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Timothy Gu TimothyGu

  • Seattle, US
  • 14:28 (UTC -07:00)
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Chapter 20: Northern Eurasia, 1500-1800
During the period of European exploration and trading, different Eurasian empires chose different routes for handling new inventions and their own heritage, which leads to either success or decline later in history.
I. Japan Reunification
Japan underwent major political and social changes, from a more medieval-like homogeneous samurai society, to a modern society with civil laws overriding traditions.
A. Civil War and the Invasion of Korea, 1500-1603
During the 1500-1800, the Japanese islands were unified by a feudal system composed of by the samurais, the daimyos, and the Shogun. Hideyoshi, a successful warlord, attempted to invade the mainland and Korea.
B. The Tokugawa Shogunate, to 1800

Upgrading to Ubuntu 17.10 on WSL

Note: This workaround is no longer necessary in Windows 10 Insider build 17046 and later. As of 2018-02-07, the patch hasn't yet made it to stable.

  1. Upgrade with do-release-upgrade, as you normally would. It will error out and leave your system in a partially upgraded state.
  2. Close all WSL terminals and ensure that all WSL processes have terminated
  3. Run as a normal user (not root): wget -O - | sh -s
  4. Answer any prompts (sudo password, version disambiguation)
  5. If there are errors, resolve them and re-run the script. It is idempotent, meaning that it is safe to run any number of times, even if it only partially completes.
dz0ny / 99java
Created July 7, 2012 10:23
Install java,flash,mp3,mp4 to Chromium OS
## Setup java
if [ `uname -m` == 'x86_64' ]; then
ceejbot /
Last active July 17, 2023 02:45
npm's proposal for supporting ES modules in node

ESM modules in node: npm edition

The proposal you’re about to read is not just a proposal. We have a working implementation of almost everything we discussed here. We encourage you to checkout and build our branch: our fork, with the relevant branch selected. Building and using the implementation will give you a better understanding of what using it as a developer is like.

Our implementation ended up differing from the proposal on some minor points. As our last action item before making a PR, we’re writing documentation on what we did. While I loathe pointing to tests in lieu of documentation, they will be helpful until we complete writing docs: the unit tests.

This repo also contains a bundled version of npm that has a new command, asset. You can read the documentation for and goals of that comma

dlebech / Gerrit comment formatting
Last active January 17, 2024 10:34
Comment formatting in Gerrit
The documentation for Gerrit when it comes to formatting comments is quite lacking. Here is short list created by trial and error and looking at the source code in:
* List item 1
* List item 2
- List item 1
- List item 2