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Last active October 8, 2022 22:21
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Burp Intruder payload generator for Belgian Social Security Number (rijksregisternummer)
# Script by TheGroundZero (@DezeStijn)
# This payload generator generates valid Belgian Social Security Numbers
# This SSN (rijksregisternummer) is formatted as
# yy, mm and dd are the date of birth
# counter is a 3 digit number, which counts the births per day (uneven number for men and even for women)
# check is a 2 digit validation number based on the previous digits
# You can provide a "seed" to the generator to set a static birth date.
# This will result in a random generation of the counter and check values.
# If no seed was provided, the generation will create random birth dates and counters, and will calculate the check for each.
# This generator does no perform a linear bruteforce.
# A max. of 1.000 payloads will be generated per attack.
# Free to use, but please do refer to this original gist.
# | http://sequrx53bdtvizjsbcdibrugpg7fujhvx7b75rvhwh2kq3i4hhvh35qd.onion/
from burp import IBurpExtender
from burp import IIntruderPayloadGeneratorFactory
from burp import IIntruderPayloadGenerator
import datetime
import random
def calculateCheck(year, month, day, nr):
yy = year % 100
print(" - year: {} ({})".format(year, yy))
print(" - month: {}".format(month))
print(" - day: {}".format(day))
print(" - nr: {}".format(nr))
precheck = int("{}{:02d}{:02d}{:02d}{:03d}".format(2 if year >= 2000 else "", yy, month, day, nr))
check = 97 - (precheck % 97)
payload = "{:02d}.{:02d}.{:02d}-{:03d}.{:02d}".format(yy, month, day, nr, check)
print(" - payload: {}".format(payload))
return payload
class BurpExtender(IBurpExtender, IIntruderPayloadGeneratorFactory):
# implement IBurpExtender
def registerExtenderCallbacks(self, callbacks):
# obtain an extension helpers object
self._callbacks = callbacks
self._helpers = callbacks.getHelpers()
callbacks.setExtensionName("Rijkregisternummer payloads")
# implement IIntruderPayloadGeneratorFactory
def getGeneratorName(self):
return "Rijksregisternummer generator"
def createNewInstance(self, attack):
# return a new IIntruderPayloadGenerator to generate payloads for this attack
return IntruderPayloadGenerator(self, attack)
# class to generate payloads
class IntruderPayloadGenerator(IIntruderPayloadGenerator):
def __init__(self, extender, attack):
self._extender = extender
self._helpers = extender._helpers
self._attack = attack
self._max_payloads = 999
self._payloadIndex = 0
self._curYear =
def hasMorePayloads(self):
return self._payloadIndex < self._max_payloads
def getNextPayload(self, baseValue):
# Assume baseValue is or empty
if baseValue is None or baseValue == "":
print("[*] Generate random RRnr")
year = random.randint(self._curYear-100, self._curYear)
month = random.randint(1, 12)
day = random.randint(1, 28)
nr = random.randint(1, 998)
payload = self._helpers.bytesToString(baseValue)
print("[*] Calculate RRnr")
print(" - baseValue: {}".format(payload))
year, month, day = [int(s) for s in payload.split(".")]
nr = self._payloadIndex
self._payloadIndex += 1
return calculateCheck(year, month, day, nr)
def reset(self):
self._payloadIndex = 0
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Deze extension creëert een payload generator voor de Intruder waarmee je Belgische Rijksregisternummers kan maken, volledig random of op basis van zelf gekozen jaar, maand, en dag.
Handig voor applicaties waar je een geldig RRN moet ingeven bij registratie bv.

In Intruder selecteer je de positie waar je een RRN nodig hebt en gebruikt dan "Extension Generated" data. Als de default al een datum bevat, wordt die gebruikt om de lijst aan RRN op te baseren.

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