuzzybee that's a Proguard specific issue, you should add things like:
-dontwarn com.actionbarsherlock.internal.ActionBarSherlockCompat
It worked for me from 5.18 MB to 4.72MB
Hi What gradle API is required for this? I am not able to import ResolutionResult, ModuleVersionIdentifier and Task? I am not gradle 1.0.0. Please help.
Hi Takhion, thank you for your script.
I got this error: Error:Cannot get property 'moduleVersion' on null object
on the line "ModuleVersionIdentifier module = resolution.getAllComponents().find { it.moduleVersion.name.equals("play-services") }.moduleVersion"I'm using google service as library which I imported in Android Studio as a module
Could you help me on this
Same issue here, few years later. Did you find a solution to this? I assumed it refers to project, but replacing doesn't work because property moduleVersion doesn't exist in project.
Nice work, much appreciated, worked great for us!