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Cursing out Typescript

Jocelyn Badgley Twipped

Cursing out Typescript
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Twipped / Trans-feminine HRT
Last active June 3, 2022 15:15
My collective research and experiences with trans-feminine (male to female) hormone therapy

UPDATE: This gist is now deprecated, please visit The Gender Dysphoria Bible for the latest version of this document.

This is a compilation of report medical transition changes, collected from testimonials of trans women from various discussion forums and chat rooms, backed up by my own experiences.

Note that this is a list of possible changes. There is no guarentee that a person on HRT will experience all of these. As always, your milage may vary.

Changes connected to reduction of Testosterone:

  • Reduction in general body odor and change in the smell of ones sweat. Many report gaining a sweet smell.
  • Skin softens and becomes thinner.
Twipped / gulpfile.js
Last active July 22, 2019 15:22
CSS Modules without webpack or browserify
var gulp = require('gulp');
var gutil = require('gulp-util');
var through = require('through2');
var sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps');
var postcss = require('gulp-postcss');
var filter = require('gulp-filter');
var concat = require('gulp-concat');
var modules = require('postcss-modules');
[ Discussing ]
<fotios> @jkarns: if you read the geekforbrains article about python, it's about the same level of stupid that caused him to switch to node
<fotios> perhaps he should switch to knitting instead, but then probably give that up after a year for crocheting
<jason> re knitting: what’s the deal with knots? screw this, i’m out
<fotios> also, too many colors to choose and needle sizes? forget it
<Joel> i stabbed myself with a needle and now i'm bleeding, this hobby is dumb
<Steve> As @jkarns said there are plenty of reasons to hate knitting, stabbing yourself with needles is not one of them
<James> ^^ when masochists graduate from needlepoint (edited)
<Orri> That's why I knit with soft noodles. No danger of stabbing myself. Productivity is low, but stabbing incidents are very low impact.
Twipped /
Last active April 18, 2017 23:41
Beef Stroganoff

Beef Stroganoff


  • 1 medium onion (sweet or yellow) thinly sliced
  • 3-6 cloves (half bulb) of garlic (to taste) crushed or chopped
  • 1 pound beef (leaner the better)
  • 12oz mushrooms chopped (any variety)
  • 1 cup water
  • 2-3 tsp beef bouillon
  • 1/3 cup ketchup
[8:43 AM] chiper joined the channel
[8:43 AM] <***> Buffer Playback...
[8:43 AM] <marcusmoore> [07:55:15] chiper i saw you made a comment on twitter about building something on top of irc? anything you want to share about it? sounds interesting
[8:43 AM] <***> Playback Complete.
[8:44 AM] <chiper> marcusmoore: I'm trying to create the slack equivalent for freenode that solves the main issues people have with using IRC for OSS
[8:44 AM] <chiper> to whit, approachability, discoverability, searchability, and chat user experience.
[8:46 AM] <chiper> I'm _almost_ done with the underlying architecture for communicating with freenode. it needs probably another 10-20 hours of development
[8:46 AM] <chiper> but I'm trying to make something much more than just a web based irc client
[8:54 AM] <marcusmoore> those are definitely hurdles when it comes to irc. OSS communities would appreciate that.
[8:59 AM] <chiper> my goal is to make it as easy to get into a channel as possible. direct link to a channel, it opens wit
sudo su vagrant -c 'curl | bash'
sudo su vagrant -c '. ~vagrant/.nvm/;nvm install v0.10'
sudo su vagrant -c '. ~vagrant/.nvm/;nvm use v0.10'
sudo su vagrant -c '. ~vagrant/.nvm/;nvm alias default v0.10'
Nish: he acknolwedged the bug
Nish: he said it was legit, and is looking into it
Nish: i told him it was urgent
Nish: but hes also like having a baby
Nish: dunno which is more important
Nish: probably the bug
(On Slack)
John: oh, i just figured out the stars are bookmarks.
John: i was using them to tell people i liked their message
John: so now i've bookmarked the punchlines to a hundred jokes i don't remember
<Kindari> "JAWS: The Javascript + AWS Stack – A monstrously scalable, server-free, web application boilerplate using bleeding-edge AWS services..."
<Kindari> "server-free" !?
<Kindari> wtf
<Kindari> thats not how this works
<Kindari> thats not how any of this works!
Twipped / gist:c7ed2a2db00fdbfb76a9
Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
Problem: Identifying identical events on different IRC connections

Say you have a process that is connected to two or more different IRC servers running on the same network, and you want to aggrigate events on both servers into a single stream.

Due to latency within the network, events may arrive from both servers in different order and at different times. The events look identical in how they arrive, and may be identical to simmilar events occuring at another time (eg, a user joins, parts and re-joins, producing two identical join events).

How do you reconcile the streams?