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Last active February 18, 2023 11:30
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NewGRF Classification
[77 / 4531 - 30f1fce0:f91bbbe5 - Windy Font] ERROR: error while loading file: Unexpected end-of-file.
Done. 1 failures
---- newgrf-aircraft (18 entries) ----
44440a02 - Apache Helicopter
44440a01 - av8 Aviators Aircraft Set
44440a03 - Av8 extra aircraft
46538787 - av8 Minimal Supp WAS
44440a80 - Av9.8
4a4b0103 - Dongun Pencil Aircraft Set
44440a11 - General av8ion
4946424c - Hot Air Balloon
53423031 - JU52
54540101 - Kaaskrokets Fictional Aircraft
4b415253 - Korean Airliners Set
4a4b0104 - LCT Vehicle Set
41440101 - Military Items
50432c01 - OpenGFX Playable UFOs
52415608 - RAV8 (Rangless Av8)
535a2330 - Use-able default aircraft
4b4b1101 - VACE - VTOL AirCraft for Everyo
57a50001 - WAS (World Airliners Set)
---- newgrf-airport (5 entries) ----
41410107 - Airport asphalt (ttdur)
48500107 - Heliport (ttdur)
454e2c01 - North Korean Aviation Set
43415000 - OpenGFX+ Airports
504a0101 - SeaplaneAirport
---- newgrf-bridge (27 entries) ----
415a0601 - American Bridge Replacement Set
634d0100 - betabridges
634d0101 - betabridges
634d0300 - betabridgesu
55464902 - Bridges param speed limit
4d490303 - CZTR Bridges
44440202 - Expensive Short and Slow Bridge
44440203 - Fast bridge
4b480700 - Highspeed tracks
fbfb9905 - Longer Girder, Steel Bridge
4d4e0103 - Modified Bridge Properties
51420102 - Modular Wider Bridges for JGR
51420101 - Modular Wider Bridges Set
4672780a - Monkey Bar Bridge
4d470901 - OldBridge
535a0224 - Speed for suspension bridges!
54500001 - Subway Transit Bridge
74677563 - Total Bridge Renewal Japan
74677462 - Total Bridge Renewal Set
415a0501 - Total Bridge Renewal Set ARRS
4a4b0501 - Total Bridge Renewal Set UKRS
fbfb0202 - Transrapid Track Set
42533331 - ttms_bridge
55464901 - U&Bridges
464d4f01 - Unlimited Girder
444a59a1 - Vactrain Set Companion
6a647209 - WR Bridges
---- newgrf-economy (20 entries) ----
21212121 - Altered Costs and Prices
5a564358 - Alternative Base Costs
4d470305 - BaseCosts
4a4b8448 - Basecosts for harder game
4d470303 - BaseMod
4d4703c1 - BaseMod Presets
42505345 - Buy, process, sell (ECS)
454e3103 - DPRK Industry v1 fix
53536304 - Easy Station Rating Override
4a530881 - LL basecosts
4d545045 - Max tiles paid (ECS)
44442301 - Modified Building Costs
52545801 - Passenger and Mail Payment Rate
53536301 - paxWorkers
ec0d9110 - Raise landscaping costs
48530101 - Reduced Passenger Payment
53536303 - Simple Cargo Decay Override
4b490101 - Simple Cargo Profit
52545802 - SPI(1.32) Cargo Payment Rates
53536302 - Ultimate Cargo Payment Override
---- newgrf-gui (12 entries) ----
415a1401 - Cursor / GUI Replacer
46520107 - FontRenew (ttdur)
474c0000 - Japanese Faces
4a44fab1 - NewCC Set
454e2301 - North Korean Faces
52577801 - OpenGFX+ BigGUI
46727806 - OpenGFX+ Trees
44442302 - Purple to Black Company Color
41500002 - S-GUI
41500001 - Spartan GUI
53554d11 - SunCursor
43484152 - UK Logo Character Replacement
---- newgrf-industry (67 entries) ----
4e445903 - Age of Industry Replacement Set
454e1501 - Apollo Rocket Industry Set
47470105 - Austailian Industry V3
47470104 - Australian Industries
47472030 - Australian Industries Set AuzIn
47472031 - Australian Industry AuzInd2
47470160 - AuzInd160
47471080 - AuzInd161
47472017 - AuzIndustriesScen
47476001 - Auztralian Industrial AuzInd6
4a4b8808 - AXIS eXtreme Industry Set
43480401 - Banks to supplement ECS vectors
54540202 - Beach as Industry
42580002 - BSPI
4d656f97 - ECS Agricultural Vector
4d656f92 - ECS Basic vector
4d656f9f - ECS Basic vector II
4d656f9c - ECS Chemical vector II
4d656f96 - ECS Construction Vector
4a530a70 - ECS Industry Add-on
4d656f94 - ECS Machinery vector
4d656f91 - ECS Town vector
4d656f95 - ECS Wood vector
4d434565 - ECSext
45480101 - Experts hard - industries
4a4b8702 - Field Spawner
f1250005 - FIRS Industry Replacement Set 1
f1250006 - FIRS Industry Replacement Set 2
f1250007 - FIRS Industry Replacement Set 3
f1250008 - FIRS Industry Replacement Set 4
4d434631 - FIXES
54543233 - Free Trade Center
4a448850 - Housing as Industries
54540401 - Improved Town Industries
54543230 - Industries of the Caribbean
4d634c63 - Logging camp
54543231 - Lumberjack Industries
4d470801 - LumberMill
4d470802 - LumberMill PS
4d634d69 - Manpower ogfx-industries
66724d49 - Manual Industries
454e3101 - North Korean Industry Set
535a1080 - Oil Rig for Snowland and Desert
4f472b33 - OpenGFX+ Industries
43480101 - Original Industries Disabler
47475154 - OTIS - One Tile Industry Set
44440603 - PBI Brick Chain
44440602 - Pikka's Basic Industries
444410aa - PIRS Industries Redux
54540102 - Plaza as Industry
4b4b0001 - Renegade FIRS
736c6606 - Smaller Mines
4a4c0101 - Soylent Industries
31ff0502 - SPI
31ff0503 - SPI 1.1
31ff0505 - SPI 1.3
31ff0504 - SPI1.2
414c0101 - Station's name from nearby indu
44440610 - TaI Industries
535a1344 - Temperate Oil Wells CAN increas
54454d39 - Temporal8 Real Industries 32bpp
474c0301 - Valuables for Arctic & Tropical
474c0201 - Water Treatment Plant
6a647204 - WR Extra Industries (WRExInd)
4a448807 - XIS Extreme Industry Set
56420303 - YETI Extended Towns & Industrie
---- newgrf-landscape (28 entries) ----
4a530ab1 - Arctic Remove SNOW
424b5462 - BK Enhanced Tunnel Set
56420505 - BRIX Realism Is XXXX
434d414c - CityMania Alpine Climate
4d490102 - CZTR Ground set
4d490302 - CZTR Tree set
434d4454 - Debug Trees
4f4f0101 - Discord Snow Controller
4242464c - Flowers
52453300 - Japanese Trees
52453200 - JapanSet Landscape
4e480101 - NH Foundations
4a53aa01 - NoGridLand
454e1b01 - Oops! All Snow!
4f474d00 - OpenGFX Mars Landscape
4f472b34 - OpenGFX+ Landscape
504a5343 - Permanent Snowy Coasts
504f544d - PotA: Ghat Landscape
56420404 - RAWR Absolute World Replacement
4b460301 - Rock Replacement for Transmitte
54560103 - Smooth Snow Transition
49420105 - Snow Line Mod
44444401 - Sunshine Notbase
4a530ab2 - Toyland Temperate Replacement
504a0011 - traintunnel with eyecandy road
54520107 - Transmitter (ttdur)
4a5a0105 - TTO Full Conversion
55464980 - U&Trees
---- newgrf-mixed (19 entries) ----
41560101 - AveiMil's PIGM
434d0101 - CityMania Event
45454c53 - Eels
45580102 - Ex's city builder
47572121 - Feature Disabler GRF
44458102 - Hale Static
4b480900 - Highspeed Industry Cargo Types
414c5301 - Iris Gameplay Tweaks
4a530a07 - PCB server
52544e41 - RUKTS - Extension
46727800 - SMITS
4a565101 - SpaceY
48534d01 - SUM
42570101 - Tea Tea Deluxe
4d656f54 - Toyland2mars
415a2077 - Wasteland
57495245 - WIRES
6a647283 - WR Basic Industries (WRBI)
6a647202 - WR Tourist Set
---- newgrf-object (82 entries) ----
47473637 - Auz Farms and Fences Obects
47470705 - Auz Lineside Objects
47473031 - Auz Rail Objects
47473334 - Auz Road And Town Objects
47470901 - Auz Roadside Objects
47473839 - Auz Water and Landscape Objects
47471801 - Auz_Landscape_Objects
47471502 - Auz_Water_Objects
47474750 - AuzCarParksAndSubwayOverlays
47477017 - AuzCreekAndDrainObjects
47474045 - AuzFake Rails And Trains Object
47472301 - AuzFakeRailwayLines
47472501 - AuzFakeRailwayLines_Add-ons
47477001 - AuzFarmObjects
47477002 - AuzFencesObjects
47473434 - AuzObjects Fake Bridges Culvert
47473535 - AuzObjects Fake Roads
47474141 - AuzObjects Fake Trains
47474040 - AuzObjects FakeRailwayLines
47473636 - AuzObjects Farms
47473232 - AuzObjects Fences
47474242 - AuzObjects Land And Water
47473838 - AuzObjects Landscape
47473030 - AuzObjects Rail
47473333 - AuzObjects Towns
47477015 - AuzPowerAndTelephoneObjects
47473131 - AuzRoadAndRailObjects
47470801 - AuzSlopeAwareGroundTiles
47473335 - AuzTownObjects
47477007 - AuzWaterObjects
504a0107 - Beach Objects
4252534f - BRObjects
4a475282 - Buffers
52580102 - CIRso (FaCso terrain)
0100403a - City Objects
0100403b - City Objects Extras
434d4d53 - CityMania Minesweeper
77672018 - Creeks objects
4d490307 - CZTR Rail addons
504a0102 - Dutch Delta Works
444c4f53 - Dutch Landmark Objects Set
fbfb0502 - Dutch Road Furn. UK Signs Add-o
fbfb0501 - Dutch Road Furniture
44573553 - DWE-NewObjects
bebe0004 - EmptyGRF
4d430902 - EoT
504a4641 - Fake Airport Objects
54470301 - Fake Bridges
bebe0100 - Farm Objects
52580101 - FIRS and CHIPS style objects
46520101 - Fridaemon's Objects
fbfb0901 - FRISS - Stations and Other Infr
434b4fb1 - Generic Skyscraper Objects Set
43415401 - Giant Cats
43480901 - Ground Tiles with Autoslope
53441101 - INFRA Green P1
53541101 - INFRA Streets P1
504a0013 - ISR/DWE-style Objects
4a44b123 - JP+ Objects
4b4f4230 - Korean Object Set
4a446600 - LGBTQ+ Pride Flags
454e2b02 - North Korean Objects
4f474d0f - OpenGFX Mars Objects
54470203 - OpenGFX+ Airports as Objects
797a0000 - Polish Lighthouses
54543136 - Rainforest Ruins
54454d33 - Real Parks & Gardens in 32bpp
524e4f01 - Recycled NewObjects: OGFX Mars
52425201 - Romazoon Objects
49464e4f - SNO - Supercheese's NewObjects
534e5157 - Snow-Aware Coastline Objects
4652ad09 - Swedish Houses as Objects
48570101 - TARS Mountain Lifts
4d4d9910 - The Lighthouse Set
54500103 - Tony Pixels Subway Equipment Se
504a5457 - Town Walls Objects
4a565001 - Transmitter by Date
524e4f03 - Ufiby NewObjects, Pt. 1
524e4f04 - Ufiby NewObjects, Pt. 2
444e0800 - VAST (Objects)
444e0c00 - VAST+ Fences
797a0201 - World Flags
---- newgrf-rail-infra (54 entries) ----
4e4d2008 - agga
47471026 - Auustralian Wide Ballast Tracks
42450101 - Beul's Mono&Maglev conversion
19060801 - Bigger Depots
42525417 - BRTracks
54631002 - CS Rail Set v1.4
4d490320 - CZTR Infrastructure
4d490104 - CZTR Rails
4d4c0100 - Dutch Catenary
fbfb0701 - Dutch Tracks
54560202 - Fix TTD grf bugs
4a560201 - FRISS - Rail Infrastructure
4672783a - FS-Maglev Track
52545303 - IGNORE_PLZ
454e0e01 - Industrial Trackset
5043a010 - ISR Rail & Road Depots
44503000 - Japanese Tracks
4b543031 - Korean Tracks
454e0201 - Maglev Track Set
454e0202 - Maglev Track Set v2
fbfb0402 - Metro Track Set
444e0601 - Monorail Infrastructure Conv Se
454e1002 - Monorail Track Replacement
4e475453 - Narrow Gauge Track Types
4e480201 - NH Depot
4d470201 - NNGT
4e4d0705 - North American Track Set
454e3001 - North Korean Track Set
444a5401 - NuTracks
4b494f02 - Omni-Gauge Railtype
4738520b - PLZ_IGNORE
576d0301 - Progressive Rail Set
535a0901 - Purno's new railway fence
56420202 - PURR Universal Rainbow Rails
55504454 - Railtype Compatibility GRF
47385203 - Recycled Tracktype Set
534d0101 - skyem123's Rails
53554b54 - Standardised UK Track Set
454e1201 - Sun's Depots
53455230 - Swedish Rails
fbfb0b01 - Termite (Rail tracks)
54574606 - Timberwolf's Tracks
544f5901 - ToyTrax Replacement
454e3701 - Trackless Trackset
55460101 - U&ReRMM
55464990 - U&ReRMM 2
ac1d0002 - U&ReRMM 2: IH2 plugin
55464991 - U&ReRMM2: Mini
44442303 - UK Railway Set tracks
55494354 - Unintrusive Catenary
fbfb0a01 - Useless Tracks
6a647207 - WR Rails
4d656fb1 - xUSSR Rails Set
---- newgrf-rail-station (75 entries) ----
4d480201 - Alexandra Palace
47470011 - Aus Freight Stations Version 2
47474701 - Aus Stations Part 1 Version 2
47474702 - Aus Stations Part 2 Version 2
47470006 - Auz Freight Stations
47474708 - Auz More Freight Stations
47474710 - Auz Stations Add-ons
47474711 - Auz Stations and Non-Tracks
47474712 - Auz Stations More Add-Ons
47470001 - Auz Stations Part 1
47470002 - Auz Stations Part 2
47474703 - Auz Stations Part 3 Version 1
47474704 - Auz Stations Part 4 Version 1
47474709 - Auz Stations Platforms
47474713 - Auz Train Depot Extensions
47474707 - Auz Waypoints
47474705 - AuzFreightStations
4d470c03 - BaseSets SpriteViewer
524a4502 - Basic Stations
4a430001 - British Stations Set
4a4b2510 - BRStations
43485053 - CHIPS Station Set 1
43485054 - CHIPS Station Set 2
52455400 - City stations
54632301 - CS extras set
54430202 - CS Platforms set
54430201 - CS StationSet v0.1
504a0012 - Custom Tunnel Entrances
56480002 - CZTR Stations
454e2702 - DPRK Stations
454e2801 - DPRK Stations Addon
454e2803 - DPRK Stations v2 - Buildings
454e3401 - DPRK Stations v2 - Eyecandy
454e3402 - DPRK Stations v2 - Eyecandy 2
454e2703 - DPRK Stations v2 - Platforms
504a0110 - Dutch Station Addition Set
504a0112 - Dutch Station Addition, Part 2
504a0113 - Dutch Station Addition, Part 3
44536157 - Dutch Stations As Waypoints DSA
58534453 - Dutch Stations Set
44578619 - DWE-StationTiles - Fences
44573452 - DWE-StationTiles -Industrial Te
50470700 - Fake Bridges Waypoints
46525301 - Fridaemon's Non-Track Tiles
504e0002 - Generic Buffers
53410a0a - GETS Waypoints
474e5345 - Gwyd's NSE Stations
4b480c00 - Highspeed Farm Stations
4b480b00 - Highspeed Industry Stations
4b480a00 - Highspeed Passenger Stations
464b0000 - Hungarian Stations
464b0001 - Hungarian Stations 2
464b0002 - Hungarian Stations 3
4a430002 - Industrial Stations Renewal
50470601 - ISR Style Waypoints
50470602 - ISR Style Waypoints
45530500 - Japanese Stations
4b451000 - Kiwitree Station Extension
4b452000 - Kiwitree Station Extension Shad
4b570001 - Kiwitree Station Set Part 1
4b570002 - Kiwitree Station Set Part 2
454e1701 - Maglev Station Set
41570102 - Modern Waypoint
44450002 - Modular Locomotive Shed Station
454e1401 - OpenGFX+ Stations
4d50006a - Ore Unloader Station
504a5143 - Qatenary
52455200 - Rural Stations
52455300 - Suburban Stations
454e2701 - TagForDeletionIGuess
54454d06 - Temporal8 Real Stations 32bpp
54574608 - Timberwolf's Stations
504e0001 - UK Waypoints
54570200 - US Stations Set
444e0400 - VAST (Station Tiles)
---- newgrf-road-infra (30 entries) ----
415a0301 - American Road Replacement Set
4c530301 - Brick Tram Depot
43530103 - Country Roads
54630002 - CS Road Set 2.0
4d410003 - czRoadsFix Names
4d490101 - CZTR Road set
56590003 - CZTR Road set Fix(CHN)
44450401 - Docklands
fbfb0801 - Dutch Rail Furniture
fbfb0301 - FooBar's Tram Tracks
47524301 - GPL Roadtype Collection, Pt. 1
47524302 - GPL Roadtype Collection, Pt. 2
47524303 - GPL Roadtype Collection, Pt. 3
47524304 - GPL Roadtype Collection, Pt. 4
47524305 - GPL Roadtype Collection, Pt. 5
5f5f0200 - JF Ratt Roads
524b0301 - Lightrail/Tramtracks
46420801 - New Tram Tracks
415a1001 - RattRoads
47385209 - Roadtype Fixes
44458002 - TheBus Stops
54574609 - Timberwolf's Roads
50439000 - Tramway Catenary Remover
55464989 - U&RaTT
4242444c - U&Ratt compatible Docklands
55464988 - U&RaTT: Mini
554b524c - UK Roads with Signs
554b5201 - UK Roadset
44450601 - Unspooled
47385202 - Utility Roadtype Set
---- newgrf-road-vehicle (96 entries) ----
4a595001 - 2CC Bus Set
41570101 - 2CC Cargo Trams
fbfb0010 - 2CC Trams
4c450002 - 8/32bpp Canton Buses(CHN)
57434322 - Argentina WC 2022 Champions Bus
47385205 - Articul8eer Test Set
474c0401 - Articulated Road Vehicles Set
4d42000a - BATS
4d420100 - Bob's British Buses
4d420000 - Bob's Random Vehicles
415a1101 - C.O.N.V.E.Y.O.R. B.E.L.T.S.
fe16215c - City Tram Set
54438301 - CS Tram Set [V. 0.2 + 0.1]
47464a01 - CS_BusSetA
47464a02 - CS_BusSetB1
47464a03 - CS_BusSetB2
47464a04 - CS_BusSetB3
4d530101 - CSsalinaset
4d530105 - Czech Road set
4d490201 - CZTR Bus set
56590201 - CZTR Bus set(CHN)
4d490202 - CZTR Tram set
4d490203 - CZTR Truck set
66724456 - Debug Vehicles
4a460200 - DROP JF Fork
4a565601 - Dutch ROads Project DROP
fbfb0102 - Dutch Tram Set
4f460a01 - Earlier Road Vehicles
52571201 - eGRVTS
41560103 - eGRVTS v2.1
52571203 - eGRVTS2
52571204 - eGRVTS2 NRT
49464556 - Eyecandy Road Vehicles
49464653 - Fake Subways
44450701 - Flume
50432001 - Funny Cars
4b463034 - GALVET
52571208 - Generic Cars
52570103 - Generic Tram Set
47524306 - GPL Roadtype Collection, Pt. 6
41501202 - HEQS (Heavy Equipment Set)
43531101 - Horse Carts
4d570102 - Hover Bus
485a0101 - Hover Vehicles
24252c2c - Hungarian Truck Set
4d560000 - Ikarus Set
4f460a02 - Improved Road Vehicles
454e1301 - Japanese SusMon [Obsolete]
454e1302 - JP+ Suspended Monorails
4b523031 - KeepinItMail
544b0202 - Korean Bus Set
4a4b0102 - Korean Bus Set Expansion
4b475431 - Korean Tram Set
4e474c56 - Light Road Vehicle Set
4d656f17 - Long vehicles
4d656f20 - Long vehicles v4. Cut version
4d4e5453 - Metro NRT Tram Set
54450101 - Modern Dutch Bus Set
4642fb21 - Modern Tram Set
44450602 - Mop's Expanded Road Vehicles
045c030c - NARVw
4e415256 - North American Road Vehicle Set
4e4d1015 - North American RV Set
454e2501 - North Korean Road Vehicle Set
454e2502 - North Korean Road Vehicles 2.0
454e2401 - North Korean Tram Set
4f472b32 - OpenGFX+ Road Vehicles
534a0000 - Polish Road Set
4d430107 - Polish Tram set by Sojita
4d430207 - PolRoad
61433131 - Portuguese Road Buses
524f5601 - Recycled OpenGFX Mars Extended
50430201 - Refit Default RVs
9787eafe - Road Hog (Buses, Trucks, Trams)
574f0001 - Roadvehicledate
3b170000 - Romanian Road Vehicle Set
5f5f0202 - S.U.V. John Franklin Fork
44490010 - Serbian Tram Set - OpenTTD Remi
4c530100 - STGFX Buses !BETA!
46530200 - STGFX Trolleybus set
43530702 - SUV
54454d07 - Temporal8 Real Bus 32 bpp
54454d09 - Temporal8 Real Trucks 32bpp
54454d08 - Temporal8 Real Vehicles 32bpp
54454d01 - Temporal8´s Real Cars 32bpp
5457460a - Timberwolf's UK Road Vehicles 3
54560301 - Trolleybus Set
54574605 - TW's UK RVs 2 (HD) [Legacy]
54574604 - TW's UK RVs 2 [Legacy]
52571701 - Urban Suspended Monorail
47385206 - Utility "Truck" Set
47385207 - Utility "Truck" Set Pipe Addon
4a565501 - Velo
4a5655f1 - Velo - DROP Fork
43530902 - Water Way Road
6a64720b - WR City Trams
---- newgrf-ship (8 entries) ----
414e0101 - FISH 1 (Ships)
1560b248 - redFISH
4a4d0101 - Sailing Ships
54540501 - Sal's Canalboats
4a44bbb1 - SHARK Ship Set
414e0201 - Squid Ate FISH (FISH 2 - Ships)
55535333 - Unsinkable Sam (Ships)
425f0101 - Very large ships
---- newgrf-signal (9 entries) ----
44440502 - Combined American Signal Set
00000002 - CSDSignalSet v2.01
4c4d0201 - Dutch Signals
42010000 - German Signals
2c320a01 - Japanese Signals
4a505053 - JP+ signal extension
544b0603 - Korean Signal Set
4a475281 - Multi Aspect Signals
454e2e01 - North Korean Signal Set
---- newgrf-town (29 entries) ----
4c450007 - China HQs
304fe908 - City HQs
167b2e54 - City Tram Track
4e4c4853 - Dutch Terraced Houses
4d470b02 - Early Houses
4d656f9d - ECS Houses
45580103 - Ex's - City Builder
4d4c5301 - Future Houses for Late Game
4d432101 - HotHut
54540301 - ITL Houses
52453400 - Japanese Buildings
4a4b0106 - Korean Style Buildings
534b0501 - Luukland_Citybuilder
2d480107 - Main HQ (ttdur)
524a4501 - North American Building Set
454e2901 - North Korean Houses Set
454e2902 - North Korean Houses Set v2
554a0000 - Polish Buildings Set
4d635069 - Preindustrial era houses
50431001 - Snow Aware Arctic Buildings
41533031 - Swedish Houses
474a0002 - Swedish Houses Early Mod
44442411 - TaI UK Houses
474a0003 - TaI UK Houses Early Mod
444410bb - TaI32 Town Set
52444345 - Temporal8 Real Houses Townset
474a0001 - Total Town Replac. Set Early Mo
56430001 - Total Town Replacement Set
72777473 - UK Town Set
---- newgrf-townname (148 entries) ----
50430303 - Alaskan Town Names
576dab03 - Alberta Town Names
736c6605 - Animal Kingdom (Town Names)
534b4601 - Arabian town names
44419001 - Aussie Town Names
52448472 - Australian Aboriginal Town Name
54470202 - Australian town names
504381a1 - Austrian Town Names
50438151 - Azerbaijani Town Names
4d470d01 - Belarusian Town Names
50430304 - Belgian Town Names
46086601 - Better World Cities
44570101 - Black Country Town Names
79210502 - Brazilian Town Names
50430301 - British Town Names
52444431 - Bulgarian Town Names
4e445902 - Canadian Ghost Town Names
52470101 - Canadian Town Names
4c534702 - Chinese Town Names
5a425801 - Chinese True Town Names
50438191 - Christmas Town Names
54540701 - Colorado Town Names
4b460897 - Crass UK Town Names
44419501 - Crazy Town Names
42614301 - Croatian Town Names
504b4b01 - CS Town Names
54543139 - Cuba Town Names
36347476 - Czech Town Names
435a544e - CZTN - Czech Town Names
44430101 - Dante Empire Names
4e4b4e32 - DPRK Town Names
44544e32 - Dutch Town Names
50438161 - East Prussian Town Names
45544e01 - Eorzea Town Names
63756101 - Equestrian Town Names
37550501 - Esperanto Town Names
474b0000 - Estonian Town Names
76270101 - Famous Town Names
50438141 - Faroese Town Names
4c4d4930 - Fediverse Town Names
47385208 - FicTownNames Reloaded
41533032 - Finnish Town Names
666e746e - First Names as Town Names
ac1d0201 - French Small Town Names
4d470702 - French Town Names
526f7001 - Frenchies Town Names
46724e00 - Funny English town names
46724e01 - Funny Russian town names
4b463031 - Galician Town Names
50438171 - Game of Thrones Town Names
52564e67 - Georgian Town Names (Country)
49764202 - German Town Names
54525531 - Greater Bandung Districs Names
50438111 - Greenlandic Town Names
544b0301 - Grimdark Towns
50438101 - Hawai'ian Town Names
4b4b0102 - Hong Kong Town Names
534c4001 - Hungarian Town Names
4e574c42 - Icelandic Town names
494e4432 - Indian Town Names
455b0101 - Indonesian Town Names
42424101 - Irish Town Names
5a480101 - Israeli town names
49544c4e - Italian Town Names
736c6602 - Japanese City Names
45520c00 - Japanese Town Names
4a544e45 - Japanese Town Names Extended
f2860b74 - Javanese town names
47441802 - Kazakhstan Town Names
4b460815 - Kentucky Town Names
4c454531 - Korean Town Hanja Names
544b0101 - Korean Town Names
4e474c54 - Latin Town Names
4c56544e - Latvian town names
444b0101 - Lithuanian Town Names
4c54544e - Lithuanian Town Names
4d42bb01 - Lombard Town Names
54530101 - LUNames
50438121 - Maltese Town Names
4b4b0401 - Martian Town Names
54540601 - Massachusetts Town Names
03151814 - Michigan Town Names
4a545000 - Midwestern Town Names
576d5201 - MinchinWeb's Random Town Names
50438181 - Mongolian Town Names
686d6301 - More British Town Names
686d6300 - More British Town Names v1.0
72640000 - Names of Texas
4e42544e - New Brunswick Town Names
4b535831 - New England Town Names
4e570201 - New South Wales Town Names
54420110 - New Zealand Town Names
54540801 - North Carolina Town Names
454e2601 - North Korean Town Names
4a545001 - Northeastern Town Names
47470202 - NSW Rail Towns NorthRegion
47470203 - NSW Rail Towns SouthRegion
47470205 - NSW Rail Towns SydneyMetro
47470204 - NSW Rail Towns WesternRegion
47470101 - NSW Railway Town Names
76270301 - Olympic Town Names
55570001 - Ontario City Names
4b460898 - Pacific Norhwest USA Town NAame
43415601 - Padania Town Names
54540901 - Pennsylvania Town Names
67726d05 - Pokemon Town Names
44480001 - Polish Town Names
48470211 - Portugal Random Town Names
48470101 - Portugal Town Names
504381b1 - Quebecois Town Names
44470101 - Queensland Town Namess
4b460896 - Random Andean Town Names
54575701 - Random English Town Names
464e4202 - Random Faroese Town Names
414d0101 - Random Welsh Town Names
524f4e31 - Romanian Town Names
32323322 - Russian Town Names
50438131 - Sami Town Names
47430101 - Scottish Gaelic Town Names
50430307 - Slovenian Town Names (PaulC)
544e5349 - Slovenian Town Names (unimatrix
4b4b0815 - South African Town &City Names
50430302 - South African Town Names
50430306 - South Korean Town Names
4a545002 - Southeastern Town Names
53505401 - Spanish Town Names
41495000 - Swedish Town Names
4d470402 - SwissTownNames
53474958 - Taiwan Town Name
4a530f01 - The Elder Scrolls Town Names
52564e5a - Tibetan Town Names
5753544e - Tokyo Train Stations Names
464c0101 - Torne valley town names
44424901 - Town names of Allgäu
4a56540e - UK Town Names
cf6f0000 - Ukrainian Town Names
f27cba84 - Unholyphish puts Names in Towns
54420210 - US Town Names
545701a0 - US Town Names
544e5645 - Venezuelan Town Names
52564e54 - Vietnamese Town Names
4b4c0000 - Vietnamese Town Names Extended
415a2078 - Wasteland Town Names
50430305 - Welsh Town Names
4a4d3030 - Western Australia Town Names
47590101 - Winnipeg Town Names
4e4d4c00 - World Cities
50610101 - World Town Names
---- newgrf-train (195 entries) ----
4e4d0325 - 2cc Rapid Transit For Me!
32434353 - 2cc Subways from the 2cc Set
27711003 - 2cc Trainset
544d0101 - 2cc TrainsInNML
4e4d0324 - 2cc Wagons in NML (2ccWIN)
54543138 - 2TallTyler's Misc Trains
4d430211 - 600mm Narrow Gauge Railways
4c453038 - 8/32bpp Chinese Maglev Trains
4c450006 - 8/32bpp Chinese Trains
43545300 - 8/32bpp Chinese Trains in NML
47460000 - 8/32bpp Trains 2CC
05102001 - A New Monolev Trainset
4a544146 - Ale426-Ale506 TAF
4a353832 - ALe582-ALe642
4a430104 - ALn668 Pack
4a481601 - American Interurban Set
4a430102 - Ansaldo-TIBB E652
4f454242 - Austrian Trains
47470603 - AuzTrains
47470505 - AuzTrains NSW Set
4e4d0904 - Belgian Train Set
4d414453 - Big Train
4a430103 - Breda EB740
62727632 - British Rail Set (BRTrains v2)
42525300 - BROS - British Rail Openttd Set
42525416 - BRTrains
54530102 - CFL Trains: Luxembourgish Train
434e5453 - Chinese Train Set
434d0102 - CityMania Racing
54473133 - Class 313,314 & 315
54474e33 - Class 313,314 & 315 Night train
414b4237 - Class 37
43333858 - Class 380/385
4143c101 - CP-Trainset
41444701 - CS Cargo
504b4b12 - CS_Metroset (Prague Metro)
50560006 - CSDSet v 1.5.0
4d530103 - Czech Railways EXTRA set
4d530102 - Czech Railways Set
4d490209 - CZTR Engines - Diesel
4d490208 - CZTR Engines - Electric
4d490210 - CZTR Engines - EMU
4d490207 - CZTR Engines - Steam
4d490213 - CZTR Wagons - Cargo
4d490212 - CZTR Wagons - Passengers
44343439 - D449
444c1105 - DACH Trains
54543134 - Danish Trains
274d2348 - DB Double Deck Coaches
4a4b0101 - Default set extension
4d4c0503 - Dutch Trainset
fbfb0601 - Dutch Trainset 2
544d0201 - Dutch Trainset 3XL
fbfb9906 - Dutch Trainset Cargo Extension
5f5f0400 - DutchTrainsforMailTransporters
454e0801 - E001 - Train Suite Shiki-shima
34343452 - E444R
45343634 - E464
54471117 - EPB Trains
45555453 - European Train Set
44441002 - Faster UKRS2 Express Car
4a560101 - Finnish Trainset
454e1901 - Future Reality Inspired Maglevs
444a4330 - Generic European Set 2.2 CUSTOM
53410808 - GETS German Extrazoom Trainset
47324343 - Gwyd's 2cc Trainset
535a1000 - Hankyu Railway Set
4a4f0005 - HEMU-430x Upgrade
4a4f0000 - HHEMU-430x -Korean train
48320105 - Hungarian 2CC-SET
47530109 - Hungarian GYSEV-SET
4d530219 - Hungarian MAV-SET 2.0
0b0f3337 - HungarianMetroSet
474c0101 - Hybrid Trains
494e5601 - Invisible engine set
4a44e801 - Invisible Leading Engine
4341121e - Iron Horse 1 (Trains)
4341121f - Iron Horse 2 (Trains)
47385204 - Iron Horse 2 Addon
57440101 - IRSet - Indian Railways Set
4a432619 - Italian Railway Coaches
44501401 - Japanese Maglevs
535a0d00 - Japanese Train Set
4a545350 - Japanese Train Set+ Addon
44483031 - JNR ED75
595aaa01 - JP+ Metro - Yokohama update
42531320 - JP+ Multiple Units (JGR/JNR/JR)
42530720 - JP+ NATS Duplicates Disabler
4b523033 - JP+ Shinkansen
4a520101 - JRD EU train set 32bpp
4b570101 - KEIO Railway Set
53475350 - Korean Suin Narrow Gauge Railwa
544b5555 - Korean Train Set
4b545350 - KR+Set
140c0000 - Las Korean Train Set
130c0000 - Las Train Pack - Korea train
44540000 - Lithuanian Transportation Set
4d470601 - Logic Train
6d620204 - Luuk Trainset
4a53d0d1 - Luukland Trainset
20202020 - Luukland Trainset 1.1
464d0101 - Max speed for PURR Tracks
464d0102 - Max speed for PURR Tracks
41420000 - Metro Subway Set
454e0101 - Modern Maglev Trains
4d554b54 - Modern UK Trainset
05102002 - Monolev Replacement Set
ac1d0101 - NARS 2.5 Passenger mod
4e4d0518 - NARS Add-on Set 2cc
44440301 - NARS v1
4a460201 - NARS2 Override
454e2101 - NATS - Nagoya Area Train Set
4d470109 - New Trains
52455801 - No Maglev
52455802 - No Monorail
4a430302 - NOHAB
736b0102 - noMonoMag
54500201 - North American Passenger RR
544c0101 - North American Pax Liveries
44440302 - North American Renewal Set
454e0601 - North Korean Train Set
54500102 - Not Enough Subways: Chicago
54500101 - Not Enough Subways:New York Cit
454e0401 - NS Intercity-Max trainset
47470401 - NSWTrains Sample Edition
47470404 - NSWTrains_V4
48410101 - NUTS Unrealistic Train Set
54431588 - NZR Class DE
454e2201 - Okinawa Trainset
4444f000 - Old Wagons New Cargos
4f472b31 - OpenGFX+ Trains
44440000 - Pineapple Trains
41560102 - PIPE
504d0101 - PNR-Trains
54440103 - Polish PKP Set 2.0
4d560103 - Polish Train Set
50475453 - Project Generic Trains
4a565201 - Project Gondola
50545453 - PTTS - Portuguese Trainset
454e2001 - Real International Maglev Set
52554b54 - Representative UK Trainset
41543031 - Rocket Gronk
451a0000 - Romanian Train Set
4c420000 - Romanian Train Set (New)
44508550 - SBB Set
47575345 - SE v2
44490005 - Serbian Narrow Gauge Train Set
44490004 - Serbian Standard Gauge Train Se
454e1801 - Small Man
6f747465 - Sodor Railway Expansion
53544946 - Some Trains In France
4a481503 - Southern Pacific Steam Set
4a481504 - Southern Pacific Steam Set
53505301 - Spanish Trainset
4d470301 - SRRS
4a430105 - Stadler GTW (Trenord ATR115/125
414b0301 - StarRaid's General UK Stuff
444410c1 - Sunshine Trains
584b3030 - Super Choo-Choo
41490006 - Swedish Trains
42425446 - swedish trains fix!
4d470101 - TEZ_TER set
414f0000 - The Danish transport set
fbfb0602 - The Dutch Trainset Add-on
54574607 - Timberwolf's UK Trains
5457460c - Timberwolf's UK Trains Addon
54420101 - Toei Inter-connection Add-on Se
6d6b77e0 - Tokyo Metro Set
444a0201 - Trains of Europe - Generic
58580101 - TRAXX Locomotive Set
44444040 - Tropic Refurbishment Set
53790041 - TRS-Extender
54473333 - UK CAF EMUs
414b0201 - UK Pacers
554b0008 - UK8
44440111 - UKRS1 (Obsolete)
44442202 - UKRS1 AP (Obsolete)
4d435800 - UKRS2 - Community Bugfixes
44441000 - UKRS2 - The UK Railway Set
4d435801 - UKRS2 Addon - Community Bugfixe
44441001 - UKRS2+ UK Railway Add-on Set
444e0700 - Universal Rail Type
54570101 - US Train Set
4d43544d - V4 CEE Train Set
444a5901 - Vactrain Set
444a5903 - Vactrain Set 1.1.FORK
444a5902 - Vacuum Vehicle Wagon and Train
42530805 - VT-133 4 colours
4d635769 - Wired
57545453 - World Train Set
6a647291 - WR All Engines in All Climates
414b4108 - xUSSR Railway set
4d656fb0 - xUSSR Railway Set add-on
4d410002 - xussrfix
59534e32 - YST Set
---- newgrf-vehicle (12 entries) ----
535a5644 - Better vehicle names
4c450016 - China Aircraft COMAC C919
434d4e4e - CityMania Not So NUTS
474c0501 - Early Vehicle Set
4a530117 - ECS & FIRS vehicle set
6fdeeb4c - FLO-Set
4e4d4c03 - from1700
544b0201 - Grimdark Cargos
544b0203 - Grimdark Cargos
66724f4e - Original vehicle names
52530102 - Some Vehicles Never Expire
47560101 - VGF Set
---- newgrf-water-infra (4 entries) ----
50430901 - CHIPS Custom Docks
4e440107 - Dock with containers and crane
504a0103 - ISR-style dock
50439020 - New Buoys
---- unknown (36 entries) ----
5043c011 - Alternative Currencies
4c4d4346 - Cow farms
4d490401 - CZTR Effects
41444400 - Depot fix
4a475280 - Extra Station Names
6d620700 - Mock AlpineClimate
4e420107 - National bank (ttdur)
4e434143 - NML CAT - AIRCRAFT
4e434244 - NML CAT - BUILDINGS
4e434755 - NML CAT - GUI
4e434944 - NML CAT - INDUSTRY
4e434c53 - NML CAT - LANDSCAPE
4e434d41 - NML CAT - MARINE
4e434d43 - NML CAT - MISC
4e435244 - NML CAT - ROAD
4e435354 - NML CAT - STATIONS
4e43544e - NML CAT - TOWN NAMES
4e435452 - NML CAT - TRAINS
4e4d2014 - NML-CAT2.0 : AIRCRAFT
4e4d2009 - NML-CAT2.0 : BUILDINGS
4e4d2001 - NML-CAT2.0 : GUI
4e4d2003 - NML-CAT2.0 : GUI & MISC
4e4d2016 - NML-CAT2.0 : INDUSTRIES
4e4d2006 - NML-CAT2.0 : LANDSCAPE
4e4d2002 - NML-CAT2.0 : MISC
4e4d2007 - NML-CAT2.0 : NEW OBJECTS
4e4d2012 - NML-CAT2.0 : RAIL VEHICLES
4e4d2013 - NML-CAT2.0 : ROAD VEHICLES
4e4d2011 - NML-CAT2.0 : STATIONS
4e4d2004 - NML-CAT2.0 : TOWN NAMES
4e4d2015 - NML-CAT2.0 : WATERCRAFT
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