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Last active October 8, 2022 22:21
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Burp Intruder payload generator for Belgian Social Security Number (rijksregisternummer)
# Script by TheGroundZero (@DezeStijn)
# This payload generator generates valid Belgian Social Security Numbers
# This SSN (rijksregisternummer) is formatted as
# yy, mm and dd are the date of birth
# counter is a 3 digit number, which counts the births per day (uneven number for men and even for women)
# check is a 2 digit validation number based on the previous digits
# You can provide a "seed" to the generator to set a static birth date.
# This will result in a random generation of the counter and check values.
# If no seed was provided, the generation will create random birth dates and counters, and will calculate the check for each.
# This generator does no perform a linear bruteforce.
# A max. of 1.000 payloads will be generated per attack.
# Free to use, but please do refer to this original gist.
# | http://sequrx53bdtvizjsbcdibrugpg7fujhvx7b75rvhwh2kq3i4hhvh35qd.onion/
from burp import IBurpExtender
from burp import IIntruderPayloadGeneratorFactory
from burp import IIntruderPayloadGenerator
import datetime
import random
def calculateCheck(year, month, day, nr):
yy = year % 100
print(" - year: {} ({})".format(year, yy))
print(" - month: {}".format(month))
print(" - day: {}".format(day))
print(" - nr: {}".format(nr))
precheck = int("{}{:02d}{:02d}{:02d}{:03d}".format(2 if year >= 2000 else "", yy, month, day, nr))
check = 97 - (precheck % 97)
payload = "{:02d}.{:02d}.{:02d}-{:03d}.{:02d}".format(yy, month, day, nr, check)
print(" - payload: {}".format(payload))
return payload
class BurpExtender(IBurpExtender, IIntruderPayloadGeneratorFactory):
# implement IBurpExtender
def registerExtenderCallbacks(self, callbacks):
# obtain an extension helpers object
self._callbacks = callbacks
self._helpers = callbacks.getHelpers()
callbacks.setExtensionName("Rijkregisternummer payloads")
# implement IIntruderPayloadGeneratorFactory
def getGeneratorName(self):
return "Rijksregisternummer generator"
def createNewInstance(self, attack):
# return a new IIntruderPayloadGenerator to generate payloads for this attack
return IntruderPayloadGenerator(self, attack)
# class to generate payloads
class IntruderPayloadGenerator(IIntruderPayloadGenerator):
def __init__(self, extender, attack):
self._extender = extender
self._helpers = extender._helpers
self._attack = attack
self._max_payloads = 999
self._payloadIndex = 0
self._curYear =
def hasMorePayloads(self):
return self._payloadIndex < self._max_payloads
def getNextPayload(self, baseValue):
# Assume baseValue is or empty
if baseValue is None or baseValue == "":
print("[*] Generate random RRnr")
year = random.randint(self._curYear-100, self._curYear)
month = random.randint(1, 12)
day = random.randint(1, 28)
nr = random.randint(1, 998)
payload = self._helpers.bytesToString(baseValue)
print("[*] Calculate RRnr")
print(" - baseValue: {}".format(payload))
year, month, day = [int(s) for s in payload.split(".")]
nr = self._payloadIndex
self._payloadIndex += 1
return calculateCheck(year, month, day, nr)
def reset(self):
self._payloadIndex = 0
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