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Forked from arthurattwell/word-freq.ps1
Last active April 28, 2019 23:10
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Word frequency with PowerShell
# PowerShell: Counting words in a text file
# Returns a list of the most-used, longest words in a text file.
# Post from From:
# Modified by Lawrence Billinghurst
# Modification Data: April 2019
# and
# Adapted slightly from
# Modified for the http:\\
# From:
# Used color script from
# and
# Perfomance Bost
## Uses the text from Alice in Wonderland
# from
[Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string]$FileName= '.\Alice''sAdventureInWonderLand.txt'
,[Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string]$Search
,[Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string]$SortOrder
,[Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [Alias("R")] [switch]$DisplayResults
,[Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [Alias("I")] [switch]$Interactive
,[Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [Alias("N")] [switch]$NoProgress
,[Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [Alias("D")] [switch]$DontShow
,[Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [Alias("E")] [switch]$ExportCSV
,[Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [switch]$HashSwitch
#Stopwatch Start
$sw = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
#Define some Values
$NumberFound = 0
$WordCount = 0
$Longest = ""
$Dictionary = @{}
$LineCount = 0
if ((Test-Path -path $FileName)-eq $false) {
$xMenuChoiceA = "0"
while (($xMenuChoiceA -ne "1") -and ((Test-Path -path $FileName)-eq $False)){
Write-host $dashline
[string]$xMenuChoiceA = read-host "Enter a file name or 1 to exit"
if ( $xMenuChoiceA -eq "1"){
} else {$FileName=$xMenuChoiceA}
#Define Funciton print-search results
function print-search{
if (($SearchWord -ne "") -and (-not $DontShow)) {
$NumberFound = (get-content $FileName| select-string -pattern $SearchWord).length
Write-host $dashline
if ($YesColors -eq $True) {
Write-output "The word $SearchWord was found $NumberFound times." |Select-ColorString $SearchWord
Write-host $dashline
Select-String -Pattern $SearchWord $FileName |Select-ColorString $SearchWord}
else {
Write-Host "The word $SearchWord was found $NumberFound times."
Write-host $dashline
Select-String -Pattern $SearchWord $FileName
#Try to load select-colorstring function file
if (Test-Path -path $FunctionFile) {. $FunctionFile
$SearchWord = $Search.ToUpper()
$FileContents = Get-Content $FileName
$TotalLines = $FileContents.Count
if (-not $DontShow) {
Write-Host "Reading file $FileName..."
Write-host $dashline
Write-Host "$TotalLines lines read from the file."
Write-host $dashline}
$FileContents | foreach {
$Line = $_
if (-not $NoProgress) {
Write-Progress -Activity "Indexing Line ($LineCount of $TotalLines)..." -PercentComplete ($LineCount*100/$TotalLines)
$Line.Split(" .,:;?!/()[]{}-```"") | foreach {
$Word = $_.ToUpper()
If ($Word[0] -ge 'A' -and $Word[0] -le "Z") {
If ($Word.Contains($SearchWord)) { $Found++ }
If ($Dictionary.ContainsKey($Word)) {
if ($HashSwitch){
$Dictionary.$Word++ # Slow Method
} else {
$cnt = $Dictionary[$Word] + 1
$Dictionary.Add($Word, $cnt)
} else {
$Dictionary.Add($Word, 1)
if (-not $NoProgress) {
Write-Progress -Activity "Indexing words..." -Completed
# Filter Word List to remove any single values and length greter than 2, then sort by Word name
$WordCountList=$($Dictionary.GetEnumerator()| ? {($_.Value -gt 1) -AND ($_.Name.Length -gt 2)} | Sort Name )
$DictWords = $WordCountList.Count
#$OutList = ($WordCountList | Select Name,Value -First 2)
if (-not $DontShow) {
Write-Host "$WordCount total words in the text"
Write-Host "$DictWords distinct words in the text"
#Call the print resule function
#Stopwatch Stop
switch ($SortOrder) {
"1" {$WordCountList=$WordCountList|Sort Name ; break}
"2" {$WordCountList=$WordCountList|Sort Name -Descending ; break}
"3" {$WordCountList=$WordCountList|Sort Value ; break}
"4" {$WordCountList=$WordCountList|Sort Value -Descending ; break}
default {$WordCountList=$WordCountList|Sort Name ; break}
if ($DisplayResults) { #Show Results when R Switch is activeated
$WordCountList|Select -First 5 |ft
if ($ExportCSV) { #Export file when E Switch is activeated
$WordCountFileName=(split-path -path $FileName) +"\"+ ((gci $FileName).BaseName) + "-wordcount.csv"
$WordCountList|select name,value|Export-Csv $WordCountFileName -NoTypeInformation
if ($Interactive){
$xMenuChoiceA = "0"
while ( $xMenuChoiceA -ne "1"){
Write-host $dashline
[string]$xMenuChoiceA = read-host "Enter word to search or 1 to exit"
if ( $xMenuChoiceA -ne "1"){
Write-host $dashline
$SearchWord = $xMenuChoiceA
#Call the print resule function
$LogFileName=(split-path -path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) +".\"+ ((gci $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name).BaseName) + ".log.txt"
#Write timing to Log file, skip if Interactive
$LogEntery= $(Get-Date -Format 'MM/dd/yyyy,hh:mm tt')+","+$HashSwitch+","+$sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds+","+$TotalLines+","+$WordCount+","+$DictWords+","+$FileName
#Write-Host "Writing Log: "$LogEntery
Add-Content $LogFileName $LogEntery
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Trifused commented Apr 28, 2019

Added to original script from Arthur Attwell

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