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Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
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* 70X - Inexcusable
- 701 - Meh
- 702 - Emacs
- 703 - Explosion
- 704 - Goto Fail
- 705 - I wrote the code and missed the necessary validation by an oversight (see 795)
* 71X - Novelty Implementations
- 710 - PHP
- 711 - Convenience Store
- 712 - NoSQL
- 719 - I am not a teapot
* 72X - Edge Cases
- 720 - Unpossible
- 721 - Known Unknowns
- 722 - Unknown Unknowns
- 723 - Tricky
- 724 - This line should be unreachable
- 725 - It works on my machine
- 726 - It's a feature, not a bug
- 727 - 32 bits is plenty
* 73X - Fucking
- 730 - Fucking Bower
- 731 - Fucking Rubygems
- 732 - Fucking Unic💩de
- 733 - Fucking Deadlocks
- 734 - Fucking Deferreds
- 735 - Fucking IE
- 736 - Fucking Race Conditions
- 737 - FuckThreadsing
- 738 - Fucking Bundler
- 739 - Fucking Windows
* 74X - Meme Driven
- 740 - Computer says no
- 741 - Compiling
- 742 - A kitten dies
- 743 - I thought I knew regular expressions
- 744 - Y U NO write integration tests?
- 745 - I don't always test my code, but when I do I do it in production
- 746 - Missed Ballmer Peak
- 747 - Motherfucking Snakes on the Motherfucking Plane
- 748 - Confounded by Ponies
- 749 - Reserved for Chuck Norris
* 75X - Syntax Errors
- 750 - Didn't bother to compile it
- 753 - Syntax Error
- 754 - Too many semi-colons
- 755 - Not enough semi-colons
- 756 - Insufficiently polite
- 757 - Excessively polite
* 76X - Substance-Affected Developer
- 761 - Hungover
- 762 - Stoned
- 763 - Under-Caffeinated
- 764 - Over-Caffeinated
- 765 - Railscamp
- 766 - Sober
- 767 - Drunk
- 768 - Accidentally Took Sleeping Pills Instead Of Migraine Pills During Crunch Week
- 769 - Questionable Maturity Level
* 77X - Predictable Problems
- 771 - Cached for too long
- 772 - Not cached long enough
- 773 - Not cached at all
- 774 - Why was this cached?
- 775 - Out of cash
- 776 - Error on the Exception
- 777 - Coincidence
- 778 - Off By One Error
- 779 - Off By Too Many To Count Error
* 78X - Somebody Else's Problem
- 780 - Project owner not responding
- 781 - Operations
- 782 - QA
- 783 - It was a customer request, honestly
- 784 - Management, obviously
- 785 - TPS Cover Sheet not attached
- 786 - Try it now
- 787 - Further Funding Required
- 788 - Designer's final designs weren't
* 79X - Internet crashed
- 791 - The Internet shut down due to copyright restrictions.
- 792 - Climate change driven catastrophic weather event
- 793 - Zombie Apocalypse
- 794 - Someone let PG near a REPL
- 795 - #heartbleed (see 705)
- 797 - This is the last page of the Internet. Go back
- 799 - End of the world
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