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Created November 14, 2015 21:35
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use diagnostics;
#Defining user options
use vars qw($opt_t $opt_l $opt_a $opt_v $opt_c $opt_h);
use Getopt::Std;
#Setting missed cleavages to a default value of 0
my $n_missed_cleavages = (defined $opt_c) ? $opt_c : 0;
#Declaring arrays and variables
my (@proteins, @sequences, @peptides, @mc_peptides);
my ($protein,$sequence, $peptide, $unusual_counter,$unknown_counter, $protein_size,$peptide_size, $mc_peptide_size,$n,$r,$s,$i,$j);
########### Main subroutine
sub main {
# If there is no user input, error message and usage are displayed and program closes
# if (!getopts ('tlavc:h')) {
# error_out("No arguments recognized");
# if ($opt_h) {
# help();
# exit;
# Reading FASTA file and eliminating header and blank spaces
foreach $protein (@proteins) {
if ($protein !~ /^>/) {
# Counting unusual and unknown aminoacids
if ($protein=~ m/(BOUJZ)/g){$unusual_counter++;}
if ($protein=~ m/X/g) {$unknown_counter++;}
$protein =~ s/\s//g;
@sequences = chomp ($protein);
#### print "Hasta aqui funciona\n";
for $sequence (@sequences) {
if ($opt_t) {
my @peptides = split (/(?<=[RK])(?!P)/, $sequence);
elsif ($opt_l) {
my @peptides = split (/(?<=[K])(?!P)/, $sequence);
elsif ($opt_a) {
my @peptides = split (/(?<=[R])(?!P)/, $sequence);
elsif ($opt_v) {
my @peptides = split (/(?<=[E])(?!P)/, $sequence);
else {
print "nope";
# If no enzymes are selected, error message and usage are printed on the screen
# error_out("No enzyme selected");
print "Hasta aqui si llega\n";
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