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Loading in Spacemacs

Emacs packages, features, files, layers, extensions, auto-loading, require, provide, use-package… All these terms getting you confused? Let’s clear up a few things.


Emacs files contains code that can be evaluated. When evaluated, the functions, macros and modes defined in that file become available to the current Emacs session. Henceforth, this will be termed as loading a file.

One major problem is to ensure that all the correct files are loaded, and in the proper order. Another issue is to ensure that not too many files are loaded immediately. This causes startup to take too long. Instead, we want to make sure that files are loaded only as needed, and not all at once.

This tutorial will show you how this is done in Spacemacs, and it will clarify all the terms above.

Loading a file

The simplest way to load a file is to call load-file.

(load-file "~/elisp/foo.el")

This is as primitive as it comes. The path must be exact, and it does not have to be in the Emacs load path (we’ll get to that later). It will not look for a byte-compiled .elc file. It will simply load exactly what you tell it to.


A better way to load what you need is to use features. A feature is a symbol that typically has the same name as the file it resides in. Let us say you have the following contents in a file called my-feature.el.

;; Your code goes here
;; ...

(provide 'my-feature)

To have Emacs load this file, call require, as such:

(require 'my-feature)

This checks whether the feature my-feature has already been loaded. If not, it looks for a file called my-feature.el, my-feature.elc or some such. If it finds such a file, it will load it. When the call to provide is evaluated, the feature is added to the list of loaded features, so that subsequent calls to require will do nothing.

This will cause an error if no such file can be found.

The file my-feature.el may very well contain other calls to require, and in fact this is quite a common way to ensure that dependencies are loaded before your code runs.

The load path

When loaded using require, Emacs looks for files in its load path. This is nothing more than a list of paths where elisp files can be found, and you can inspect it through SPC h d v load-path in Spacemacs. To add to the load path, simply push to this list, e.g.

(push "/some/path/" load-path)


Calling require is nothing more than a more convenient way of calling load-file. It solves the problem of ensuring that files are loaded in the correct order, but a long list of calls to require at startup would still cause Emacs to take for ever to load.

Emacs uses auto-loading to solve this problem. When a function is registered as auto-loading, an “empty” definition is provided. When that function is called, the file that provides the function is immediately loaded (along with all its required features). Finally, the “empty” function is substituted with the real one and called normally. The end user will see only a slight delay when first calling the function, while subsequent calls to that function (or any other function loaded as part of the same procedure) will be as quick as normal.

To register a function as auto-loadable, we call autoload:

(autoload 'some-function "some-file")

This instructs Emacs that whenever some-function is called, load some-file.el first, and then proceed.

After evaluating the above code, you can try to inspect some-function by doing SPC h d f some-function. It will say it’s an auto-loaded function, and that nothing else is known about it until it is loaded. The call to autoload can optionally include more information, such as a doc-string, whether the function can be called interactively, and so on. This provides more information to the end-user without her having to actually load the file first.

Open your elpa directory, go to helm and look at the file helm-autoloads.el. This provides all the auto-loads for all the files in Helm. However, this file is not written by hand. Instead, it is automatically generated from “magic” comments in the source code of Helm. They look like this:

(defun my-function ()
  ;; Source code...

The magic comment ;;;###autoload instructs Emacs that the following definition should be auto-loaded. This automatically generates an appropriate call to autoload.

Things that can be auto-loaded generally involve anything “definable”, such as functions, macros, major or minor modes, groups, classes, and so on.

Magic comments also work on other things, such as variable definitions (defvar), but in that case, the definition is just copied verbatim into the auto-loading file. For example, this code will load Helm on startup, long before your file is actually evaluated, probably not what was intended:

(require 'helm)

It is the responsibility of the package authors to ensure that their package can be appropriately auto-loaded, and most packages do this quite well.

Spacemacs makes thorough use of auto-loading. Almost everything in Spacemacs is loaded when needed instead of right away.

Packages and extensions

In Spacemacs parlance, packages and extensions are two names for the same thing: a collection of source files that provide functionality. It is not precisely the same thing as a feature, since packages may contain several source files providing a feature each. For example, Helm provides features such as helm, helm-files, helm-help etc. This is a common pattern: typically you can expect to load all of Helm upon invocation of

(require 'helm)

or to load just the parts you need upon calling

(require 'helm-files)

The difference is that a package can be installed from a package repository on the internet (ELPA, MELPA, etc.) while an extension is a collection of files on the hard drive. In all other respects, packages and extensions are the same exact things.


Use-package is a package that provides a very useful macro called use-package. Spacemacs uses it to set up the loading of packages and extensions.

The documentation for use-package can be found here. Some examples follow.

(use-package helm)

This simply loads Helm, not much more than a call to require does.

(use-package helm
  :defer t)

This defers the loading of Helm using the auto-load facility and the auto-load commands provided by the Helm source code.

(use-package helm
  :defer t
  ;; Code to execute before Helm is loaded
  ;; Code to execute after Helm is loaded

This form includes code to execute before and after Helm is loaded. The :init section can be executed immediately, but since Helm is deferred, the :config section is not executed until after loading, if ever.

(use-package helm
  :commands (helm-find-files helm-M-x))

This creates auto-load references for additional commands, if you find that the package author has been slacking.

(use-package ruby-mode
  :mode "\\.rb\\'")

For packages that provide major modes, you can associate file extensions to that mode by using the :mode keyword. This adds an entry to auto-mode-alist and an auto-load for ruby-mode. Typically this is not required, as ruby-mode should already be auto-loadable, and the package should associate Ruby files with itself already.

Use-package supports heaps of useful keywords. Look at the documentation for more.


Almost all packages and extensions in Spacemacs are organized in layers. When loading a layer, Spacemacs looks for two files called packages.el and extensions.el in your layer directory. They should define the following variables:

a list of extensions to include before packages.
a list of packages to include.
a list of extensions to include after packages.
a list of packages to exclude, even if other layers include them.

I use the term “include” here because the packages and extensions are not necessarily loaded.

Additionally, the source code for each extension should be located within the directory <layer>/extensions/<extension>/. Spacemacs will take care of adding this directory to the load path for you, so that you may call use-package as you normally would with a package.

For each package or extension, Spacemacs looks for functions with these names, and calls them in the given order.

  • <layer>/pre-init-<package>
  • <layer>/init-<package>
  • <layer>/post-init-<package>

Typically, each package is “owned” by a single layer, even though many other layers may use it. The layer that “owns” the package provides the init function, while the other layers use the pre-init and (more normally) the post-init functions.

For Spacemacs to install a package, it must be included by an enabled layer, and there must be at least one init function defined for it. If a package has only pre-init or post-init functions defined for it, but no init function, it will not be installed, and none of those functions will be called.

Best practices dictate that only one layer should “own” a package, and so there will only be one init function for each package.

Case study: auto-completion

Spacemacs provides a layer called auto-completion which provides auto-completion features in many modes. It does this using the package company. This layer “owns” the company package, so it defines a function called auto-completion/init-company.

When a user enables the auto-completion layer, Spacemacs locates it and finds company in the list of packages. Provided that company is not excluded, either by the user or another layer, Spacemacs then locates and runs the init function for company. This function includes a call to use-package that sets up the basic configuration.

However, auto-completion is a two-horse game. By its very nature, it is specific to the major mode in question. It is pointless to expect the auto-completion layer to include configuration for each conceivable major mode, and equally futile to expect each programming language layer (python, ruby, etc.) to fully configure company on their own.

This is solved using the post-init functions. The Python layer, for example, includes the company package and defines a function called python/post-init-company. This function is called after auto-completion/init-company, but it is not called if

  • the auto-completion layer is not enabled, in which case no init function for company will be found, or
  • the company package is excluded either by the user or another layer

As such, python/post-init-company is the only safe place to put configuration related to company in Python mode.

If the Python layer had defined an init function for company, that package would have been installed even if the auto-completion layer had been disabled, which is not what we want.

Spacemacs provides a couple of additional useful functions you can use to check whether other layers or packages are included.

check if a layer is enabled
check if a package is or will be installed

These are useful in some cases, but usually you can get the desired result just by using post-init functions.

Best practices

If you follow these rules, your layer should be okay. They can be broken if you know what you are doing.

Package ownership

Each package should be owned by one layer only. The layer that owns the package should define its init function. Other layers should rely on pre-init or post-init functions.

Localize your configuration

Each function can only assume the existence of one package. With some exceptions, the pre-init, init and post-init functions can only configure exactly the package they are defined for. Since the user can exclude an arbitrary set of packages, there is no a priori safe way to assume that another package is included. Use configuration-layer/package-usedp if you must.

Don’t assume a fixed order

No load sequence can be assumed. You cannot assume that your init function for one package is always called before or after the init function for another package. If you find yourself needing something like this, you should use pre-init or post-init functions, possibly also configuration-layer/package-usedp.

No require

Do not use require. If you find yourself using require, you are almost certainly doing something wrong. Packages in Spacemacs should be loaded through auto-loading, and not explicitly by you. Calls to require in package init functions will cause a package to be loaded upon startup. Code in an :init block of use-package should not cause anything to be loaded, either. If you need a require in a :config block, that is a sign that some other package is missing appropriate auto-loads.

Auto-load everything

Defer everything. You should have a very good reason not to defer the loading of a package.


Use-package hooks

Spacemacs includes a macro for adding more code to the :init or :config blocks of a call to use-package, after the fact. This is useful for pre-init or post-init functions to “inject” code into the use-package call of the init function.

(spacemacs|use-package-add-hook helm
  ;; Code
  ;; Code
  ;; Code
  ;; Code
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