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Last active May 20, 2022 14:48
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Code of Conduct

Mission Statement

We aim to propose change to Valve's Left 4 Dead 2 with ingenuity, inclusivity, and integrity.


We are a community pursuit. There is no license or C++ source access involved, and map recompiles are not permitted.

That does not stop us from proposing code changes that serve an expressed need, sometimes by use of open-source alternatives such as Alien Swarm.

That also does not stop us from using less conventional methods, such as VScript and lump files, to fix issues.

If there is no thinking outside the box, we might be doing it wrong.


We take our best effort toward serving as a voice for those not here with us, to represent the playerbase as much as possible.

While we like to keep things light around here, the following are worth review.

In terms of community participation:

  • Discrimination toward other users based on age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, or religion will not be tolerated.
  • Show empathy and gracefully accept constructive criticism. We all want what is best for the game and sometimes this will require us to meet others half way.
  • Please keep all issue or Pull Request discussion relevant to the topic matter. Wild tangents can go on the Steam forums.
  • If you are reporting a vulnerability (such as this one), please review responsible disclosure guidelines and Valve's HackerOne policy before posting.


For the greatest chance of success, we need to be whole and undivided. It is in the best interest of Left 4 Dead 2 and its community to make this work smoothly.

In terms of what goes into the game:

  • Always be considerate of different play styles, tastes, and balance differences across modes. If you need some ideas, then look here.
  • The least astonishing solution is usually going to be the best one when it comes to official changes.
  • Workshop addons are important and best efforts will be taken to not break them, or to notify authors if official changes may warrant the risk. Adding an unused sound for the Grenade Launcher is an example of a small change that was not worth this risk.
  • This is Valve's intellectual property. We are not here to radically alter character or map appearances for established base modes.


In the interest of avoiding bikeshedding, our Code of Conduct will be enforced.

Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that violate our terms of inclusivity, or to ban temporarily or permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful.


Please do not hesitate to privately ask questions, report instances of abuse, or vulnerabilities to Rayman1103 Rayman1103#9557, shqke shqke#2172, or Tsuey G-Force#7777.

All concerns or complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances.


Our code is adapted from the Contributor Covenant and interpretations here and here. Thank you FireWolfBoy for our Mission Statement.

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