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Eivind Fonn TheBB

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from nutils import mesh, function as fn, log, _, plot
import numpy as np
CASE = 'channel' # 'backstep', or 'channel'
if CASE == 'backstep':
# Three-patch domain
domain, geom = mesh.multipatch(
from nutils import mesh, function, plot, _
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
nelems = 40
xs = np.linspace(0, 1, nelems + 1)
domain, geom = mesh.rectilinear([xs])
basis = domain.basis('spline', degree=2)
from nutils import mesh, function, plot, _
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
nelems = 10
xs = np.linspace(0, 1, nelems + 1)
ys = np.linspace(0, 1, nelems + 1)
domain, grid_geom = mesh.rectilinear([xs, ys])
(evil-define-command evil-substitute
(beg end &optional type register)
"Change a character." :move-point t :motion evil-forward-char :keep-visual t :suppress-operator t
(evil-has-command-property-p 'evil-substitute :motion)
(evil-get-command-property 'evil-substitute :motion)
# fieldtess = displacement.EvaluateGrid(*tesselation_params[-1][0])
TheBB /
Last active December 8, 2016 13:29
import click
from collections import OrderedDict
from math import ceil, log, sqrt, pi
import numpy as np
import xml.etree.ElementTree as xml
from splipy import curve_factory as cf, surface_factory as sf
from splipy.IO import G2
from splipy.utils.refinement import geometric_refine