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# Boxstarter options
# start
# Don't allow reboots
$Boxstarter.RebootOk = $true
# Is this a machine with no login password
$Boxstarter.NoPassword = $false
# Boxstarter options
# start
# Don't allow reboots
$Boxstarter.RebootOk = $true
# Is this a machine with no login password
$Boxstarter.NoPassword = $false
# Install Chocolatey if you don't already have it
iwr -UseBasicParsing | iex
# Optional: Set chocolatey configuration
# choco config set commandExecutionTimeoutSeconds 14400
# choco feature enable -n allowGlobalConfirmation
# choco feature enable -n allowEmptyChecksums
# Optional: Get the list of available packages on the AsRock X99 driver feed
# choco list -s
$env:ModuleUnderTest = ''
$baseDir = $PSScriptRoot
$filter = "*.*"
$testsFilter = "*.Tests.ps1"
$watchScript = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
$eventName = 'TestFilesChanged'
$excludeTests = @(
# You will find this at the top of the when you run ```choco new PackageName```
cd Drive:\Path\To\PackageName\tools
# Get the full path to the install script
$f = Join-Path -Resolve . .\chocolateyinstall.ps1
# Do some search and repalce to remove all the contents
gc $f | ? {$_ -notmatch "^\s*#"} | % {$_ -replace '(^.*?)\s*?[^``]#.*','$1'} | Out-File $f+".~" -en utf8; mv -fo $f+".~" $f
# This will be the result, I've commented it out here to show it
# Install chocolatey
iwr -UseBasicParsing | iex
# Confgiure chocolatey defaults
choco config set commandExecutionTimeoutSeconds 14400
choco feature enable -n allowGlobalConfirmation
choco feature enable -n allowEmptyChecksums
# Add the Win-Boxstarter source to your local configurtion with top priority
# Then add the Chocolatey official feed at priority 2
Import-Module AU
$global:productName = 'webstorm'
$global:updatesUri = ''
$global:stableVersionDownloadUri = '$version.exe'
function au_BeforeUpdate() {
$Latest.Checksum32 = Get-RemoteChecksum $Latest.Url32
The-Running-Dev / Intro
Created April 18, 2017 00:50 — forked from xntrik/Intro
Batch job for Windows Powershell Movies/TV Shows via Handbrake into iTunes
So I run a peculiar setup, ATV2 with my media coming from iTunes on a desktop, Windows 7 PC I never really touch
anymore. I know I could JB the ATV, or I could replace the PC with a NAS or some shit .. anyway, I'm lazy.
But not so lazy not to figure out how to make a crappy powershell script, hook it up in task scheduler under hstart
(, run it every 5 minutes against my TV / Movie folders, looking for new
files, then automatically converting them (with Handbrake) into the right format, and then automatically
adding them to iTunes.
The-Running-Dev / Test-Install.ps1
Last active April 21, 2017 12:47
Test Chocolatey Package Installation
function Test-Install {
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true)] [string] $package,
[Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $false)] [string] $baseDir = (Get-Location)
$profilePath = Split-Path -Parent $profile
$packageExtensions = (Join-Path $profilePath '..\..\Projects\BoxStarter\Chocolatey-Package.extension\extensions\Chocolatey-Package.extension.psm1' -Resolve)
The-Running-Dev /
Created April 23, 2017 06:05 — forked from dragon788/
Setup Chocolatey.Server simply and easily by getting and configuring the IIS requirements (for IIS7.5 and higher) and replacing the default site.
# Boxstarter options
$Boxstarter.RebootOk=$true # Allow reboots?
$Boxstarter.NoPassword=$false # Is this a machine with no login password?
$Boxstarter.AutoLogin=$true # Save my password securely and auto-login after a reboot
# Unrestricted is only good for testing, don't use that in production
Update-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
Set-WindowsExplorerOptions -EnableShowHiddenFilesFoldersDrives -EnableShowProtectedOSFiles