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Last active December 14, 2015 18:38
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Save TranquilMarmot/5130338 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Arnold fortune
"It's showtime!"
"Alright everyone, chill."
"Allow me to break the ice."
"I need you clothes, your boots and your motorcycle."
"What the hell did you do to him, man?"
"I did nothing. The pavement was his enemy."
"You.. are not you. You're me."
"No shit."
"Dylan, you sonofabitch."
"I'm going to ask you a bunch of questions, and I'm going to have them answered immediately."
"Drop dead."
"I don't do requests."
"Do you know who I am?"
"I've seen you before. You're the asshole on TV."
"You're a funny guy, Sully, I like you. That's why I'm going to kill you last."
"What you been feeding this thing?"
"That's bullshit."
"C'mon, don't bullshit me."
"You set us up! It's bullshit! All of it!"
"Jesus, You were gonna kill that guy!"
"Of course. I'm a terminator."
"I suppose nothing hurts you."
"Only pain."
"Hey, you gonna pay for that?"
"Talk to the hand."
"Into the boat!"
"Into the tunnel!"
"Get to tha choppa!"
"I'm pregnant."
"It might be a tumor?"
"It's not a tumor! Not at all!"
"Sweetheat.. we're married!"
*bang bang*
"Consider that a divorce."
"Chill out... dickwad."
"Hello, cutie pie. One of us is in deep trouble."
"That's for sleeping with my wife. In a damn minivan."
"My name is John Kimbell."
*cocks shotgun*
"And I love my car."
"You're shittin' me."
"I am not shitting on you."
"Hey, you want to be a farmer? Here's a couple of acres."
*kicks guy in balls*
*impales guy to wall*
"Stick around."
*throws guy off ledge*
"Give you a lift?"
"You're fired."
*shoots missle with guy on it into helicopter*
*shoots alliagtor in face*
"You're luggage."
"To be. Or not to be... Not to be."
*lights cigar as building expdlodes*
"The ice man cometh."
"Hey, lighthead! Hey, christmas tree!"
"I love this saw. This saw's part of me. And I"M GONNA MAKE IT PART OF YOU!"
"That's alright, keep it!"
"Doesn't anyone stay dead anymore?!"
"Let's... kick some ice."
"Conan, what is best in life?"
"To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women."
"That is good."
"If it bleeds... we can kill it."
"Now this isthe plan, get your ass to mars."
*shoots a guy while diving under a table where a woman is*
"You're late."
"You're invitation, please?"
"Sure. Here's my invitation."
*presses button that blows up building*
"What killed the dinosaurs? The ice age!"
"Mack! MAAAACK!"
"God doesn't want you to go in there. Don't go in there, man!"
"Well then god shouldn't have killed my dog."
"You should clone youself."
"Why's that?"
"So you can go fuck yourself."
"You want a turboman for Christmas?"
"Forgetit, I'm not going to sit on your lap."
"Bring the toy back, bring the toy back to the carpet, bring it back to the carpet."
"Take your toy back to the carpet. TAKE IT BACK."
"For the first time in my life, I am PISSED OFF."
"My name is not Quaid."
"Stop it."
"No, I don't stop it I want my babies!"
"But I'm old woman."
"Feel how soft my skin is!"
"Stop being such a pussy!"
"You fuckin shot me!"
"It's just a scratch!"
"My neighbors are very sensitive."
"I do not want to touch his ass. I want to make him talk."
"Ok, but make it quick. My horse is getting tired."
"We are going to play a wonderful game called who is you daddy, and what does he do?"
"Come with me if you want to live."
"Danger is my trade."
"I'm the famous comedian, Arnold Brownschwagger."
"Now remeber, I could break your neck like a chicken's."
"You are mine now, you belong to me! You not gonna have your mommies run behind you anymore and wipe your tushies. No more complaining, no more 'Mr Kimbell I have to go to the bathroom', nothing! THERE IS NO BATHROOM."
"Shut up."
"Shut up!"
"Shut up."
*pulls out gun*
"You should not drink and bake."
"Fuck. You."
"Fuck you, asshole."
"Fuck you."
"Fuck you."
"Guy's a fucking asshole."
"You are one. Ugly. Motherfucker."
"He molested, murderered and mutilated her!"
"It's as satisfying to me as coming is, having sex with a woman and coming."
"You killed my father. Big mistake."
"You've just been erased."
*truck ploughs into guys car, blowing it up*
"See you at the party, Richter!"
*gleefully throws two limbs down an elevator shaft*
*kills guy on airplane, stewardess walks by*
"Excuse me- don't disturb my friend. He's dead tired."
*loads bullets into gun in gun store*
"Hey, you can't do that!"
*shoots guy in face*
"This green beret's gonna kick yo big ass."
"I eat green berets for breakfast. And right now I'm very hungry."
"You've seen those movies where they say 'make my day' or 'I'm your worst nightmare'? Well listen to this one... rubber baby buggy bumpers."
"Ha hahaha ha ha! You think this is the real Quaid? It is."
*shoots cops with machine gun*
"I have my orders."
"Drop the gun! Yeah, that's right drop the gun!"
"Hey, I'm a police officer. This is an arrest."
"I'm a cop you eediot! I'm Detective John Kimball, this man is under arrest."
"So who are you man?"
*cocks shotgun, shoots table*
"I'm the party pooper."
"Remember when I promised to kill you last? I lied."
*drops guy off cliff, guy goes flying from building*
"No sequel for you."
*big explosion*
"I'll be back."
"I'll... be back."
"I'm back."
"Bwa hahaha"
"Bwarhaha ha haa"
"Ahhhh bwarhahaha"
"I'll be back."
"Get down!"
"Get out!"
"Get down!"
"Get down, or I'll put you down."
"Get out."
"Hasta la vista. Baby."
*throws pipe into guy's chest, steam starts coming out*
"Let off some steam."
"Here is sub zero. Now... plain zero."
"Leave anything for us?"
"Just bodies."
"Do it. Do it. Come on, do it now, kill me!"
"You want to fuck with me? You think you know bad, huh? YOU'RE A FUCKING CHOIR BOY TO ME. A CHOIR BOY."
*drills hole into a guy*
"You cold blooded bastard, I'll tell you what I think of it. I live to see you eat that contract. But I hope you leave enough room for my fist, because I'm going to ram it into your stomach, and break your god damn spine!"
"Could I speak to the drug dealer of the house please? It's a beautiful day and we're out killing drug dealers."
"Hey mister, watch your talk!"
"I can hear my talk, I cannot watch it."
"This is all a lie. I was framed. I am completely innocent!"
"Hercules doesn't need any money."
"You don't stop screwing around back there, I'll do this to you."
*breaks pencil in half*
"Boys have a penis. Girls have a vagina."
"Thanks for the tip."
"Hercules goes where he wishes."
"I'm afraid that my position has left me... cold to your pleas of mercy."
"If I'm not me, who the hell am I?"
"You have no respect for logic. And I have no respect for those with no respect to logic."
"Adam... and Evil."
"Your confusion is not rational. She is a healthy female of breeding age."
"What the hell is going on here? There's someone in my house, eating my birthday cake, and it's not me."
"I saved a life today, what the hell did you do?"
"You took my father's sword!"
"Knives. And stabbing weapons."
"What's the matter? The CIA got you pushing pencils?"
"I remember days like this, when my father took me to the forest and we ate wild blueberries."
"Revenge is a dish best served cold. Let us feast!"
"Sue me, dickhead."
"When I said you should screw yourself... I didn't mean for you to take it literally."
"You've gotta promise me, you're not gonna kill anyone.... right?"
*later on, after shooting a guy in both shins*
"He'll live."
"Try to stay dead this time."
"You have striked Hercules."
"It's just a doll... it's just a stupid little plastic doll."
"Kill the heroes! Yes, kill them, kill them, yes!"
"You picked the wrong day."
*punches reindeer in the face*
"Fine chariot, but where are ze horses?"
"It's turbo time."
"NOOOO! Please, anything but my statue of me!"
"Gee, did you make a movie mistake? You forgot to reload the damn gun!"
"Is it dead?"
*grabs box with cat in it*
"Ok, enough philosophy. I've got to get going."
"Until next time."
"No chance."
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