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Last active December 20, 2019 21:17
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My Professional Story Rough Draft

Through out my life I have alwasy been creative and enjoyed creating in many ways. When I graduated from high school I wanted to do something different so I danced. I became a professional dancer, It was very rewarding. But with age came new objsticles. I injured my self multiple times and my body needed a break. I had no clue where my life was headed, but I knew I wanted to still be able to create and feel like my work is rewarding.

A couple months after taking a break from dance I landed a job as a website admin through my mother. I honestly I had no clue on what was next for me but I really enjoyed tech and wanted to be able to create. I decided to get into programming. Working for the company as a web admin exposed to me to the tech industry. I can use my love for creating to create something useful that can change lives. This is how decided to make the carreer change and come to turing. Making the change has come with some obsticles such as the feeling of imposter sydrome. I have had many times where I started doubting my self and if I belonged. I had to get over my self. I needed to remeber what made me a great dancer and that was hard work and confidence.

Coding has given me the same feeling I got from dancing, because at the end of the day they aren't very different from each other. I work hard to understand, I learn alot everyday, I Love what i'm creating. I get fulfillment from seeing my code work.

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Hey Trond, sorry for the delay here, but this is a great draft! I appreciate getting the connection between dance and coding through creativity, and I appreciate that you also talk about obstacles during the journey that you've persevered through. For future iterations, I would recommend giving some specific examples of what you love creating and working on as a developer. Overall, nice job!

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