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Created December 26, 2017 19:21
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Option Explicit
Sub Scatter3Dplot()
Dim Cobj As ChartObject
Dim Sh As Worksheet
Set Sh = ActiveSheet
Dim StartR As Long, EndR As Long
Dim CollarScaleCol As Long, SeriesName As Long, XSeries As Long, YSeries As Long
Dim MarkerCollar As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim c, r, g, b
Dim NSeries As Long
Set Cobj = ActiveChart.Parent
With SettingUI
If .CSC.Value = "" Or .SNC.Value = "" Or _
.XS.Value = "" Or .YS.Value = "" Or .SR.Value = "" Or .ER.Value = "" Then
MsgBox "Value Error. Check the value.", vbExclamation, "Error"
End If
End With
CollarScaleCol = SettingUI.CSC.Value
SeriesName = SettingUI.SNC.Value
XSeries = SettingUI.XS.Value
YSeries = SettingUI.YS.Value
StartR = SettingUI.SR.Value
EndR = SettingUI.ER.Value
If EndR < StartR Then
MsgBox "Value Error, End Row's value is larger than Star Row.", vbExclamation, "Error"
End If
For i = StartR To EndR
With Cobj.Chart
NSeries = .SeriesCollection.Count
End With
With Cobj.Chart.FullSeriesCollection(NSeries)
'系列名, X, Yのセット
.Name = Sh.Cells(i, SeriesName)
.XValues = Sh.Cells(i, XSeries)
.Values = Sh.Cells(i, YSeries)
'散布図に設定, マーカーの種類, サイズの指定
.ChartType = xlXYScatter
.MarkerStyle = 8
.MarkerSize = 7
'マーカの色取得(カラーマップ), マーカーの色設定
c = Right("000000" & Hex(Cells(i, CollarScaleCol).Interior.Color), 6)
r = Val("&H" & Right(c, 2))
g = Val("&H" & Mid(c, 3, 2))
b = Val("&H" & Left(c, 2))
'MarkerCollar = Sh.Cells(i, CollarScaleCol).Interior.Color
.Format.Fill.Visible = msoTrue
.Format.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(r, g, b)
.MarkerForegroundColorIndex = xlColorIndexNone
End With
Next i
End Sub
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