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Last active October 31, 2022 17:39
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A small netlify edge function to transform text/html documents with RDFa in them into text/turtle, see:
import type { Context } from "";
import { Accepts } from "";
// NOTE: deno-std isn't published each deno release, and doesn't support `@types/`
import { RdfaParser } from "";
import rdfSerializer from "";
function convert(
responseText: string,
options: {
baseIRI: string;
format: string;
): Promise<string> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const parser = new RdfaParser({
baseIRI: options.baseIRI,
contentType: "text/html",
}).on("error", (err: unknown) => reject(err));
const textStream = rdfSerializer.serialize(parser, {
contentType: options.format,
// Collect the stream down to a string, technically this means we might have
// a hard limit on dataset size to 500mb or so, but I doubt we're likely to
// hit into that: 512mb is a LOT of text
let result = "";
.on("error", (err: unknown) => reject(err))
.on("data", (text: string) => (result += text))
.on("end", () => resolve(result));
// Get list of supported content-types from rdfSerializer, these are used when
// parsing the Accepts header
const serializableTypes = await rdfSerializer.getContentTypes();
export default async (
request: Request,
context: Context
): Promise<Response> => {
if (!request.headers.has("Accept") || request.method !== "GET") {
// treat as html, pass back to netlify to serve your HTML
// Parse the Accept header, providing */* to catch everything that's not
// serializable as an RDF format:
const accept = new Accepts(request.headers);
const acceptedTypes = accept.types([...serializableTypes, "*/*"]);
if (
// If we don't have an accepted type,
!acceptedTypes ||
// Or the catch-all matched (e.g., images or CSS),
acceptedTypes === "*/*"
) {
// then step aside and let the upstream handle it.
// Select the first accepted type, as it should be something supported by rdfSerializer
const responseFormat = Array.isArray(acceptedTypes)
? acceptedTypes[0]
: acceptedTypes;
// Fetch the response from the upstream:
const originalResponse = await;
// Tracking how long the transform takes, it can't take more than 50ms:
const startTime =;
// If upstream response wasn't ok, we can't transform it:
if (!originalResponse.ok) {
return originalResponse;
// Don't try handling responses that aren't HTML, as these won't parse as RDFa:
// `netlify dev` gives `text/html`, real netlify gives `text/html; charset=UTF-8`
const contentType = originalResponse.headers.get("Content-Type");
if (!contentType || !contentType?.startsWith("text/html")) {
return originalResponse;
// Transform the response to the desired format
const responseText = await originalResponse.text();
const result = await convert(responseText, {
// In theory, we should be able to use, which should be the site's URL,
// in reality, this is undefined in development, instead of, y'know the development servers'
// URL. So instead we just use the root of the request URL, hacky, I know.
// baseIRI:,
baseIRI: new URL("/", request.url).toString(),
format: responseFormat,
// Remove the content-length header, as we've changed the content's length by transforming it:
// Append a server-timing to indicate how long the transform took, it can't
// take more than 50ms (per
`rdfa-transform;dur=${ - startTime}`
// For some reason we couldn't extract any RDFa, so just return the original response:
if (result.length === 0) {
context.log(`Warning: unable to transform ${request.url}`);
return new Response(responseText, originalResponse);
// Override the content-type to text/turtle
originalResponse.headers.set("Content-Type", responseFormat);
originalResponse.headers.append("Vary", "Accept");
// Return the new response:
return new Response(result, originalResponse);
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