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Created January 4, 2022 12:30
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "../includes/BstOfStrings.h"
StrBST *createStrBST()
StrBST *bst = (StrBST *)malloc(sizeof(StrBST));
bst->root = NULL;
return bst;
StrBSTNode *createStrBSTNode(const char *s)
StrBSTNode *n = (StrBSTNode *)malloc(sizeof(StrBSTNode));
n->s = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(s) + 1));
strcpy(n->s, s);
n->left = NULL;
n->right = NULL;
return n;
StrBSTNode *_addValueSB(StrBSTNode *root, StrBSTNode *new)
if (!root)
root = new;
return root;
if (strcmp(new->s, root->s) > 0)
root->right = _addValueSB(root->right, new);
else if (strcmp(new->s, root->s) < 0)
root->left = _addValueSB(root->left, new);
return root;
void addValueSB(StrBST *bst, const char *value)
if (!bst || !value)
StrBSTNode *new = createStrBSTNode(value);
bst->root = _addValueSB(bst->root, new);
void value_depth(const char *value, int depth)
printf("%s[%d]\n", value, depth);
void _toSortedList(StrBSTNode *node, value_handler handler, int depth)
if (!node)
_toSortedList(node->left, handler, depth + 1);
handler(node->s, depth);
_toSortedList(node->right, handler, depth + 1);
void toSortedList(StrBST *bst, value_handler handler)
if (!bst || !handler)
_toSortedList(bst->root, handler, 0);
/* Given a non-empty binary search
tree, return the node
with minimum key value found in
that tree. Note that the
entire tree does not need to be searched. */
StrBSTNode *minValueNode(StrBSTNode *node)
StrBSTNode *current = node;
loop down to find the leftmost leaf
(we determine the parent to leftmost node)?
while (current && current->left != NULL)
current = current->left;
return current;
StrBSTNode *deleteNode(StrBSTNode *root, const char *value)
// base case
if (root == NULL)
return root;
// If the key to be deleted
// is smaller than the root's
// key, then it lies in left subtree
if (strcmp(value, root->s) < 0)
root->left = deleteNode(root->left, value);
// If the key to be deleted
// is greater than the root's
// key, then it lies in right subtree
else if (strcmp(value, root->s) > 0)
root->right = deleteNode(root->right, value);
// if key is same as root's key,
// then This is the node
// to be deleted
// node with only one child or no child
if (root->left == NULL)
StrBSTNode *temp = root->right;
return temp;
else if (root->right == NULL)
StrBSTNode *temp = root->left;
return temp;
// node with two children:
// Get the inorder successor, leftmost node
// (smallest in the right subtree)
StrBSTNode *temp = minValueNode(root->right);
// Copy the inorder
// successor's content to this node
root->s = temp->s;
// Delete the inorder successor
// Delete the node that is copied to location of root to be deleted
// since that specific node now should be with no children or single children case
root->right = deleteNode(root->right, temp->s);
return root;
void delValueSB(StrBST *bst, const char *value)
if (!bst || !value)
bst->root = deleteNode(bst->root, value);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// StrBST *bst = createStrBST();
// addValueSB(bst, "John");
// addValueSB(bst, "Bob");
// addValueSB(bst, "Tom");
// addValueSB(bst, "Alan");
// addValueSB(bst, "Ellen");
// addValueSB(bst, "Karen");
// addValueSB(bst, "Wendy");
// toSortedList(bst, value_depth);
// printf("\n");
// delValueSB(bst, "Alan");
// toSortedList(bst, value_depth);
// StrBST *bst = createStrBST();
// addValueSB(bst, "egg");
// addValueSB(bst, "hi");
// addValueSB(bst, "cat");
// addValueSB(bst, "apple");
// addValueSB(bst, "bell");
// delValueSB(bst, "bell");
// toSortedList(bst, value_depth);
// printf("\n");
StrBST *bst = createStrBST();
addValueSB(bst, "egg");
addValueSB(bst, "hi");
addValueSB(bst, "cat");
addValueSB(bst, "apple");
addValueSB(bst, "bell");
delValueSB(bst, "bell");
delValueSB(bst, "cat");
toSortedList(bst, value_depth);
return 0;
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