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Palworld Server Community FAQ

Palworld Server Community FAQ

I've been in the #pal-server-help channel for a while now, and these same things keep coming up. So here's a one stop list of items people keep asking for.

Server Setup

Server Recommended Specs (For 8-12 Players)

  • 4x CPU cores @3.8Ghz+
  • 30GB Storage
  • 8GB RAM Base + 2GB RAM per player (If using scheduled restarts)

-- OR --

  • 32GB RAM + 48 Hour Restarts (Or crashes if you so dare)


Unless you specify an alternative port with the Commandline or Config file then the ports you need to enable are:

Game: 8211/UDP

Query: 27015/UDP


Checkout this handy link on how to do this:

Public IP

If you don't know your IP, you can get it from this site:

NOTE: if your IP starts with 192.168.x.x, 172.10.x.x OR 10.0.0.x you are likely behind a CGNAT which will make hosting a server nearly impossible.

Port Verification

Need to know if your port forwarding is working? Use this UDP site: Just put in your IP:Port, IE:

Palworld Server Save Data

The save data for Palworld is found here: /Pal/Saved/SaveGames/0

You are able to view current settings in the Worldoptions.sav file by using this website:

Backup Scripts

You should be backing up your server on a regular basis, if you don't want to lose progress.


Below is a sample BASH script (Linux) which can get you started.


# Define source directory and backup directory
DATE=$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)

# Create a gzip compressed tarball
tar -czf "${BACKUP_DIR}/backup_${DATE}.tar.gz" -C "${SOURCE_DIR}" .

echo "Backup of ${SOURCE_DIR} completed at ${BACKUP_DIR}/backup_${DATE}.tar.gz"


And a Batch script for backups on Windows. It assumes you have 7zip installed.

@echo off
set SOURCE_DIR="C:\opt\game\Pal\Saved\SaveGames\0"
set BACKUP_DIR="C:\path\to\your\backup\directory"
set DATE=%date:~-4,4%%date:~-10,2%%date:~-7,2%_%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,2%

"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -tzip "%BACKUP_DIR%\" %SOURCE_DIR%

echo Backup of %SOURCE_DIR% completed at %BACKUP_DIR%\

Need assistance with Installing / Updating your game?

Or just someone to do all the hard work for you?

Setup guides:

Config Generator!

First up heres a cool config Generator:


If you installed your server using STEAMCMD, just re-run the same installation script. It will download the update for you.

  • Turn off your server
  • Update your server

The base command for SteamCMD is below. steamcmd +login anonymous +app_update 2394010 validate +quit

If you are using a custom installation directory, you will need to modify this. steamcmd +force_install_dir "/PATH/TO/DIRECTORY" +login anonymous +app_update 2394010 validate +quit

  • Turn on your server, when the download is completed.

Game Provider

Note, Each game server provider is different, we have no way to really tell you the correct actions to take here.

  • Restart your server through the panel
  • Ask their Support to update it for you.

DISCLAIMER: I am not endorsing any Providers by listing them, simply making you aware they exist and may be able to provide you what you're looking for.

Always check review sites like Google, Trustpilot etc, before purchasing services from new companies.

Manual Installations

Check out this documented installation script!

GSM (Game Server Manager)

To setup GSM For Linux:

To Setup GSM for Windows:

There's even a subbranch specifically for Palworld now!


There are a couple of known Docker images:

For a slightly more advanced docker version, you can check here:

ARM64 Variant for Oracle Free Tier.


There is an Egg being made for Pal currently: pelican-eggs/eggs#2669

Startup Parameters

Use these to override the behaviour of your server, from the start.

  • -port=xxxx
  • -publicport=xxxx

Set both of these to the same number, which is what your gameserver will be connectable on. IE 8211.

  • -queryport=xxx

This is the Default query port for Steam, if you get bind conflicts with 27015, set this

  • -RCONEnabled=true

Do you want to enable RCON? (This is a remote server admin tool, you don't need it)

  • -RCONPort=29027

What port do you want RCON set to? This will also need to be PortForwarded if you intend to remotely manage the server.

  • -useperfthreads -NoAsyncLoadingThread -UseMultithreadForDS

These are the optional performance parameters the developers provided.

  • -players=16

Override the Player Limit

  • -serverpassword=""

Override the connection Password

  • -adminpassword=""

Override the Default Admin Password

  • EpicApp=PalServer

Enable Display in the Public Server list.

  • -servername=""

Override the default ServerName.


Can I Join a friend on Xbox from Steam?

No, there is currenlty no Cross play. Apparently PocketPair are working to address this.

Can I play with more than 4 players on Xbox / Windows Store?

No, currently only dedicated servers through Steam can host multiple players. Same as above, it is being worked on.

Known issues

Memory Leak

There are a few events which occur in the game, which are believed to cause memory leaks.

There are currently two ways to combat this.

  • Set bEnableInvaderEnemy=False in your PalWorldSettings.ini
  • Setup automated restarts for your server. SomeCurrent recommendations below, you will need to figure out what works best for you:
  • 16GB RAM, 8 Users every 8 Hours.
  • 32GB RAM, 16 Users Every 12 Hours
  • 32GB RAM, 8 Users Every 24 Hours

Events believed to cause an issue:

  • Joining Dungeons repeatedly
  • Raid events
  • Party Pals working on the base, they have been seen to "Move" items around but go out of bounds and then drop them repeaetedly. This leads to a large pile of resource in the Pals pathing.

Forever Black loading screen - POTENTIALLY FIXED IN v0.1.3.0

Things to try,

  • Reconnect after restarting your game.
  • Try direct connections

If you're stuck on loading screen after this, your player profile is likely corrupt.

This is caused by joining/leaving guilds while other members are offline.

If you're on official, there's no solution other than joining another server.

My Characters been wiped / I Get prompted for a new character

One of two things has happened, and noone can really help you with them.

  • You've joined a different server
  • The Server data has been wiped

Public servers are not showing in server list.

The servers are not, down, the Server Manager which shows the servers is broken.

Direct connect with Password

There is a workaround, as currently the Direct Connection does not prompt you for a password. (Mlem Mlem) posted this in Discord.

  • Open Community Servers list.
  • Click on any Passworded Server
  • Enter the password for "your" server
  • Click Ok, then Click No
  • Use Direct Connect with your IP:Port to your server

How to correctly Change server settings.

  • Turn off your server
  • Modify Configs
  • Save Configs
  • Start Server


How to reset my server?

To delete your current progress on a server, go to the save location mentioned above and delete the contents.

Can I modify my Save data?

There is a way to modify your save data, which involves converting it from the .sav to .json format. Make then changes and then convert it back.

The current way is to utilise this python script:

Can I use my save on a different server?

No, you can not play on different servers with the same profile, each profile is unique to that server.

Can you migrate Server Saves to another machine?

Technically yes, however some considerations.

  • From a Public server to a private server : NO

There is no way to get the data from the public servers

  • From a Local Save converted to Dedicated : Yes

There is a modding tool being worked on to allow you to do just that, checkout #palworld-modding on the official Discord.

  • From Dedicated to Dedicated Yes, steps are below to achieve this.

WARNING This is a one time transfer, and some data loss may occur (players character is reset). Results have been wildly different so far between server types.

1) Create new server, run it one time and stop.
2) Get SaveGames folder from Old Server
3) Modify new servers DedicatedServerName = Old DedicatedServerName
Found in Pal/Saved/Config/LinuxServerGameUserSettings.ini
4) Copy SaveGames folder from Old to New
5) Start New Server


Troubleshooting Port Forwarding

Local Connection

First, check you can connect to your server through the local IP, ie 192.168.x.x or 10.0.x.x.

  • If you are not able to, and the port is corrct there is likely a firewall on the Server you need to allow connections through.

WAN Connection

If you can connect locally, next you need to try your public IP.

If you are not able to connect, however your friends are, you may be experiencing NAT Hairpining, which redirects your request locally. You should have an option in your Router settings to enable handle NAT Hairpin.

If you are not able to connect to your Public IP, your Router or ISP may have firewall rules in place to prevent that traffic. You can check your router first, by simply searching for a manual on how to Port Forward with your ISP Router.

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After updating the game server, if the game server restarts, my save will be lost. What should I do

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Nerus87 commented Jan 28, 2024

For what is this port 1985 on tcp?
This is the Input type (listen), Is it a Query port?

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Hi! Does anyone know how to
Disable raids on a dedicated server that is being ran on CMD coding ? We run the server on our 3rd computer but coded not through the steam setup. Not sure within the code where to turn it off. I tried invadeenemys - false but that just removed the alert they were coming

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bIsPvP - What is different between this and enabling bEnablePlayerToPlayerDamage?

How is this working? Im trying to turn on PVP on my server but it will not work.

bIsPvP=False this is command but when i to this bIsPvP=True it still not working

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Khurune commented Jan 30, 2024

If you want to change your servers tickrate. Here is an example of a server using 30FPS tick.



Add that to the bottom of your engine.ini Tweak as you want.

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divyakanth07 commented Jan 31, 2024

I keep getting an error when running my in linux and the error is the following

LowLevelFatalError [File:D:\works\repos\Pal_SVN\Pal-UE-App\Source\Pal\PalSaveGameManager.cpp] [Line: 359] Failed save to backup.

I am running ubuntu 22.04 lts on a 4 core and 8 thread cpu with 32 gb ram and 1.2 gbps internet speed
I have tried restarting the server and reconfiguring it and reinstalling steamcmd and also palserver but to no avail

can i get some help...

Edit : i have now used a different vps with 4 cores and 16 gb ram and 1 gbps internet speed
I tried redoing the whole thing but it still wont work properly for me the same issue keeps coming back

i think it is because of the save i am trying to shift from my co-op to dedicated server

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commandermoon commented Feb 7, 2024

Anyone have any luck setting up a service to run the server? I'm running Debian 11, trying to use systemctl and systemd to create a service, but not having any luck. I can get the service to run, with correct permissions, but the server itself doesn't come up. Here's what I'm currently working with after some iterations:

Description=Run Palworld Server



I found the environment UE PROJECT ROOT inside the and assumed it was needed as a dependency. Any help would be awesome.

I was able to get this working using:

Description=Start Palworld Server




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For what is this port 1985 on tcp? This is the Input type (listen), Is it a Query port?

1985 is the year Back to the Future was released, a favorite movie of the Unreal Engine developers, who chose this port for their Trace structured logging framework:

It's a used by the developer, they left in a debug option on Unreal Engine. You don't want to port forward this.

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Nerus87 commented Feb 8, 2024

For what is this port 1985 on tcp? This is the Input type (listen), Is it a Query port?

1985 is the year Back to the Future was released, a favorite movie of the Unreal Engine developers, who chose this port for their Trace structured logging framework:

It's a used by the developer, they left in a debug option on Unreal Engine. You don't want to port forward this.

Nice to know,
as a developer and network guy I can understand it to not open this port, thanks for the response.

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