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Created June 18, 2015 22:43
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  • Save ThisIsMissEm/52b4831aa7e7d6829589 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ThisIsMissEm/52b4831aa7e7d6829589 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Here's some code I wrote circa 2008/09, I blogged about what I was working on at the time, but what I wrote, I'm sure was lost long ago. I don't claim that this code is good by any means, but it was certainly the precursor to my love for Node.js and async network i/o.
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is copyright Micheil Smith (C) 2009.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Micheil Smith.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2009
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Henry Rapley <>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
* use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
* decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
* and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["dAmnViper", "DUEL"];
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
const Cc = Components.classes;
//const Application = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.fuelIApplication);
const sts = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsISocketTransportService);
const bis = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIBinaryInputStream);
var Socket = function(host, port, callbacks){ = host;
this.port = port;
this.callbacks = callbacks;
var transport = sts.createTransport(null, 0,, this.port, null);
var stream = transport.openInputStream(0,0,0);
this.outputStream = transport.openOutputStream(0,0,0);
this.inputStream = bis.setInputStream(stream);
var _self = this;
var pumpListener = {
buffer : '',
onStartRequest: function(request, context){
if(typeof _self.callbacks["onStartRequest"] === 'function'){
"request": request,
"context": context
} catch(e){
onStopRequest: function(request, context, status){
if(typeof _self.callbacks["onStopRequest"] === 'function' ){
_self.callbacks["onStopRequest"]({"request": request,"context": context,"status": status});
} catch(e){
onDataAvailable: function(request, context, inputStream, offset, count) {
if(typeof _self.callbacks["onDataAvailable"] === 'function' ){
this.buffer += _self.inputStream.readBytes(count);
if(this.buffer.length > 0){
var m ='\0');
if(m > 0){
pckt = buffer.substr(0,packet);
buffer = buffer.substr(packet+1);
if(buffer.length > 0) {
var l = m.length-1;
for(i=0;i<l;++i) {
"request": request,
"context": context,
"inputStream": inputStream,
"offset": offset,
"count": count,
"data": m[i]
this.datablock = m[m.length-1];
} catch(e){
this.pump = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIInputStreamPump);
this.pump.init(stream, -1, -1, 0, 0, false);
return {
close: function(){
if (this.instream) {
if (this.outstream) {
return {"data": null, "ok": true};
} catch(e){
return {"data": e, "ok": false};
write: function(data){
return {"data": data, "ok": true};
} catch(e){
return {"data": e, "ok": false};
* This module provides session control to
* dAmnViper. As well as providing an easy
* to use API to DiFi.
let DUEL = {
authToken: null,
username: null,
session: null,
cookie: null,
* Create a new login, given username and password.
* @param username string The username to login with.
* @param password string The corresponding password.
* @returns object Status of request.
login: function(username, password){
var self = this;
var response = false;
var xml = Cc[";1"].createInstance();"POST", "", false);
xml.setRequestHeader('Cookie', 'skipintro=1');
xml.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
delete password;
var xmlResponse = {
responseText: xml.responseText,
readyState: xml.readyState,
status: (xml.readyState == 4 ? xml.status : 0),
responseHeaders:(xml.readyState == 4 ? xml.getAllResponseHeaders() : '')
xml.onreadystatechange = function(xmlResponse){
if(req.readyState == 4 && req.status == 200){
if(req.responseText.indexOf("logout") != -1){
req.responseHeaders = decodeURIComponent(req.responseHeaders);
if(req.responseHeaders.indexOf("Set-Cookie:") && req.responseHeaders.indexOf("authtoken")){
var bits = req.responseHeaders.split('authtoken\";s:32:\"');
var token = bits[1].split('";');
token = token[0];
self.authToken = token;
self.username = username;
self.session = req;
self.loggedin = true;
// BUG FIX 29/01/2008 DD/MM/YYYY
self.cookie = req.responseHeaders.split("\n")[6].split(": ")[1].split("; ")[0];
response = {success: true, status: 'OKAY', response: "Logged in"};
} else{
response = {success: false, status: 'ERROR', response: "Could not find cookie"};
response = {success: false, status: 'UNAUTHORISED', response: 'Could not login'};
} else {
response = {success: false, status: 'NOTREADY', response: 'The Request isn\'t ready yet'};
return response;
* Ends the current session
* @returns object Status of the request
logout: function(){
var self = this;
var response = false;
var xml = Cc[";1"].createInstance();"POST", "", false);
xml.setRequestHeader('Cookie', 'skipintro=1');
xml.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
var xmlResponse = {
responseText: xml.responseText,
readyState: xml.readyState,
status: (xml.readyState == 4 ? xml.status : 0),
responseHeaders:(xml.readyState == 4 ? xml.getAllResponseHeaders() : '')
xml.onreadystatechange = function(xmlResponse){
if(req.readyState == 4 && req.status == 200){
if(req.responseText.indexOf("Logged Out") != -1){
self.session = null;
self.authToken = null;
self.username = null;
self.loggedin = false;
response = {success: true, status: 'OKAY', response: "Logged out"};
} else {
response = {success: false, status: 'UNAUTHORISED', response: 'Could not logout'};
} else {
response = {success: false, status: 'NOTREADY', response: 'The Request isn\'t ready yet'};
return response;
* Returns a valid authToken
* @param username string A username to login with.
* @param password string A password to use in login.
* @returns mixed Either the authToken or false.
getToken: function(username, password){
if(this.loggedin && this.username != username){
if(this.logout().success === true){
if(this.login(username, password).success === true){
return this.authToken;
return false;
} else if (this.loggedin && this.username == username){
return this.authToken ? this.authToken : '';
} else {
return false;
* DiFi
* This module of DUEL provides the developer
* with an API to deviantART's Interactive
* Fragmented Interface.
* For more information on DiFi, please refer to
DiFi: {}
/*let dAmnViper = {
resource: {
Socket: false
flags: {
connecting: false,
loggingin: false,
shaking: false,
connected: false
var dAmnViper = {
resource: {
Socket: null,
Server: {
host: '',
version: '0.3',
port: 3900
flags: {
connecting: false,
loggingin: false,
shaking: false,
connected: false
Socket: {
// This flag defines whether we are closing the socket on the next loop or not:
close_next: false,
buffer: '',
packets: [],
pump: null,
// "Initialise up in this motherfucka"
connect: function(){
dump("Socket Connecting");
// We should only have one socket, close others on this contructor:
this.connected() ? this.close() : null;
var transport = sts.createTransport(null, 0,, this.port, null);
var stream = transport.openInputStream(0,0,0);
dAmnViper.resource.Sockets.outputStream = transport.openOutputStream(0,0,0);
dAmnViper.resource.Sockets.inputStream = bis.setInputStream(stream);
var dVrs = dAmnViper.resource.Sockets;
var pumpListener = {
onStartRequest: function(request, context){
try{/* empty */} catch(e){}
onStopRequest: function(request, context, status){
try{/* empty */} catch(e){}
onDataAvailable: function(request, context, inputStream, offset, count) {
var packet;
dAmnViper.Socket.buffer += dVrs.inputStream.readBytes(count);
if(dAmnViper.Socket.buffer.length > 0){
var pktLen ='\0');
if(pktLen > 0){
packet = dAmnViper.Socket.buffer.substr(0,pktLen);
dAmnViper.Socket.buffer = dAmnViper.Socket.buffer.substr(pktLen+1);
} catch(e){
throw e;
this.pump = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIInputStreamPump);
this.pump.init(stream, -1, -1, 0, 0, false);
connected: function(){
// All this really does is check self.sock...
if(dAmnViper.resource.Socket == null){
return false;
return true;
read: function(){
dAmnViper.Socket.buffer += dVrs.inputStream.readBytes(count);
if(dAmnViper.Socket.buffer.length > 0){
var pktLen ='\0');
if(pktLen > 0){
dAmnViper.Socket.buffer = dAmnViper.Socket.buffer.substr(pktLen+1);
close: function(){
if (dAmnViper.resource.Socket.inputStream) {
if (dAmnViper.resource.Socket.outputStream) {
return true;
} catch(e){
return false;
} else {
throw "Cannot close an unopen socket";
write: function(data){
dAmnViper.resource.Socket.outstream.write(data+'\0', data.length+1);
return true;
} catch(e){
return false;
} else {
throw "Cannot close an unopen socket";
Packet: {},
* The below functions make up
* the dAmn Interface API. This
* used to be a class, but it is
* now just a set of functions.
format_ns: function(ns){
var un = (arguments.length>1) ? arguments[1] : null;
var pre = ns.substr(0,1);
if(pre == '#'){
return 'chat:'+ns.substr(1);
} else if(pre == '@'){
return 'pchat:'+ns.substr(0,1);
} else {
var para = [ns.substr(1), arguments[1]].sort();
return 'pchat:'+para[0]+para[1];
} else {
return '';
deform_ns: function(){
send: function(data){
handshake: function(agent){
// Send a handshake to the server! You can send additional info, but give it as a dict!
this.flags.shaking = true;
shake = 'dAmnClient '+resource.Socket.server['version']+'\nagent='+agent;
if(arguments.length == 1){
shake += '\n';
} else {
//shake+= "\n{0}\n".format("\n".join(['='.join([key, vals[key]]) for key in vals]))
login: function(username, token){
// Send our login packet. Set the loggingin flag to true.
this.flags.loggingin = true;
this.send('login '+username+'\npk='+token+'\n');
connect: function(){
if(this.resource.Socket != null && !this.Socket.connected()){
disconnect: function(){
if(this.resource.Socket != null && !this.Socket.connected()){
close: function(){},
pong: function(){
join: function(ns){
this.send('join '+ns+'\n');
part: function(){},
say: function(){},
action: function(){},
me: function(){},
npmsg: function(){},
promote: function(){},
demote: function(){},
kick: function(){},
ban: function(){},
unban: function(){},
get: function(){},
set: function(){},
admin: function(){},
kill: function(){}
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