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Created February 11, 2011 17:14
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Flex - Refactoring of UIClassFactory
// Copyright 2009 Farata Systems LLC
// All Rights Reserved.
// NOTICE: Farata Systems permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file
// in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying it.
package com.farata.utils
* ItemRendererFactory is an implementation of the Class Factory design pattern
* for dynamic creaion of DataRenderer components. It allows dynamic passing of the
* propeties, styles and event listeners during the object creation.
* Additionally, when the "data" value is changed, runtime styles and properties can
* be assigned... thus adding power to IList containers and Datagrid
* @see mx.core.IFactory
import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName;
import flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName;
import flash.utils.Dictionary;
import flash.utils.Proxy;
import mx.core.ClassFactory;
import mx.core.IFactory;
import mx.styles.IStyleClient;
import mx.utils.*;
public class ItemRendererFactory extends UIClassFactory implements IFactory {
//Styles for the UI object to be created
//Event Listeners for the UI object to be created
* Hashmap of key/values assigned to itemRenderer instance during EACH
* data change/assignment.
* NOTE: this map may include "style" keys which will be assigned as styles if possible
public var runtimeProperties:Object = {};
* Hashmap of style settings assigned to itemRenderer instance during EACH
* data change/assignment.
* NOTE: the instance must be an IStyleClient instance
public var runtimeStyles :Object = {};
public function ItemRendererFactory( cf :Object = null ,
props :Object = null,
styles :Object = null,
eventListeners :Object = null,
runtimeProperties:Object = null,
runtimeStyles :Object = null) {
super (cf,props,styles,eventListeners);
this.runtimeProperties = runtimeProperties || { }
this.runtimeStyles = runtimeStyles || { };
* IFactory-required method to create a new instance from the factory.
* This process will assign any constructor properties, styles, and event listeners configured.
* @return Object instance of the generator
override public function newInstance():* {
var inst : * = super.newInstance();
if (inst is IEventDispatcher) {
inst.addEventListener(FlexEvent.DATA_CHANGE, onDataChange, false, 0, true);
return inst;
* onDataChange is the handler for the DATA_CHANGE events. It uses runtimeStyles and
* runtimeProperties, which were added to Clear Toolkit’s version of
* the DataGridColumn to handle styles and properties that were added dynamically.
* If you’ll use this UIClassFactory with regular DataGridColumns that does not
* support dynamic styles, the onDataChange function won’t find any
* runtimeStyles or runtimeProperties and won’t do anything.
private function onDataChange(event:FlexEvent):void{
var renderer:Object = event.currentTarget;
* Returns whether or not the given object is simple data type.
* @param object Object instance check
* @return true if the given object is a simple data type; false if not
function shouldEnumerate(object:Object):Boolean {
switch (typeof(object)) {
case "function" : return false;
case "object" : return !(object is Date) && !(object is Array);
return false;
* Powerful method to update render properties with values.
* Supports property chains and dynamic value calculations
* Then will update either the "final" target properties or styles
* @param target Renderer instance
* @param attributes Hashmap of runtime property or style key/value pairs
function updateTargetWith(target : Object, attributes:Object):void {
for (var key:String in attributes) {
var value : * = attributes[key];
var callBack : Function = value as Function;
if (callBack != null ) {
try {
// Ask originator to build the value of the property dynamically with the itemRenderer data
// NOTE: this data is used regardless of property chain recursion depth
value = callBack(;
} catch (e:Error) {
if ( !callBack && shouldEnumerate(value) && target.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
// The key value is an Object that we should enumerate like a "property chain"
updateTargetWith(target[key],value as Object);
} else {
// Accommodate shared usage where style settings are mixed with the
// property settings; set the style if the propertyKey does not exist.
if (target.hasOwnProperty(key)) target[key] = value;
else target.setStyle(key, value);
// Skip this call if caused by header renderers; we want to skip assignments to listData
// Now uses runtime, cached type information to instead of import requirements to determin
// data types.
if ( isType(, getType("mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn")) ) return;
if ( isType(, getType("mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn")) ) return;
updateTargetWith( renderer, runtimeProperties );
updateTargetWith( renderer, runtimeStyles );
// ******************************************************************************************
// Special Type utilities
// ******************************************************************************************
* Evaluates whether an object or class is derived from a specific
* data type, class or interface. The isType() method is comparable to
* ActionScript's <code>is</code> operator except that it also makes
* class to class evaluations.
* @param value The object or class to evaluate.
* @param type The data type to check against.
* @return True if the object or class is derived from
* the data type.
private static function isType(value:Object, type:Class):Boolean
if ( !(value is Class) ) return value is type;
if ( value == type ) return true;
var inheritance:XMLList = describeInheritance(value);
return Boolean( inheritance.(@type == getQualifiedClassName(type)).length() > 0 );
* Targeted reflection describing an object's inheritance, including
* extended classes and implemented interfaces.
* @param value The object or class to introspect.
* @return A list of XML inheritance descriptions.
public static function describeInheritance(value:Object):XMLList
var dtcr : DescribeTypeCacheRecord = DescribeTypeCache.describeType(value);
return (dtcr.typeDescription as XML).factory.*.(localName() == "extendsClass" || localName() == "implementsInterface");
public static function getType(value:Object):Class
var results : Class = (value is String) ? typeCache[String(value)] as Class : null;
if (results == null) {
if (value is Class) results = value as Class;
else if (value is Proxy) results = getDefinitionByName(getQualifiedClassName(value as Proxy)) as Class;
else if (value is String) results = getDefinitionByName(String(value)) as Class;
else results = value.constructor as Class;
if (value is String) typeCache[String(value)] = results;
return results;
* Dictionary of Class values for registered string class names
private static var typeCache:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
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