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Last active July 14, 2023 20:02
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Discord Guild Features

This is an unofficial list of all Discord guild features, for an official list refer to the Discord Developer documentation.

Guild Feature Description
ANIMATED_ICON Allows the server to set an animated icon. Used in server boosting, level 1
BANNER Allows the server to set a banner which is shown at the top of all the channels. Used in server boosting, level 2
COMMERCE Given to servers with a developer license, allows them to create and use store channels
COMMUNITY Given to servers that enable community in server settings, also gives access to the news feature which allows servers to create announcement channels
DISCOVERABLE Given to servers that enabled discovery guidelines
ENABLED_DISCOVERABLE_BEFORE Given to servers that enabled discovery at any point
FORCE_RELAY & RELAY_ENABLED Relays guild information between different nodes to improve performance for bigger servers
INVITE_SPLASH Allows servers to set an image which shows on all invites. Used in server boosting, level 1
MEMBER_VERIFICATION_GATE_ENABLED Allows community servers to setup a verification gate
MORE_EMOJI Previously given to verified servers which gives them 150 extra emoji slots for each category (150 static emoji and 150 animated emojis slots). This feature is not used in server boosting.
NEWS Allows community servers to create announcement channels
PARTNERED Given to servers that are apart of Discord’s partner program
VERIFIED Given to servers that are verified
VANITY_URL Allows partnered and servers that have reached level 3 in server boosting to set a vanity URL
VIP_REGIONS Previously given to all verified and HypeSquad event organizer servers, this is depreciated now and now allows all servers with this feature to set 384kbps voice bitrate
WELCOME_SCREEN_ENABLED Allows community servers to setup a welcome screen
DISCOVERY_DISABLED Manually given by Discord staff to servers in violation of the discovery guidelines, prevents them from enabling discovery
PREVIEW_ENABLED Given to servers that setup a verification gate
MORE_STICKERS Allows the guld to upload 60 stickers without boosts
MONETIZATION_ENABLED Allows the guild to set a team in the developer portal for ticketed stage payouts
TICKETING_ENABLED Allows the guild to create ticketed stages
HUB Server is a school hub
LINKED_TO_HUB Server is in a school hub
HAS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY Server is in a school hub
THREADS_ENABLED Threads early access is enabled by a server admin
THREADS_ENABLED_TESTING Threads are enabled for bot developer testing
NEW_THREAD_PERMISSIONS Server has opted into the new threads permissions system
THREE_DAY_THREAD_ARCHIVE Allows users to set the thread archive time to 3 days
SEVEN_DAY_THREAD_ARCHIVE Allows users to set the thread archive time to 7 days
THREAD_DEFAULT_AUTO_ARCHIVE_DURATION Unknown, presumably for testing the thread default archive time
ROLE_ICONS Allows the guild to set role icons
INTERNAL_EMPLOYEE_ONLY Restricts the guild so only users with the staff flag can join
PREMIUM_TIER_3_OVERRIDE Overrides the server boost level to level 3
MEMBER_PROFILES Allows server members to set a server specific banner, bio, and avatar
Guild Features for Unreleased Features Description
ROLE_SUBSCRIPTIONS_ENABLED Guild has role subscriptions enabled
ROLE_SUBSCRIPTIONS_ENABLED_FOR_PURCHASE Guild has role subscriptions enabled for purchase
ANIMATED_BANNER Allows the server to set an animated banner. Used in server boosting, level 3
TEXT_IN_VOICE_ENABLED Allows server members to send messages in voice channels
Depreciated Guild Features Description
MEMBER_LIST_DISABLED Created for the Fortnite server blackout event on Oct 13, 2019, when viewing the member list it would show "There's nothing to see here."
PUBLIC Removed in favor of COMMUNITY
PUBLIC_DISABLED Prevented servers from enabling public
CHANNEL_BANNER Allows the server to set a channel banner that will display in the Channel Information sidebar
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Lurkable was apart of the "you are lurking in this server" feature. Basically, server previews.

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Chew commented Nov 29, 2022


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