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Forked from esterTion/0_generateMessage
Created May 27, 2020 08:14
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Bang Dream proto
shit title place holder

Used to dump proto defination from BangDream, meant to dump ios binary

First, modify Il2Cpp (like using dnspy) to dump Properties. (Config.dumpProperty = true)
Then dump the game as usual
Modify generateMessage.php to match your binary and dump.cs file
And run php generateMessage.php <messageClass>

Example proto output attached

Notice: Dictionary is outputed as two elements message, 1 for key, and 2 for value

用于导出BangDream proto定义文件,可用在ios程序上
首先修改Il2Cpp(比如用dnspy)使之导出属性(Config.dumpProperty = true)
修改 generateMessage.php内的程序与 dump.cs 文件位置
然后运行 php generateMessage.php <messageClass>


注意:Dictionary 键值对输出为两元素结构,1为键,2为值

syntax = "proto2";
message AssetBundleElement {
optional string bundleName = 1; // normal type
optional string hash = 2; // normal type
optional string version = 3; // normal type
optional string category = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 crc = 5; // normal type
repeated string dependencies = 6; // array
optional int32 fileSize = 7; // normal type
message string_AssetBundleElement {
optional string string_AssetBundleElement_key = 1; // normal type
optional AssetBundleElement string_AssetBundleElement_value = 2; // sub class
message AssetBundleInfo {
optional string version = 1; // normal type
repeated string_AssetBundleElement bundles = 2; // dictionary
* Updated for il2cpp-dumper v6.1.2
$dumpcs = file_get_contents('F:\\ida_workplace\\bang\\dump.cs');
$prog = fopen('F:\\ida_workplace\\bang\\band','rb');
function getTag($address) {
global $prog;
$offset = $address & 0xffffffff;
fseek($prog, $offset);
$inst = fread($prog, 4);
if ($inst == hex2bin('080440f9')) {
//normal ProtoMemberAttribute
fseek($prog, $offset + 8);
$inst = fread($prog, 4);
$inst = unpack('V', $inst)[1];
} else if ($inst == hex2bin('f44fbea9')) {
//required ProtoMemberAttribute
fseek($prog, $offset + 0x14);
$inst = fread($prog, 4);
$inst = unpack('V', $inst)[1];
try {
return readInst($inst);
} catch( Exception $e) {
throw new Exception('');
function readInst($inst) {
$chk = $inst & 0x6f800000;
if ($chk == 0x42800000) {
$imme = ($inst & 0x1fffe0) >> 5;
$dest = $inst & 0x1f;
//echo "\tmov \tW${dest}, #${imme}\n";
return $imme;
} else if ($chk == 0x22000000) {
$N =($inst & 0x400000) != 0;
$immr =($inst & 0x3f0000) >>16;
$imms =($inst & 0xfc00) >>10;
$dest = $inst & 0x1f;
if ($N) {
$size = 64;
} else {
$size = 32;
$mask = 0x20;
while($size > 1) {
if (($imms & $mask) == 0) break;
$size /= 2;
$mask /= 2;
$S = $imms+1;
$pattern = bindec( str_repeat(str_pad(str_repeat('1', $S), $size, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT), 32 / $size));
$imme = rotate($pattern, $immr);
//echo "\torr \tW${dest}, W31, #${imme}\n";
return $imme;
} else {
echo decbin($inst)."\n";
throw new Exception('unknown');
function rotate($pattern, $rotate) {
//32bit rotation
$result = $pattern;
while ($rotate > 0) {
$low = $result & 1;
$result >>= 1;
if ($low == 1) {
$result = $result | 0x80000000;
return $result;
$class = $argv[1];
$outputProtoFile = fopen(__DIR__.'/'.$class.'_gen.proto', 'w');
fwrite($outputProtoFile, "syntax = \"proto2\";\n");
function stripClass($s) {
$idx = strrpos($s, '.');
if ($idx === false) return $s;
return substr($s, $idx + 1);
function writeMessage($class, $message) {
global $outputProtoFile;
$class = stripClass($class);
fwrite($outputProtoFile, "message ${class} {\n");
foreach ($message as $item=>$info) {
$type = stripClass($info[0]);
$tag = gettype($info[1]) == 'string' ? getTag(hexdec($info[1])) : $info[1];
$hint = $info[2];
$comment = $info[3];
fwrite($outputProtoFile, " ${hint} ${type} ${item} = ${tag}; // ${comment}\n");
fwrite($outputProtoFile, "}\n");
function readClass($level, $class) {
global $dumpcs;
global $definedClass;
if (($shownClass = array_search($class, $definedClass)) === false) {
$definedClass[] = $class;
$message = [];
//echo str_repeat(" ", $level).$class."\n";
if (preg_match("(\[ProtoContractAttribute\] // RVA: 0x([0-9A-F]+).+\n\w+ class ".$class." [^{}]*?(\{((?>[^{}]+)|(?-2))*\}))", $dumpcs, $classDef) !== 0) {
preg_match_all('(\[ProtoMemberAttribute\] // RVA: 0x([0-9A-F]+).+\n \w+ ([^\ \<]+(\<((?>[^\<\>]+)|(?-2))*\>)?) ([^\ ;]+))', $classDef, $propList);
for($i=0;$i<count($propList[0]); $i++) {
$type = jumpType(
$message[$type[0]] = [$type[1], $propList[1][$i], $type[2], $type[3]];
if ($class == 'MasterActionSet') {
$message['areaName'] = [
'manual add'
if (!$shownClass) {
echo $class."\n";
writeMessage($class, $message);
} else {
echo $class.' not found';
// 1012ECB5C 1
// 1012ECB70 2
function jumpType ($level, $type, $name) {
if (substr($type, -2, 2) == '[]') {
// array entry
//echo str_repeat(" ", $level+1).$type."\n";
$sub = jumpType($level+2, substr($type, 0, -2), 'entry');
return [$name, $sub[1], 'repeated', 'array'];
} else if (substr($type, 0, 11) == 'Dictionary<') {
// dictionary
preg_match('(<(\w+), (\w+)>)', $type, $subType);
//echo str_repeat(" ", $level+1).'dictarr_'.$name."[]\n";
$prefix = $subType[1].'_'.$subType[2];
global $definedClass;
if (($shownClass = array_search($prefix, $definedClass)) === false) {
$definedClass[] = $prefix;
$message = [];
$sub = jumpType($level+1, $subType[1], $prefix.'_key');
$message[$sub[0]] = [$sub[1], 1, $sub[2], $sub[3]];
$sub = jumpType($level+1, $subType[2], $prefix.'_value');
$message[$sub[0]] = [$sub[1], 2, $sub[2], $sub[3]];
if (!$shownClass) {
writeMessage($prefix, $message);
return [$name,$prefix, 'repeated', 'dictionary'];
} else if (substr($type, 0, 5) == 'List<') {
// array entry
preg_match('(<(\w+)>)', $type, $subType);
//echo str_repeat(" ", $level+1).'arr_'.$name."[]\n";
$sub = jumpType($level+1, $subType[1], 'entry');
return [$name,$sub[1], 'repeated', 'list'];
} else if (array_search($type,
['uint','string','ulong','float','int','double', 'bool','long']
) !== false){
// normal type
//echo str_repeat(" ", $level+1).'<'.$type .'> '. $name."\n";
return [$name,array('uint'=>'uint32','string'=>'string','ulong'=>'uint64','float'=>'float','int'=>'int32','double'=>'double', 'bool'=>'bool','long'=>'int64')[$type], 'optional', 'normal type'];
} else if (substr($type, 0, 9) == 'Nullable<') {
// array entry
//echo str_repeat(" ", $level+1).'<'.$type .'> '. $name."\n";
//return [$name,$type, 'optional', 'nullable type'];
preg_match('(<(\w+)>)', $type, $subType);
$return = jumpType($level, $subType[1], $name);
$return[3] = 'nullable';
return $return;
} else {
// sub message
readClass($level+1, $type);
return [$name,$type, 'optional', 'sub class'];
readClass(0, $class);
syntax = "proto2";
message MasterMusicAchievement {
optional uint32 musicId = 1; // normal type
optional string achievementType = 2; // normal type
optional string rewardType = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 rewardId = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 quantity = 5; // normal type
message MasterMusicGetResponse {
optional uint32 musicId = 1; // normal type
optional string musicTitle = 2; // normal type
optional string bgmId = 3; // normal type
optional string bgmFile = 4; // normal type
optional string lyricist = 5; // normal type
optional string composer = 6; // normal type
optional string tag = 7; // normal type
optional string description = 8; // normal type
optional string arranger = 9; // normal type
optional string ruby = 10; // normal type
optional uint32 bandId = 11; // normal type
optional string howToGet = 12; // normal type
repeated MasterMusicAchievement achievements = 13; // array
optional string jacketImage = 14; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 15; // normal type
optional uint32 publishedAt = 16; // normal type
optional uint32 closedAt = 17; // normal type
optional string transitionMethod = 18; // normal type
optional uint32 transitionId = 19; // normal type
message MasterMusicListGetResponse {
repeated MasterMusicGetResponse entries = 1; // array
message MasterMultiLiveScore {
optional uint32 musicId = 1; // normal type
optional string musicDifficulty = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 multiLiveDifficultyId = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 scoreS = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 scoreA = 5; // normal type
optional uint32 scoreB = 6; // normal type
optional uint32 scoreC = 7; // normal type
optional string multiLiveDifficultyType = 8; // normal type
optional uint32 scoreSS = 9; // normal type
message uint_MasterMultiLiveScore {
optional uint32 uint_MasterMultiLiveScore_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterMultiLiveScore uint_MasterMultiLiveScore_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterMusicDifficultyGetResponse {
optional uint32 musicId = 1; // normal type
optional string difficulty = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 playLevel = 3; // normal type
repeated uint_MasterMultiLiveScore multiLiveScoreMap = 4; // dictionary
optional uint32 notesQuantity = 5; // normal type
optional uint32 scoreS = 6; // normal type
optional uint32 scoreA = 7; // normal type
optional uint32 scoreB = 8; // normal type
optional uint32 scoreC = 9; // normal type
optional uint32 scoreSS = 10; // normal type
message MasterMusicDifficultyListGetResponse {
repeated MasterMusicDifficultyGetResponse entries = 1; // array
message MasterMultiLiveDifficulty {
optional uint32 id = 1; // normal type
optional string difficulty = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 requiredTotalParam = 3; // normal type
optional float bonusRate = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 5; // normal type
optional string multiLiveDifficultyType = 6; // normal type
message uint_MasterMultiLiveDifficulty {
optional uint32 uint_MasterMultiLiveDifficulty_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterMultiLiveDifficulty uint_MasterMultiLiveDifficulty_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterMultiLiveDifficultyMap {
repeated uint_MasterMultiLiveDifficulty entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterCharacterProfile {
optional uint32 characterId = 1; // normal type
optional string part = 2; // normal type
optional string characterVoice = 3; // normal type
optional string school = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 schoolYear = 5; // normal type
optional uint32 birthday = 6; // normal type
optional string constellation = 7; // normal type
optional string favoriteFood = 8; // normal type
optional string hatedFood = 9; // normal type
optional string hobby = 10; // normal type
optional string selfIntroduction = 11; // normal type
message MasterCharacterSeasonCostume {
optional uint32 characterId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 basicSeasonId = 2; // normal type
optional string costumeType = 3; // normal type
optional string seasonCostumeType = 4; // normal type
optional string sdAssetBundleName = 5; // normal type
optional string live2dAssetBundleName = 6; // normal type
message MasterCharacterSeasonCostumeList {
repeated MasterCharacterSeasonCostume entries = 1; // array
message MasterCharacterInfo {
optional MasterCharacterProfile profile = 12; // sub class
optional MasterCharacterSeasonCostumeList seasonCostumeList = 13; // sub class
optional uint32 characterId = 1; // normal type
optional string characterType = 2; // normal type
optional string characterName = 3; // normal type
optional string ruby = 4; // normal type
optional string firstName = 7; // normal type
optional string lastName = 8; // normal type
optional uint32 bandId = 9; // normal type
optional string sdAssetBundleName = 10; // normal type
optional uint32 defaultCostumeId = 11; // normal type
message uint_MasterCharacterInfo {
optional uint32 uint_MasterCharacterInfo_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterCharacterInfo uint_MasterCharacterInfo_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterCharacterInfoMap {
repeated uint_MasterCharacterInfo entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterSituationParameter {
optional uint32 situationId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 level = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 performance = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 technique = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 visual = 5; // normal type
message uint_MasterSituationParameter {
optional uint32 uint_MasterSituationParameter_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterSituationParameter uint_MasterSituationParameter_value = 2; // sub class
message PlayerResource {
optional uint32 resourceId = 1; // normal type
optional string resourceType = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 quantity = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 lbBonus = 4; // normal type
optional bool firstGet = 5; // normal type
optional uint32 duplicatedCount = 6; // normal type
message PlayerResourceList {
repeated PlayerResource entries = 1; // array
message MasterEpisode {
optional uint32 episodeId = 1; // normal type
optional string episodeType = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 situationId = 3; // normal type
optional string scenarioId = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 appendPerformance = 5; // normal type
optional uint32 appendTechnique = 6; // normal type
optional uint32 appendVisual = 7; // normal type
optional uint32 releaseLevel = 8; // normal type
optional PlayerResourceList costs = 9; // sub class
optional PlayerResourceList rewards = 10; // sub class
optional string title = 11; // normal type
message MasterEpisodeList {
repeated MasterEpisode entries = 1; // array
message MasterTraining {
optional uint32 situationId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 trainingCostumeId = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 trainingLevelLimit = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 trainingPerformance = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 trainingTechnique = 5; // normal type
optional uint32 trainingVisual = 6; // normal type
optional PlayerResourceList costs = 7; // sub class
message MasterCharacterSituation {
optional uint32 situationId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 characterId = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 rarity = 3; // normal type
optional string gachaText = 4; // normal type
optional string attribute = 5; // normal type
optional uint32 leaderSkillId = 6; // normal type
optional uint32 situationSkillId = 7; // normal type
repeated uint_MasterSituationParameter parameterMap = 8; // dictionary
optional string prefix = 10; // normal type
optional uint32 levelLimit = 11; // normal type
optional string resourceSetName = 12; // normal type
optional string sdResourceName = 13; // normal type
optional MasterEpisodeList episodes = 14; // sub class
optional MasterTraining training = 15; // sub class
optional uint32 costumeId = 16; // normal type
message uint_MasterCharacterSituation {
optional uint32 uint_MasterCharacterSituation_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterCharacterSituation uint_MasterCharacterSituation_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterCharacterSituationMap {
repeated uint_MasterCharacterSituation entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterBandExpTable {
optional uint32 level = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 exp = 2; // normal type
message uint_MasterBandExpTable {
optional uint32 uint_MasterBandExpTable_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterBandExpTable uint_MasterBandExpTable_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterBandExpTableMap {
repeated uint_MasterBandExpTable entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterLeaderSkill {
optional uint32 leaderSkillId = 1; // normal type
optional string leaderSkillType = 2; // normal type
optional string leaderSkillName = 3; // normal type
optional string description = 4; // normal type
message uint_MasterLeaderSkill {
optional uint32 uint_MasterLeaderSkill_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterLeaderSkill uint_MasterLeaderSkill_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterLeaderSkillMap {
repeated uint_MasterLeaderSkill entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterGachaDetail {
optional uint32 gachaId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 rarityIndex = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 situationId = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 weight = 4; // normal type
optional bool pickup = 5; // normal type
message MasterGachaRarityRate {
optional uint32 gachaId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 rarityIndex = 2; // normal type
optional float rate = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 weightTotal = 4; // normal type
message MasterGachaPaymentMethod {
optional uint32 gachaId = 1; // normal type
optional string paymentMethod = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 quantity = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 paymentMethodId = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 count = 5; // normal type
optional string behavior = 6; // normal type
optional bool pickup = 7; // normal type
optional uint32 maxSpinLimit = 8; // nullable
optional uint32 costItemQuantity = 9; // normal type
message MasterGachaExtra {
optional uint32 limit = 1; // normal type
optional string resourceType = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 resourceId = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 resourceQuantity = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 5; // normal type
optional uint32 expiredDays = 6; // nullable
message MasterGachaViewLive2d {
optional uint32 gachaId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 situationId = 3; // normal type
message MasterGacha {
optional uint32 gachaId = 1; // normal type
optional string gachaName = 2; // normal type
optional string gachaDisplayType = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 publishedAt = 4; // nullable
optional uint32 closedAt = 5; // nullable
repeated MasterGachaDetail details = 6; // array
repeated MasterGachaRarityRate rates = 7; // array
repeated MasterGachaPaymentMethod paymentMethods = 8; // array
optional string description = 9; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 10; // normal type
optional string resourceName = 11; // normal type
optional string annotation = 12; // normal type
optional string gachaPeriod = 13; // normal type
optional uint32 rookieAt = 14; // nullable
optional string gachaSubName = 15; // normal type
optional uint32 priority = 16; // nullable
repeated MasterGachaExtra extras = 17; // array
repeated MasterGachaViewLive2d viewLive2ds = 18; // array
message ulong_MasterGacha {
optional uint32 ulong_MasterGacha_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterGacha ulong_MasterGacha_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterGachaMap {
repeated ulong_MasterGacha entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterSituationSkill {
optional uint32 situationSkillId = 1; // normal type
optional string skillName = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 skillId = 3; // normal type
message uint_MasterSituationSkill {
optional uint32 uint_MasterSituationSkill_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterSituationSkill uint_MasterSituationSkill_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterSituationSkillMap {
repeated uint_MasterSituationSkill entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterAreaItem {
optional string areaItemCategoryType = 19; // normal type
optional uint32 areaItemId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 categoryId = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 level = 3; // normal type
optional string areaItemName = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 areaId = 5; // normal type
optional string spawnPoint = 6; // normal type
optional uint32 life = 7; // normal type
optional float performance = 8; // normal type
optional float technique = 9; // normal type
optional float visual = 10; // normal type
optional string valueType = 11; // normal type
repeated string targetAttributes = 12; // array
optional uint32 resourceId = 13; // normal type
optional string description = 14; // normal type
repeated uint32 characterIds = 15; // array
repeated uint32 targetBandIds = 16; // array
optional string flavorText = 17; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 18; // normal type
message uint_MasterAreaItem {
optional uint32 uint_MasterAreaItem_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterAreaItem uint_MasterAreaItem_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterAreaItemMap {
repeated uint_MasterAreaItem entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterBondsLevel {
optional uint32 bondsId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 level = 2; // normal type
optional string bondsName = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 bondsEffectId = 4; // normal type
message uint_MasterBondsLevel {
optional uint32 uint_MasterBondsLevel_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterBondsLevel uint_MasterBondsLevel_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterBonds {
optional uint32 bondsId = 1; // normal type
optional string description = 2; // normal type
optional string tag = 3; // normal type
repeated uint32 characters = 4; // array
repeated uint_MasterBondsLevel bondsLevel = 5; // dictionary
message uint_MasterBonds {
optional uint32 uint_MasterBonds_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterBonds uint_MasterBonds_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterBondsMap {
repeated uint_MasterBonds entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterBondsEffect {
optional uint32 bondsEffectId = 1; // normal type
optional string bondsEffectName = 2; // normal type
optional string description = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 bondsId = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 level = 5; // normal type
optional string valueType = 6; // normal type
optional uint32 life = 7; // normal type
optional uint32 performance = 8; // normal type
optional uint32 technique = 9; // normal type
optional uint32 visual = 10; // normal type
optional uint32 skillEffect = 11; // normal type
optional string scope = 12; // normal type
repeated uint32 targetCharacters = 13; // array
message uint_MasterBondsEffect {
optional uint32 uint_MasterBondsEffect_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterBondsEffect uint_MasterBondsEffect_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterBondsEffectMap {
repeated uint_MasterBondsEffect entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterShop {
optional uint32 shopId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 areaId = 2; // normal type
optional string shopName = 3; // normal type
optional string description = 4; // normal type
optional string shopType = 5; // normal type
message uint_MasterShop {
optional uint32 uint_MasterShop_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterShop uint_MasterShop_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterShopMap {
repeated uint_MasterShop entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterShopListCondition {
optional uint32 purchaseBandId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 purchaseBandRank = 2; // normal type
message MasterShopListConditionList {
repeated MasterShopListCondition entries = 1; // list
message MasterShoplist {
optional uint32 shopListId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 shopId = 2; // normal type
optional string shopCategory = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 areaItemId = 5; // normal type
optional uint32 amount = 6; // normal type
optional PlayerResourceList costs = 7; // sub class
optional uint32 releaseMainStory = 8; // normal type
optional uint32 releaseBandStory = 9; // normal type
optional MasterShopListConditionList conditions = 10; // sub class
message uint_MasterShoplist {
optional uint32 uint_MasterShoplist_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterShoplist uint_MasterShoplist_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterShoplistMap {
repeated uint_MasterShoplist entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterActionSet {
optional uint32 actionSetId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 areaId = 2; // normal type
repeated uint32 characterIds = 3; // array
optional string actionSetType = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 areaItemId = 5; // normal type
optional string areaName = 6; // normal type
optional uint32 seasonSpecialId = 7; // normal type
message uint_MasterActionSet {
optional uint32 uint_MasterActionSet_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterActionSet uint_MasterActionSet_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterActionSetMap {
repeated uint_MasterActionSet entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterArea {
optional uint32 areaId = 1; // normal type
optional string areaType = 2; // normal type
optional string areaName = 3; // normal type
optional string description = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 releaseMainStory = 5; // normal type
message uint_MasterArea {
optional uint32 uint_MasterArea_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterArea uint_MasterArea_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterAreaMap {
repeated uint_MasterArea entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterBand {
optional uint32 bandId = 1; // normal type
optional string bandName = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 resourceId = 3; // normal type
optional string color = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 leader = 5; // normal type
optional uint32 member1 = 6; // normal type
optional uint32 member2 = 7; // normal type
optional uint32 member3 = 8; // normal type
optional uint32 member4 = 9; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 10; // normal type
optional string bandType = 11; // normal type
optional string introductions = 12; // normal type
message uint_MasterBand {
optional uint32 uint_MasterBand_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterBand uint_MasterBand_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterBandMap {
repeated uint_MasterBand entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterPlayerExpTable {
optional uint32 rank = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 exp = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 recoverValue = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 friendUpperLimit = 4; // normal type
message uint_MasterPlayerExpTable {
optional uint32 uint_MasterPlayerExpTable_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterPlayerExpTable uint_MasterPlayerExpTable_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterPlayerExpTableMap {
repeated uint_MasterPlayerExpTable entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterPracticeTicket {
optional uint32 practiceTicketId = 1; // normal type
optional string name = 2; // normal type
optional string description = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 resourceId = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 exp = 5; // normal type
optional string ticketType = 6; // normal type
optional string specializationType = 7; // normal type
optional uint32 specializationTargetId = 8; // normal type
optional float specializationFactor = 9; // normal type
message uint_MasterPracticeTicket {
optional uint32 uint_MasterPracticeTicket_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterPracticeTicket uint_MasterPracticeTicket_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterPracticeTicketMap {
repeated uint_MasterPracticeTicket entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterSituationExpTable {
optional uint32 level = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 exp = 2; // normal type
message uint_MasterSituationExpTable {
optional uint32 uint_MasterSituationExpTable_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterSituationExpTable uint_MasterSituationExpTable_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterSituationExpTableMap {
repeated uint_MasterSituationExpTable entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterMainStory {
optional uint32 mainStoryId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 2; // normal type
optional string caption = 3; // normal type
optional string title = 4; // normal type
optional string synopsis = 5; // normal type
optional string scenarioId = 6; // normal type
optional uint32 coverIllustId = 7; // normal type
optional uint32 releasePlayerRank = 8; // normal type
optional string releaseConditions = 9; // normal type
optional uint32 publishedAt = 10; // normal type
repeated PlayerResource rewards = 11; // array
optional string coverImage = 12; // normal type
optional string backgroundImage = 13; // normal type
message uint_MasterMainStory {
optional uint32 uint_MasterMainStory_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterMainStory uint_MasterMainStory_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterMainStoryMap {
repeated uint_MasterMainStory entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterBandStory {
optional uint32 bandStoryId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 bandId = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 3; // normal type
optional string caption = 4; // normal type
optional string title = 5; // normal type
optional string synopsis = 6; // normal type
optional string scenarioId = 7; // normal type
optional uint32 coverIllustId = 8; // normal type
optional uint32 releasePlayerRank = 9; // normal type
optional string releaseConditions = 10; // normal type
optional uint32 publishedAt = 11; // normal type
repeated PlayerResource rewards = 12; // array
optional string coverImage = 13; // normal type
optional string backgroundImage = 14; // normal type
optional uint32 bandStoryChapterId = 16; // normal type
optional uint32 releaseBandStoryId = 17; // normal type
message uint_MasterBandStory {
optional uint32 uint_MasterBandStory_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterBandStory uint_MasterBandStory_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterBandStoryMap {
repeated uint_MasterBandStory entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterItem {
optional uint32 itemId = 1; // normal type
optional string itemName = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 resourceId = 3; // normal type
optional string description = 4; // normal type
message uint_MasterItem {
optional uint32 uint_MasterItem_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterItem uint_MasterItem_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterItemMap {
repeated uint_MasterItem entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterCommonsLive2d {
optional uint32 live2dId = 1; // normal type
optional string live2dCategory = 2; // normal type
optional string scenarioType = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 characterId = 4; // normal type
optional string serif = 5; // normal type
optional string voice = 6; // normal type
optional string motion = 7; // normal type
optional string expression = 8; // normal type
message uint_MasterCommonsLive2d {
optional uint32 uint_MasterCommonsLive2d_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterCommonsLive2d uint_MasterCommonsLive2d_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterCommonsLive2dMap {
repeated uint_MasterCommonsLive2d entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterMusicShop {
optional uint32 musicShopId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 shopId = 2; // normal type
optional string shopCategory = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 musicId = 5; // normal type
optional uint32 amount = 6; // normal type
optional PlayerResourceList costs = 7; // sub class
message uint_MasterMusicShop {
optional uint32 uint_MasterMusicShop_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterMusicShop uint_MasterMusicShop_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterMusicShopMap {
repeated uint_MasterMusicShop entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterCostume {
optional uint32 costumeId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 characterId = 2; // normal type
optional string assetBundleName = 3; // normal type
optional string flavorText = 4; // normal type
optional string description = 5; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 6; // normal type
optional string sdResourceName = 7; // normal type
optional string howToGet = 8; // normal type
optional uint32 publishedAt = 9; // normal type
message uint_MasterCostume {
optional uint32 uint_MasterCostume_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterCostume uint_MasterCostume_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterCostumeMap {
repeated uint_MasterCostume entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterAfterLiveTalk {
optional uint32 afterLiveTalkId = 1; // normal type
optional string scenarioId = 3; // normal type
optional string description = 4; // normal type
message uint_MasterAfterLiveTalk {
optional uint32 uint_MasterAfterLiveTalk_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterAfterLiveTalk uint_MasterAfterLiveTalk_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterAfterLiveTalkMap {
repeated uint_MasterAfterLiveTalk entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterAreaItemSpawn {
optional string spawnPoint = 1; // normal type
optional string spawnName = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 areaId = 4; // normal type
message string_MasterAreaItemSpawn {
optional string string_MasterAreaItemSpawn_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterAreaItemSpawn string_MasterAreaItemSpawn_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterAreaItemSpawnMap {
repeated string_MasterAreaItemSpawn entries = 1; // dictionary
message ServerSystem {
optional uint32 serverDate = 1; // normal type
message MasterCharacterRarity {
optional uint32 rarity = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 seal = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 defaultSkillExp = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 sameSituationSkillExp = 4; // normal type
message uint_MasterCharacterRarity {
optional uint32 uint_MasterCharacterRarity_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterCharacterRarity uint_MasterCharacterRarity_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterCharacterRarityMap {
repeated uint_MasterCharacterRarity entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterExchanges {
optional uint32 exchangesId = 1; // normal type
optional string exchangesCategory = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 3; // normal type
optional string resourceType = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 resourceId = 5; // normal type
optional uint32 quantity = 6; // normal type
optional uint32 amount = 7; // normal type
optional uint32 exchangeLimit = 8; // nullable
optional string reset = 9; // normal type
optional string badge = 10; // normal type
optional uint32 publishedAt = 11; // nullable
optional uint32 closedAt = 12; // nullable
optional string caption = 13; // normal type
optional bool recommendFlg = 14; // normal type
optional bool allowDuplicationFlg = 15; // normal type
message uint_MasterExchanges {
optional uint32 uint_MasterExchanges_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterExchanges uint_MasterExchanges_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterExchangesMap {
repeated uint_MasterExchanges entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterGachaTicket {
optional uint32 gachaTicketId = 1; // normal type
optional string gachaTicketType = 2; // normal type
optional string name = 3; // normal type
optional string description = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 resourceId = 5; // normal type
message uint_MasterGachaTicket {
optional uint32 uint_MasterGachaTicket_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterGachaTicket uint_MasterGachaTicket_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterGachaTicketMap {
repeated uint_MasterGachaTicket entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterPurchaseDetail {
optional uint32 purchaseId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 2; // normal type
optional string resourceType = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 resourceId = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 quantity = 5; // normal type
message MasterPurchase {
optional uint32 purchaseId = 1; // normal type
optional string purchaseCategory = 2; // normal type
optional string productName = 3; // normal type
optional string description = 4; // normal type
optional string label = 5; // normal type
optional uint32 purchaseLimit = 6; // normal type
optional uint32 publishedAt = 7; // nullable
optional uint32 closedAt = 8; // nullable
optional MasterPurchaseDetail detail = 9; // sub class
optional uint32 seq = 10; // normal type
message uint_MasterPurchase {
optional uint32 uint_MasterPurchase_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterPurchase uint_MasterPurchase_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterPurchaseMap {
repeated uint_MasterPurchase entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterProduct {
optional uint32 purchaseId = 1; // normal type
optional string productId = 2; // normal type
optional string platform = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 amount = 4; // normal type
message MasterProductList {
repeated MasterProduct entries = 1; // list
message MasterLoginBonusDetail {
optional uint32 loginBonusId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 days = 2; // normal type
optional string resourceType = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 resourceId = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 quantity = 5; // normal type
optional string voiceId = 6; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 7; // normal type
message MasterLoginBonusAsset {
optional uint32 loginBonusId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 days = 2; // normal type
optional string resourceName = 3; // normal type
optional string voiceId = 4; // normal type
message uint_MasterLoginBonusAsset {
optional uint32 uint_MasterLoginBonusAsset_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterLoginBonusAsset uint_MasterLoginBonusAsset_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterLoginBonusAssetMap {
repeated uint_MasterLoginBonusAsset entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterLoginBonus {
optional uint32 loginBonusId = 1; // normal type
optional string loginBonusType = 2; // normal type
optional string caption = 3; // normal type
optional string assetBundleName = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 publishedAt = 5; // normal type
optional uint32 closedAt = 6; // normal type
repeated MasterLoginBonusDetail details = 7; // array
optional MasterLoginBonusAssetMap assetMap = 8; // sub class
message uint_MasterLoginBonus {
optional uint32 uint_MasterLoginBonus_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterLoginBonus uint_MasterLoginBonus_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterLoginBonusMap {
repeated uint_MasterLoginBonus entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterHomeBanner {
optional uint32 homeBannerId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 2; // normal type
optional string assetBundleName = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 publishedAt = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 closedAt = 5; // normal type
optional string transitionMethod = 6; // normal type
optional string url = 7; // normal type
optional uint32 releaseRankFrom = 8; // normal type
optional uint32 releaseRankTo = 9; // normal type
optional uint32 transitionId = 10; // normal type
optional uint32 rookieAt = 11; // nullable
optional string homeBannerType = 12; // normal type
optional uint32 gachaId = 13; // nullable
message MasterHomeBannerList {
repeated MasterHomeBanner entries = 1; // list
message MasterPremiumPass {
optional uint32 premiumPassId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 days = 2; // normal type
optional string resourceType = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 resourceId = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 quantity = 5; // normal type
message MasterPremiumPassList {
repeated MasterPremiumPass entries = 1; // list
message Constants {
optional uint32 limitLiveBoost = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 recoverLiveBoostMinute = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 dateChangeHour = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 limitLiveBoostStack = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 presentExpiredDays = 7; // normal type
optional uint32 premiumPassExpiredDays = 8; // normal type
optional uint32 liveBoostBonus = 9; // normal type
optional uint32 doubleLiveBoostBonus = 10; // normal type
optional uint32 tripleLiveBoostBonus = 11; // normal type
message MasterStamp {
optional uint32 stampId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 2; // normal type
optional string imageName = 3; // normal type
optional string stampType = 4; // normal type
message uint_MasterStamp {
optional uint32 uint_MasterStamp_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterStamp uint_MasterStamp_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterStampMap {
repeated uint_MasterStamp entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterDegree {
optional uint32 degreeId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 2; // normal type
optional string baseImageName = 3; // normal type
optional string rank = 4; // normal type
optional string degreeName = 5; // normal type
optional string degreeType = 6; // normal type
optional string iconImageName = 7; // normal type
optional string description = 8; // normal type
message uint_MasterDegree {
optional uint32 uint_MasterDegree_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterDegree uint_MasterDegree_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterDegreeMap {
repeated uint_MasterDegree entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterCharacterProfileLive2d {
optional uint32 characterProfileLive2dId = 1; // normal type
optional string scenarioType = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 characterId = 3; // normal type
optional string serif = 4; // normal type
optional string voice = 5; // normal type
optional string motion = 6; // normal type
optional string expression = 7; // normal type
message uint_MasterCharacterProfileLive2d {
optional uint32 uint_MasterCharacterProfileLive2d_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterCharacterProfileLive2d uint_MasterCharacterProfileLive2d_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterCharacterProfileLive2dMap {
repeated uint_MasterCharacterProfileLive2d entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterWeeklyMultiLiveDifficulty {
optional uint32 id = 1; // normal type
optional string difficulty = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 requiredTotalParam = 3; // normal type
optional float bonusRate = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 5; // normal type
optional uint32 dayOfWeek = 6; // normal type
optional string description = 7; // normal type
optional string resourceName = 8; // normal type
optional string multiLiveDifficultyType = 9; // normal type
message uint_MasterWeeklyMultiLiveDifficulty {
optional uint32 uint_MasterWeeklyMultiLiveDifficulty_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterWeeklyMultiLiveDifficulty uint_MasterWeeklyMultiLiveDifficulty_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterWeeklyMultiLiveDifficultyMap {
repeated uint_MasterWeeklyMultiLiveDifficulty entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterCommonConfig {
optional uint32 commonConfigId = 1; // normal type
optional string commonConfigType = 2; // normal type
optional string value = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 startAt = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 endAt = 5; // normal type
message uint_MasterCommonConfig {
optional uint32 uint_MasterCommonConfig_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterCommonConfig uint_MasterCommonConfig_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterCommonConfigMap {
repeated uint_MasterCommonConfig entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterSkill {
optional uint32 skillId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 skillLevel = 2; // normal type
optional float duration = 3; // normal type
optional string simpleDescription = 4; // normal type
optional string description = 5; // normal type
optional string skillSortType = 6; // normal type
message MasterSkillList {
repeated MasterSkill entries = 1; // array
message MasterSituationSkillExpTable {
optional uint32 skillLevel = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 skillExp = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 rarity = 3; // normal type
message MasterSituationSkillExpTableList {
repeated MasterSituationSkillExpTable entries = 1; // array
message MasterMission {
optional uint32 missionId = 1; // normal type
optional string missionType = 2; // normal type
optional string transitionMethod = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 transitionId = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 startAt = 5; // normal type
optional uint32 endAt = 6; // normal type
optional string missionTabType = 7; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 8; // normal type
optional string url = 9; // normal type
message uint_MasterMission {
optional uint32 uint_MasterMission_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterMission uint_MasterMission_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterMissionMap {
repeated uint_MasterMission entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterMissionDetail {
optional uint32 missionId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 2; // normal type
optional string title = 3; // normal type
optional string description = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 maxProgress = 5; // normal type
optional string missionConditionTypes = 6; // normal type
optional uint32 values = 7; // normal type
message MasterMissionDetailList {
repeated MasterMissionDetail entries = 1; // array
message uint_MasterMissionDetailList {
optional uint32 uint_MasterMissionDetailList_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterMissionDetailList uint_MasterMissionDetailList_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterMissionDetailMap {
repeated uint_MasterMissionDetailList entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterMissionReward {
optional uint32 missionId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 missionRewardId = 3; // normal type
optional string resourceType = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 resourceId = 5; // normal type
optional uint32 quantity = 6; // normal type
message MasterMissionRewardList {
repeated MasterMissionReward entries = 1; // array
message uint_MasterMissionRewardList {
optional uint32 uint_MasterMissionRewardList_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterMissionRewardList uint_MasterMissionRewardList_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterMissionRewardMap {
repeated uint_MasterMissionRewardList entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterSkillActivateEffect {
optional uint32 skillId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 skillLevel = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 3; // normal type
optional string colorDescription = 4; // normal type
optional string activateEffectType = 5; // normal type
optional string activateEffectValueType = 6; // normal type
optional string activateCondition = 7; // normal type
optional uint32 activateEffectValue = 8; // normal type
optional uint32 activateConditionLife = 9; // normal type
message MasterSkillActivateEffectList {
repeated MasterSkillActivateEffect entries = 1; // array
message MasterSkillOnceEffect {
optional uint32 skillId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 skillLevel = 2; // normal type
optional string colorDescription = 3; // normal type
optional string onceEffectType = 4; // normal type
optional string onceEffectValueType = 5; // normal type
optional int32 onceEffectValue = 6; // normal type
message MasterSkillOnceEffectList {
repeated MasterSkillOnceEffect entries = 1; // array
message MasterLiveBoostRecoveryItem {
optional uint32 liveBoostRecoveryItemId = 1; // normal type
optional string liveBoostRecoveryItemName = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 resourceId = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 value = 4; // normal type
optional string description = 5; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 6; // normal type
optional string liveBoostRecoveryItemType = 7; // normal type
message uint_MasterLiveBoostRecoveryItem {
optional uint32 uint_MasterLiveBoostRecoveryItem_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterLiveBoostRecoveryItem uint_MasterLiveBoostRecoveryItem_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterLiveBoostRecoveryItemMap {
repeated uint_MasterLiveBoostRecoveryItem entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterGenericStory {
optional uint32 genericStoryId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 2; // normal type
optional string caption = 3; // normal type
optional string title = 4; // normal type
optional string synopsis = 5; // normal type
optional string scenarioId = 6; // normal type
optional string coverImage = 7; // normal type
optional string backgroundImage = 8; // normal type
optional uint32 releasePlayerRank = 9; // normal type
optional string releaseConditions = 10; // normal type
optional int32 startAt = 11; // normal type
optional int32 endAt = 12; // normal type
repeated PlayerResource rewards = 13; // array
optional bool priorityFlg = 14; // normal type
message uint_MasterGenericStory {
optional uint32 uint_MasterGenericStory_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterGenericStory uint_MasterGenericStory_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterGenericStoryMap {
repeated uint_MasterGenericStory entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterSeasonBasic {
optional uint32 seasonBasicId = 1; // normal type
optional string seasonBasicType = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 startAt = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 endAt = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 seasonId = 5; // normal type
message uint_MasterSeasonBasic {
optional uint32 uint_MasterSeasonBasic_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterSeasonBasic uint_MasterSeasonBasic_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterSeasonBasicMap {
repeated uint_MasterSeasonBasic entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterSeasonSpecial {
optional uint32 seasonSpecialId = 1; // normal type
optional string seasonSpecialType = 2; // normal type
optional string description = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 startAt = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 endAt = 5; // normal type
optional bool repeatFlg = 6; // normal type
optional bool areaSpecialResourceFlg = 7; // normal type
optional string actionSetType = 8; // normal type
message uint_MasterSeasonSpecial {
optional uint32 uint_MasterSeasonSpecial_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterSeasonSpecial uint_MasterSeasonSpecial_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterSeasonSpecialMap {
repeated uint_MasterSeasonSpecial entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterAreaSeasonBasic {
optional uint32 areaId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 seasonBasicId = 2; // normal type
optional string resourceName = 3; // normal type
message MasterAreaSeasonBasicList {
repeated MasterAreaSeasonBasic entries = 1; // array
message uint_MasterAreaSeasonBasicList {
optional uint32 uint_MasterAreaSeasonBasicList_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterAreaSeasonBasicList uint_MasterAreaSeasonBasicList_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterAreaSeasonBasicMap {
repeated uint_MasterAreaSeasonBasicList entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterAreaSeasonSpecial {
optional uint32 areaId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 seasonSpecialId = 2; // normal type
optional string resourceName = 3; // normal type
message MasterAreaSeasonSpecialList {
repeated MasterAreaSeasonSpecial entries = 1; // array
message uint_MasterAreaSeasonSpecialList {
optional uint32 uint_MasterAreaSeasonSpecialList_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterAreaSeasonSpecialList uint_MasterAreaSeasonSpecialList_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterAreaSeasonSpecialMap {
repeated uint_MasterAreaSeasonSpecialList entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterSeasonSpecialBgm {
optional uint32 seasonSpecialId = 1; // normal type
optional string bgmAssetBundleName = 2; // normal type
optional string bgmFileName = 3; // normal type
message uint_MasterSeasonSpecialBgm {
optional uint32 uint_MasterSeasonSpecialBgm_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterSeasonSpecialBgm uint_MasterSeasonSpecialBgm_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterSeasonSpecialBgmMap {
repeated uint_MasterSeasonSpecialBgm entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterQualifyTournament {
optional uint32 qualifyTournamentId = 1; // normal type
optional string qualifyTournamentName = 2; // normal type
optional string musicDifficulty = 3; // normal type
optional string assetBundleName = 4; // normal type
optional string bgmAssetBundleName = 5; // normal type
optional string bgmFileName = 6; // normal type
optional uint32 playCount = 7; // normal type
optional uint32 startAt = 8; // normal type
optional uint32 endAt = 9; // normal type
optional uint32 entryStartAt = 10; // normal type
optional uint32 entryEndAt = 11; // normal type
optional uint32 publicStartAt = 12; // normal type
optional uint32 publicEndAt = 13; // normal type
optional string qualifyTournamentType = 14; // normal type
optional string place = 15; // normal type
message MasterQualifyTournamentList {
repeated MasterQualifyTournament entries = 1; // list
message uint_MasterQualifyTournamentList {
optional uint32 uint_MasterQualifyTournamentList_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterQualifyTournamentList uint_MasterQualifyTournamentList_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterQualifyTournamentMap {
repeated uint_MasterQualifyTournamentList entries = 1; // dictionary
message QualifyTournamentSituationParameter {
optional uint32 situationId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 level = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 skillLevel = 3; // normal type
optional string trainingStatus = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 performance = 5; // normal type
optional uint32 technique = 6; // normal type
optional uint32 visual = 7; // normal type
message MasterQualifyTournamentDeck {
optional uint32 qualifyTournamentId = 1; // normal type
optional string deckName = 2; // normal type
optional QualifyTournamentSituationParameter leader = 3; // sub class
optional QualifyTournamentSituationParameter member1 = 4; // sub class
optional QualifyTournamentSituationParameter member2 = 5; // sub class
optional QualifyTournamentSituationParameter member3 = 6; // sub class
optional QualifyTournamentSituationParameter member4 = 7; // sub class
optional string qualifyTournamentType = 8; // normal type
message MasterQualifyTournamentDeckList {
repeated MasterQualifyTournamentDeck entries = 1; // list
message uint_MasterQualifyTournamentDeckList {
optional uint32 uint_MasterQualifyTournamentDeckList_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterQualifyTournamentDeckList uint_MasterQualifyTournamentDeckList_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterQualifyTournamentDeckMap {
repeated uint_MasterQualifyTournamentDeckList entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterQualifyTournamentMusic {
optional uint32 qualifyTournamentId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 musicId = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 3; // normal type
optional string qualifyTournamentType = 4; // normal type
message MasterQualifyTournamentMusicList {
repeated MasterQualifyTournamentMusic entries = 1; // list
message uint_MasterQualifyTournamentMusicList {
optional uint32 uint_MasterQualifyTournamentMusicList_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterQualifyTournamentMusicList uint_MasterQualifyTournamentMusicList_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterQualifyTournamentMusicMap {
repeated uint_MasterQualifyTournamentMusicList entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterEventStoryMemorialConfig {
optional uint32 eventId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 bandId = 2; // normal type
optional string imageFileName = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 publishedAt = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 eventStoryMemorialReleaseConditionId = 5; // normal type
repeated uint32 characterIdList = 6; // array
optional uint32 eventPublicEndAt = 101; // normal type
message uint_MasterEventStoryMemorialConfig {
optional uint32 uint_MasterEventStoryMemorialConfig_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterEventStoryMemorialConfig uint_MasterEventStoryMemorialConfig_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterEventStoryMemorialConfigMap {
repeated uint_MasterEventStoryMemorialConfig entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterEventStoryMemorialReleaseCondition {
optional uint32 eventStoryMemorialReleaseConditionId = 1; // normal type
optional string memorialReleaseConditionType = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 bandId = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 rank = 4; // normal type
message uint_MasterEventStoryMemorialReleaseCondition {
optional uint32 uint_MasterEventStoryMemorialReleaseCondition_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterEventStoryMemorialReleaseCondition uint_MasterEventStoryMemorialReleaseCondition_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterEventStoryMemorialReleaseConditionMap {
repeated uint_MasterEventStoryMemorialReleaseCondition entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterBandStoryList {
repeated MasterBandStory entries = 1; // array
message MasterAreaItemList {
repeated MasterAreaItem entries = 1; // list
message MasterBandRank {
optional uint32 bandId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 rank = 2; // normal type
optional MasterBandStoryList bandStories = 101; // sub class
optional MasterAreaItemList areaItems = 102; // sub class
optional PlayerResourceList rewards = 103; // sub class
message MasterBandRankList {
optional uint32 bandId = 1; // normal type
repeated MasterBandRank entries = 2; // list
message uint_MasterBandRankList {
optional uint32 uint_MasterBandRankList_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterBandRankList uint_MasterBandRankList_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterBandRanksMap {
repeated uint_MasterBandRankList entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterMainStoryList {
repeated MasterMainStory entries = 1; // array
message MasterPlayerRank {
optional uint32 rank = 1; // normal type
optional MasterMainStoryList mainStories = 101; // sub class
optional uint32 beforeFriendUpperLimit = 102; // nullable
optional uint32 afterFriendUpperLimit = 103; // nullable
message MasterPlayerRankList {
repeated MasterPlayerRank entries = 1; // list
message MasterWordingCollection {
optional string name = 1; // normal type
optional string wording = 2; // normal type
message string_MasterWordingCollection {
optional string string_MasterWordingCollection_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterWordingCollection string_MasterWordingCollection_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterWordingCollectionMap {
repeated string_MasterWordingCollection entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterMiracleTicket {
optional uint32 miracleTicketId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 2; // normal type
optional string miracleTicketEndAtType = 3; // normal type
optional string miracleTicketName = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 resourceId = 5; // normal type
optional uint32 exchangeStartAt = 6; // normal type
optional uint32 exchangeEndAt = 7; // normal type
optional uint32 exchangeEndMinutes = 8; // normal type
optional string bannerImageUrl = 9; // normal type
optional string miracleTicketExchangesName = 10; // normal type
message uint_MasterMiracleTicket {
optional uint32 uint_MasterMiracleTicket_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterMiracleTicket uint_MasterMiracleTicket_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterMiracleTicketMap {
repeated uint_MasterMiracleTicket entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterMiracleTicketExchanges {
optional uint32 miracleTicketId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 miracleTicketExchangesId = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 situationId = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 quantity = 5; // normal type
optional uint32 amount = 6; // normal type
optional uint32 exchangeLimit = 7; // normal type
message MasterMiracleTicketExchangesList {
repeated MasterMiracleTicketExchanges entries = 1; // array
message uint_MasterMiracleTicketExchangesList {
optional uint32 uint_MasterMiracleTicketExchangesList_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterMiracleTicketExchangesList uint_MasterMiracleTicketExchangesList_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterMiracleTicketExchangesMap {
repeated uint_MasterMiracleTicketExchangesList entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterSpecialLottery {
optional uint32 specialLotteryId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 2; // normal type
optional string caption = 3; // normal type
optional string assetBundleName = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 startAt = 5; // normal type
optional uint32 endAt = 6; // normal type
message MasterSpecialLotteryList {
repeated MasterSpecialLottery entries = 1; // array
message uint_MasterSpecialLotteryList {
optional uint32 uint_MasterSpecialLotteryList_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterSpecialLotteryList uint_MasterSpecialLotteryList_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterSpecialLotteryMap {
repeated uint_MasterSpecialLotteryList entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterBirthdayStory {
optional uint32 birthdayStoryId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 2; // normal type
optional string caption = 3; // normal type
optional string scenarioId = 6; // normal type
optional uint32 startAt = 7; // normal type
optional uint32 endAt = 8; // normal type
optional PlayerResourceList rewards = 9; // sub class
message uint_MasterBirthdayStory {
optional uint32 uint_MasterBirthdayStory_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterBirthdayStory uint_MasterBirthdayStory_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterBirthdayStoryMap {
repeated uint_MasterBirthdayStory entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterBirthdayPage {
optional uint32 birthdayPageId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 characterId = 2; // normal type
optional string assetBundleName = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 birthdayStoryId = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 actionSetId = 5; // normal type
optional uint32 startAt = 6; // normal type
optional uint32 endAt = 7; // normal type
message uint_MasterBirthdayPage {
optional uint32 uint_MasterBirthdayPage_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterBirthdayPage uint_MasterBirthdayPage_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterBirthdayPageMap {
repeated uint_MasterBirthdayPage entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterSkinNotes {
optional uint32 skinNotesId = 1; // normal type
optional string skinName = 2; // normal type
optional bool defaultFlg = 3; // normal type
optional string assetBundleName = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 5; // normal type
message uint_MasterSkinNotes {
optional uint32 uint_MasterSkinNotes_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterSkinNotes uint_MasterSkinNotes_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterSkinLane {
optional uint32 skinLaneId = 1; // normal type
optional string skinName = 2; // normal type
optional bool defaultFlg = 3; // normal type
optional string assetBundleName = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 5; // normal type
message uint_MasterSkinLane {
optional uint32 uint_MasterSkinLane_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterSkinLane uint_MasterSkinLane_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterSkinEffect {
optional uint32 skinEffectId = 1; // normal type
optional string skinName = 2; // normal type
optional bool defaultFlg = 3; // normal type
optional string assetBundleName = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 5; // normal type
message uint_MasterSkinEffect {
optional uint32 uint_MasterSkinEffect_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterSkinEffect uint_MasterSkinEffect_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterSkinBackground {
optional uint32 skinBackgroundId = 1; // normal type
optional string skinName = 2; // normal type
optional string eventType = 3; // normal type
optional string assetBundleName = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 5; // normal type
optional bool defaultFlg = 6; // normal type
message uint_MasterSkinBackground {
optional uint32 uint_MasterSkinBackground_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterSkinBackground uint_MasterSkinBackground_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterSkinSoundEffect {
optional uint32 skinSoundEffectId = 1; // normal type
optional string skinName = 2; // normal type
optional bool defaultFlg = 3; // normal type
optional string assetBundleName = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 5; // normal type
message uint_MasterSkinSoundEffect {
optional uint32 uint_MasterSkinSoundEffect_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterSkinSoundEffect uint_MasterSkinSoundEffect_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterSkin {
repeated uint_MasterSkinNotes skinNotesMap = 1; // dictionary
repeated uint_MasterSkinLane skinLaneMap = 2; // dictionary
repeated uint_MasterSkinEffect skinEffectMap = 3; // dictionary
repeated uint_MasterSkinBackground skinBackgroundMap = 4; // dictionary
repeated uint_MasterSkinSoundEffect skinSoundEffectMap = 5; // dictionary
optional uint32 defaultSkinNotesId = 6; // normal type
optional uint32 defaultSkinLaneId = 7; // normal type
optional uint32 defaultSkinEffectId = 8; // normal type
optional uint32 defaultSkinBackgroundId = 9; // normal type
optional uint32 defaultSkinSoundEffectId = 10; // normal type
message CharacterInGameVoice {
optional uint32 characterId = 1; // normal type
optional string soundKey = 2; // normal type
message CharacterInGameVoiceList {
repeated CharacterInGameVoice entries = 1; // array
message uint_CharacterInGameVoiceList {
optional uint32 uint_CharacterInGameVoiceList_key = 1; // normal type
optional CharacterInGameVoiceList uint_CharacterInGameVoiceList_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterCharacterInGameVoice {
repeated uint_CharacterInGameVoiceList beforeLiveVoiceMap = 1; // dictionary
repeated uint_CharacterInGameVoiceList fullComboVoiceMap = 2; // dictionary
message MasterPickupSituation {
optional string pickupType = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 pickupId = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 situationId = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 performance = 5; // normal type
optional uint32 technique = 6; // normal type
optional uint32 visual = 7; // normal type
message MasterPickupSituationList {
repeated MasterPickupSituation entries = 1; // array
message uint_MasterPickupSituationList {
optional uint32 uint_MasterPickupSituationList_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterPickupSituationList uint_MasterPickupSituationList_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterPickupSituationMap {
repeated uint_MasterPickupSituationList eventPickupSituationMap = 1; // dictionary
repeated uint_MasterPickupSituationList gachaPickupSituationMap = 2; // dictionary
message MasterSingleFrameCartoon {
optional uint32 singleFrameCartoonId = 1; // normal type
optional string title = 2; // normal type
optional string assetBundleName = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 4; // normal type
optional string subTitle = 5; // normal type
message uint_MasterSingleFrameCartoon {
optional uint32 uint_MasterSingleFrameCartoon_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterSingleFrameCartoon uint_MasterSingleFrameCartoon_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterSingleFrameCartoonMap {
repeated uint_MasterSingleFrameCartoon entries = 1; // dictionary
message SingleFrameCartoonIdList {
repeated uint32 entries = 1; // array
message uint_SingleFrameCartoonIdList {
optional uint32 uint_SingleFrameCartoonIdList_key = 1; // normal type
optional SingleFrameCartoonIdList uint_SingleFrameCartoonIdList_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterSingleFrameCartoonCharacterMap {
repeated uint_SingleFrameCartoonIdList entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterFourFrameCartoon {
optional uint32 fourFrameCartoonId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 2; // normal type
optional string title = 3; // normal type
optional string assetBundleName = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 publicStartAt = 5; // normal type
optional string subTitle = 6; // normal type
message uint_MasterFourFrameCartoon {
optional uint32 uint_MasterFourFrameCartoon_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterFourFrameCartoon uint_MasterFourFrameCartoon_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterFourFrameCartoonMap {
repeated uint_MasterFourFrameCartoon entries = 1; // dictionary
message FourFrameCartoonIdList {
repeated uint32 entries = 1; // array
message uint_FourFrameCartoonIdList {
optional uint32 uint_FourFrameCartoonIdList_key = 1; // normal type
optional FourFrameCartoonIdList uint_FourFrameCartoonIdList_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterFourFrameCartoonCharacterMap {
repeated uint_FourFrameCartoonIdList entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterMusicVideo {
optional uint32 musicId = 1; // normal type
optional string assetBundleName = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 startAt = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 endAt = 4; // normal type
optional int32 musicStartDelayMilliseconds = 5; // normal type
message uint_MasterMusicVideo {
optional uint32 uint_MasterMusicVideo_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterMusicVideo uint_MasterMusicVideo_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterMusicVideoMap {
repeated uint_MasterMusicVideo entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterBandStoryChapterDetail {
optional uint32 bandStoryChapterDetailId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 bandStoryChapterId = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 eventId = 3; // nullable
optional uint32 releaseBandStoryId = 4; // nullable
optional uint32 startAt = 5; // normal type
optional uint32 endAt = 6; // normal type
optional string supplement = 7; // normal type
optional string appeal = 8; // normal type
optional string releaseConditions = 9; // normal type
message MasterBandStoryChapterDetailList {
repeated MasterBandStoryChapterDetail entries = 1; // array
message MasterBandStoryChapter {
optional uint32 bandStoryChapterId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 bandId = 2; // normal type
optional string bandStoryChapterType = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 4; // normal type
optional string mainTitle = 5; // normal type
optional string subTitle = 6; // normal type
optional uint32 publishedAt = 7; // normal type
optional uint32 closedAt = 8; // normal type
optional uint32 chapterNumber = 9; // normal type
optional MasterBandStoryChapterDetailList masterBandStoryChapterDetailList = 101; // sub class
message uint_MasterBandStoryChapter {
optional uint32 uint_MasterBandStoryChapter_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterBandStoryChapter uint_MasterBandStoryChapter_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterBandStoryChapterMap {
repeated uint_MasterBandStoryChapter entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterNewMusicIntroduction {
optional uint32 newMusicIntroductionId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 musicId = 2; // normal type
optional string assetBundleName = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 costumeId1 = 4; // nullable
optional uint32 costumeId2 = 5; // nullable
optional uint32 costumeId3 = 6; // nullable
optional uint32 costumeId4 = 7; // nullable
optional uint32 costumeId5 = 8; // nullable
optional uint32 startAt = 9; // normal type
optional uint32 endAt = 10; // normal type
message uint_MasterNewMusicIntroduction {
optional uint32 uint_MasterNewMusicIntroduction_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterNewMusicIntroduction uint_MasterNewMusicIntroduction_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterNewMusicIntroductionMap {
repeated uint_MasterNewMusicIntroduction entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterEventPointReward {
optional uint32 id = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 eventId = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 point = 3; // normal type
optional string rewardType = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 rewardId = 5; // normal type
optional uint32 rewardQuantity = 6; // normal type
optional bool recommendFlg = 7; // normal type
message MasterEventRankingReward {
optional uint32 id = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 eventId = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 fromRank = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 toRank = 4; // normal type
optional string rewardType = 5; // normal type
optional uint32 rewardId = 6; // normal type
optional uint32 rewardQuantity = 7; // normal type
optional bool recommendFlg = 8; // normal type
message MasterEvent {
optional uint32 eventId = 1; // normal type
optional string eventType = 2; // normal type
optional string eventName = 3; // normal type
optional string assetBundleName = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 startAt = 5; // normal type
optional uint32 endAt = 6; // normal type
optional bool enableFlg = 7; // normal type
optional uint32 publicStartAt = 8; // normal type
optional uint32 publicEndAt = 9; // normal type
optional uint32 distributionStartAt = 10; // normal type
optional uint32 distributionEndAt = 11; // normal type
optional string bgmAssetBundleName = 12; // normal type
optional string bgmFileName = 13; // normal type
optional uint32 aggregateEndAt = 14; // normal type
optional uint32 eventExchangesEndAt = 15; // nullable
repeated MasterEventPointReward pointRewards = 101; // array
repeated MasterEventRankingReward rankingRewards = 102; // array
message uint_MasterEvent {
optional uint32 uint_MasterEvent_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterEvent uint_MasterEvent_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterEventMap {
repeated uint_MasterEvent entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterEventConfig {
optional string configKeyType = 1; // normal type
optional string value = 2; // normal type
message string_MasterEventConfig {
optional string string_MasterEventConfig_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterEventConfig string_MasterEventConfig_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterEventConfigMap {
repeated string_MasterEventConfig entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterEventAttribute {
optional uint32 eventId = 1; // normal type
optional string attribute = 2; // normal type
optional float percent = 3; // normal type
message MasterEventCharacter {
optional uint32 eventId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 characterId = 2; // normal type
optional float percent = 3; // normal type
message MasterEventStoryReward {
optional uint32 id = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 eventId = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 3; // normal type
optional string rewardType = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 rewardId = 5; // normal type
optional uint32 rewardQuantity = 6; // normal type
message MasterEventStory {
optional uint32 eventId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 2; // normal type
optional string caption = 3; // normal type
optional string title = 4; // normal type
optional string synopsis = 5; // normal type
optional string scenarioId = 6; // normal type
optional string coverImage = 7; // normal type
optional string backgroundImage = 8; // normal type
optional uint32 releasePt = 9; // normal type
optional string releaseConditions = 10; // normal type
repeated MasterEventStoryReward rewards = 101; // array
message MasterStoryEvent {
optional uint32 eventId = 1; // normal type
repeated MasterEventAttribute attributes = 101; // array
repeated MasterEventCharacter characters = 102; // array
repeated MasterEventStory stories = 103; // array
message uint_MasterStoryEvent {
optional uint32 uint_MasterStoryEvent_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterStoryEvent uint_MasterStoryEvent_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterStoryEventMap {
repeated uint_MasterStoryEvent entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterEventLiveBoost {
optional uint32 useCount = 1; // normal type
optional float percent = 2; // normal type
message uint_MasterEventLiveBoost {
optional uint32 uint_MasterEventLiveBoost_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterEventLiveBoost uint_MasterEventLiveBoost_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterEventLiveBoostMap {
repeated uint_MasterEventLiveBoost entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterEventExchanges {
optional uint32 eventId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 2; // normal type
optional string caption = 3; // normal type
optional string resourceType = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 resourceId = 5; // normal type
optional uint32 quantity = 6; // normal type
optional uint32 amount = 7; // normal type
optional uint32 exchangeLimit = 8; // nullable
optional string reset = 9; // normal type
optional string badge = 10; // normal type
optional uint32 publishedAt = 11; // nullable
optional uint32 closedAt = 12; // nullable
optional bool recommendFlg = 13; // normal type
optional bool allowDuplicationFlg = 14; // normal type
message MasterEventExchangesList {
repeated MasterEventExchanges entries = 1; // list
message MasterEventItem {
optional uint32 eventItemId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 eventId = 2; // normal type
optional string itemName = 3; // normal type
optional string resourceName = 4; // normal type
optional string description = 5; // normal type
message uint_MasterEventItem {
optional uint32 uint_MasterEventItem_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterEventItem uint_MasterEventItem_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterEventItemMap {
repeated uint_MasterEventItem entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterEventLoginReward {
optional uint32 eventId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 days = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 3; // normal type
optional string resourceType = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 resourceId = 5; // normal type
optional uint32 quantity = 6; // normal type
message MasterEventLoginRewardList {
repeated MasterEventLoginReward entries = 1; // list
message uint_MasterEventLoginRewardList {
optional uint32 uint_MasterEventLoginRewardList_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterEventLoginRewardList uint_MasterEventLoginRewardList_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterEventLoginRewardMap {
repeated uint_MasterEventLoginRewardList entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterEventMusicAchievement {
optional uint32 eventId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 musicId = 2; // normal type
optional string achievementType = 3; // normal type
optional string resourceType = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 resourceId = 5; // normal type
optional uint32 quantity = 6; // normal type
message MasterEventMusicRankingReward {
optional uint32 id = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 eventId = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 musicId = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 fromRank = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 toRank = 5; // normal type
optional string resourceType = 6; // normal type
optional uint32 resourceId = 7; // normal type
optional uint32 quantity = 8; // normal type
optional bool recommendFlg = 9; // normal type
message MasterEventMusic {
optional uint32 eventId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 musicId = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 3; // normal type
repeated MasterEventMusicAchievement musicAchievements = 101; // array
repeated MasterEventMusicRankingReward musicRankingRewards = 102; // array
message MasterEventChallengeCost {
optional uint32 eventId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 cost = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 ratio = 4; // normal type
message MasterChallengeEvent {
optional uint32 eventId = 1; // normal type
repeated MasterEventAttribute attributes = 101; // array
repeated MasterEventCharacter characters = 102; // array
repeated MasterEventStory stories = 103; // array
repeated MasterEventMusic musics = 104; // array
repeated MasterEventChallengeCost challengeCosts = 105; // array
message uint_MasterChallengeEvent {
optional uint32 uint_MasterChallengeEvent_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterChallengeEvent uint_MasterChallengeEvent_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterChallengeEventMap {
repeated uint_MasterChallengeEvent entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterEventLiveContribution {
optional uint32 participant = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 rank = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 rate = 3; // normal type
message MasterEventLiveContributionList {
repeated MasterEventLiveContribution entries = 1; // list
message uint_MasterEventLiveContributionList {
optional uint32 uint_MasterEventLiveContributionList_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterEventLiveContributionList uint_MasterEventLiveContributionList_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterEventLiveContributionMap {
repeated uint_MasterEventLiveContributionList entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterMultiVersusLiveScore {
optional uint32 musicId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 scoreSS = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 scoreS = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 scoreA = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 scoreB = 5; // normal type
optional uint32 scoreC = 6; // normal type
message uint_MasterMultiVersusLiveScore {
optional uint32 uint_MasterMultiVersusLiveScore_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterMultiVersusLiveScore uint_MasterMultiVersusLiveScore_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterMultiVersusLiveScoreMap {
repeated uint_MasterMultiVersusLiveScore entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterMultiVersusLiveMatchingLogic {
optional uint32 id = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 logicOrder = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 totalPowerFrom = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 totalPowerTo = 4; // normal type
optional int32 searchFrom = 5; // normal type
optional int32 searchTo = 6; // normal type
message MasterMultiVersusLiveMatchingLogicList {
repeated MasterMultiVersusLiveMatchingLogic entries = 1; // list
message MasterVersusEvent {
optional uint32 eventId = 1; // normal type
repeated MasterEventAttribute attributes = 101; // array
repeated MasterEventCharacter characters = 102; // array
repeated MasterEventStory stories = 103; // array
repeated MasterEventMusic musics = 104; // array
message uint_MasterVersusEvent {
optional uint32 uint_MasterVersusEvent_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterVersusEvent uint_MasterVersusEvent_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterVersusEventMap {
repeated uint_MasterVersusEvent entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterEventBoxGachaDetail {
optional uint32 eventBoxGachaId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 round = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 count = 4; // normal type
optional string resourceType = 5; // normal type
optional uint32 resourceId = 6; // normal type
optional uint32 resourceQuantity = 7; // normal type
optional bool pickupFlag = 8; // normal type
message MasterEventBoxGachaDetailList {
repeated MasterEventBoxGachaDetail entries = 1; // list
message uint_MasterEventBoxGachaDetailList {
optional uint32 uint_MasterEventBoxGachaDetailList_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterEventBoxGachaDetailList uint_MasterEventBoxGachaDetailList_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterEventBoxGacha {
optional uint32 eventBoxGachaId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 eventId = 2; // normal type
optional string name = 3; // normal type
optional string resourceName = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 publishedAt = 5; // normal type
optional uint32 closedAt = 6; // normal type
repeated uint_MasterEventBoxGachaDetailList detailsMap = 101; // dictionary
message uint_MasterEventBoxGacha {
optional uint32 uint_MasterEventBoxGacha_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterEventBoxGacha uint_MasterEventBoxGacha_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterEventBoxGachaMap {
repeated uint_MasterEventBoxGacha entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterLiveTryMission {
optional uint32 eventId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 liveTryMissionId = 2; // normal type
optional string liveTryMissionType = 3; // normal type
optional string liveTryMissionDifficultyType = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 level = 5; // normal type
optional uint32 liveTryMissionDetailId = 6; // normal type
message uint_MasterLiveTryMission {
optional uint32 uint_MasterLiveTryMission_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterLiveTryMission uint_MasterLiveTryMission_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterLiveTryMissionMap {
repeated uint_MasterLiveTryMission entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterLiveTryMissionDetail {
optional uint32 liveTryMissionDetailId = 1; // normal type
optional string musicDescription = 101; // normal type
optional string difficultyDescription = 102; // normal type
optional string description = 103; // normal type
message uint_MasterLiveTryMissionDetail {
optional uint32 uint_MasterLiveTryMissionDetail_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterLiveTryMissionDetail uint_MasterLiveTryMissionDetail_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterLiveTryMissionDetailMap {
repeated uint_MasterLiveTryMissionDetail entries = 1; // dictionary
message string_uint {
optional string string_uint_key = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 string_uint_value = 2; // normal type
message MasterLiveTryMissionTypeSequenceMap {
repeated string_uint entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterLiveTryMissionReward {
optional uint32 eventId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 liveTryMissionId = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 3; // normal type
optional string resourceType = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 resourceId = 5; // normal type
optional uint32 quantity = 6; // normal type
message MasterLiveTryMissionRewardList {
repeated MasterLiveTryMissionReward entries = 1; // list
message uint_MasterLiveTryMissionRewardList {
optional uint32 uint_MasterLiveTryMissionRewardList_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterLiveTryMissionRewardList uint_MasterLiveTryMissionRewardList_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterLiveTryMissionRewardMap {
repeated uint_MasterLiveTryMissionRewardList entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterLiveTryLevelReward {
optional uint32 eventId = 1; // normal type
optional string liveTryMissionDifficultyType = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 level = 3; // normal type
optional string resourceType = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 resourceId = 5; // normal type
optional uint32 quantity = 6; // normal type
message uint_MasterLiveTryLevelReward {
optional uint32 uint_MasterLiveTryLevelReward_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterLiveTryLevelReward uint_MasterLiveTryLevelReward_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterLiveTryLevelRewardMap {
repeated uint_MasterLiveTryLevelReward entries = 1; // dictionary
message string_MasterLiveTryLevelRewardMap {
optional string string_MasterLiveTryLevelRewardMap_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterLiveTryLevelRewardMap string_MasterLiveTryLevelRewardMap_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterLiveTryLevelRewardDifficultyMap {
repeated string_MasterLiveTryLevelRewardMap entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterLiveTryEvent {
optional uint32 eventId = 1; // normal type
repeated MasterEventAttribute attributes = 101; // array
repeated MasterEventCharacter characters = 102; // array
repeated MasterEventStory stories = 103; // array
optional MasterLiveTryMissionMap masterLiveTryMissionMap = 201; // sub class
optional MasterLiveTryMissionDetailMap masterLiveTryMissionDetailMap = 202; // sub class
optional MasterLiveTryMissionTypeSequenceMap masterLiveTryMissionTypeSequenceMap = 203; // sub class
optional MasterLiveTryMissionRewardMap masterLiveTryMissionRewardMap = 204; // sub class
optional MasterLiveTryLevelRewardDifficultyMap masterLiveTryLevelRewardDifficultyMap = 205; // sub class
message uint_MasterLiveTryEvent {
optional uint32 uint_MasterLiveTryEvent_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterLiveTryEvent uint_MasterLiveTryEvent_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterLiveTryEventMap {
repeated uint_MasterLiveTryEvent entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterEventSituation {
optional uint32 eventId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 situationId = 3; // normal type
message MasterEventSituationList {
repeated MasterEventSituation entries = 1; // list
message uint_MasterEventSituationList {
optional uint32 uint_MasterEventSituationList_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterEventSituationList uint_MasterEventSituationList_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterEventSituationMap {
repeated uint_MasterEventSituationList entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterNewSituationIntroductionDetail {
optional uint32 newSituationIntroductionId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 situationId = 2; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 3; // normal type
optional string motion = 4; // normal type
optional string voiceId = 5; // normal type
optional float situationPositionX = 6; // normal type
message MasterNewSituationIntroduction {
optional uint32 newSituationIntroductionId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 gachaId = 2; // normal type
optional string logoPosition = 3; // normal type
optional uint32 startAt = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 endAt = 5; // normal type
repeated MasterNewSituationIntroductionDetail details = 6; // array
message MasterNewSituationIntroductionList {
repeated MasterNewSituationIntroduction entries = 1; // list
message MasterGachaInformation {
optional uint32 gachaId = 1; // normal type
optional string description = 2; // normal type
optional string term = 3; // normal type
optional string newMemberInfo = 4; // normal type
optional string stepInfo = 5; // normal type
optional string setInfo = 6; // normal type
optional string notice = 7; // normal type
message uint_MasterGachaInformation {
optional uint32 uint_MasterGachaInformation_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterGachaInformation uint_MasterGachaInformation_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterGachaInformationMap {
repeated uint_MasterGachaInformation entries = 1; // dictionary
message MasterGenericAnimation {
optional uint32 genericAnimationId = 1; // normal type
optional uint32 seq = 2; // normal type
optional string assetBundleName = 3; // normal type
optional bool priorityFlg = 4; // normal type
optional uint32 startAt = 5; // normal type
optional uint32 endAt = 6; // normal type
optional string genericAnimationType = 7; // normal type
message uint_MasterGenericAnimation {
optional uint32 uint_MasterGenericAnimation_key = 1; // normal type
optional MasterGenericAnimation uint_MasterGenericAnimation_value = 2; // sub class
message MasterGenericAnimationMap {
repeated uint_MasterGenericAnimation entries = 1; // dictionary
message SuiteMasterGetResponse {
optional MasterMusicListGetResponse masterMusicList = 1; // sub class
optional MasterMusicDifficultyListGetResponse masterMusicDifficultyList = 2; // sub class
optional MasterMultiLiveDifficultyMap masterMultiLiveDifficultyMap = 28; // sub class
optional MasterCharacterInfoMap masterCharacterInfoMap = 3; // sub class
optional MasterCharacterSituationMap masterCharacterSituationMap = 4; // sub class
optional MasterBandExpTableMap masterBandExpTableMap = 5; // sub class
optional MasterLeaderSkillMap masterLeaderSkillMap = 6; // sub class
optional MasterGachaMap masterGachaMap = 7; // sub class
optional MasterSituationSkillMap masterSituationSkillMap = 8; // sub class
optional MasterAreaItemMap masterAreaItemMap = 9; // sub class
optional MasterBondsMap masterBondsMap = 10; // sub class
optional MasterBondsEffectMap masterBondsEffectMap = 11; // sub class
optional MasterShopMap masterShopMap = 12; // sub class
optional MasterShoplistMap masterShopListMap = 13; // sub class
optional MasterActionSetMap masterActionSetMap = 14; // sub class
optional MasterAreaMap masterAreaMap = 15; // sub class
optional MasterBandMap masterBandMap = 16; // sub class
optional MasterPlayerExpTableMap masterPlayerExpTableMap = 17; // sub class
optional MasterPracticeTicketMap masterPracticeTicketMap = 19; // sub class
optional MasterSituationExpTableMap masterSituationExpTableMap = 20; // sub class
optional MasterMainStoryMap masterMainStoryMap = 21; // sub class
optional MasterBandStoryMap masterPoppinPartyStoryMap = 22; // sub class
optional MasterBandStoryMap masterAfterglowStoryMap = 23; // sub class
optional MasterBandStoryMap masterPastelPalettesStoryMap = 24; // sub class
optional MasterBandStoryMap masterHelloHappyWorldStoryMap = 25; // sub class
optional MasterBandStoryMap masterRoseliaStoryMap = 26; // sub class
optional MasterItemMap masterItemMap = 27; // sub class
optional MasterCommonsLive2dMap masterCommonsLive2dMap = 29; // sub class
optional MasterMusicShopMap masterMusicShopMap = 30; // sub class
optional MasterCostumeMap masterCostumeMap = 31; // sub class
optional MasterAfterLiveTalkMap masterAfterLiveTalkMap = 32; // sub class
optional MasterAreaItemSpawnMap masterAreaItemSpawnMap = 33; // sub class
optional ServerSystem system = 34; // sub class
optional MasterCharacterRarityMap masterCharacterRarityMap = 35; // sub class
optional MasterExchangesMap masterExchangesMap = 36; // sub class
optional MasterGachaTicketMap masterGachaTicketMap = 37; // sub class
optional MasterPurchaseMap masterPurchaseMap = 39; // sub class
optional MasterProductList masterProductList = 40; // sub class
optional MasterLoginBonusMap masterLoginBonusMap = 41; // sub class
optional MasterHomeBannerList masterHomeBannerList = 43; // sub class
optional MasterPremiumPassList masterPremiumPassList = 44; // sub class
optional Constants constants = 45; // sub class
optional MasterStampMap masterStampMap = 46; // sub class
optional MasterDegreeMap masterDegreeMap = 47; // sub class
optional MasterCharacterProfileLive2dMap masterCharacterProfileLive2dMap = 48; // sub class
optional MasterWeeklyMultiLiveDifficultyMap masterWeeklyMultiLiveDifficultyMap = 49; // sub class
optional MasterCommonConfigMap masterCommonConfigMap = 50; // sub class
optional MasterSkillList masterSkillList = 51; // sub class
optional MasterSituationSkillExpTableList masterSituationSkillExpTableList = 52; // sub class
optional MasterMissionMap masterMissionMap = 53; // sub class
optional MasterMissionDetailMap masterMissionDetailMap = 54; // sub class
optional MasterMissionRewardMap masterMissionRewardMap = 55; // sub class
optional MasterSkillActivateEffectList masterSkillActivateEffectList = 56; // sub class
optional MasterSkillOnceEffectList masterSkillOnceEffectList = 57; // sub class
optional MasterLiveBoostRecoveryItemMap masterLiveBoostRecoveryItemMap = 58; // sub class
optional MasterGenericStoryMap masterGenericStoryMap = 59; // sub class
optional MasterSeasonBasicMap masterSeasonBasicMap = 60; // sub class
optional MasterSeasonSpecialMap masterSeasonSpecialMap = 61; // sub class
optional MasterAreaSeasonBasicMap masterAreaSeasonBasicMap = 62; // sub class
optional MasterAreaSeasonSpecialMap masterAreaSeasonSpecialMap = 63; // sub class
optional MasterSeasonSpecialBgmMap masterSeasonSpecialBgmMap = 64; // sub class
optional MasterQualifyTournamentMap masterQualifyTournamentMap = 65; // sub class
optional MasterQualifyTournamentDeckMap masterQualifyTournamentDeckMap = 66; // sub class
optional MasterQualifyTournamentMusicMap masterQualifyTournamentMusicMap = 67; // sub class
optional MasterEventStoryMemorialConfigMap masterEventStoryMemorialConfigMap = 68; // sub class
optional MasterEventStoryMemorialReleaseConditionMap masterEventStoryMemorialReleaseConditionMap = 69; // sub class
optional MasterBandRanksMap masterBandRanksMap = 70; // sub class
optional MasterPlayerRankList masterPlayerRankList = 71; // sub class
optional MasterWordingCollectionMap masterWordingCollectionMap = 72; // sub class
optional MasterMiracleTicketMap masterMiracleTicketMap = 73; // sub class
optional MasterMiracleTicketExchangesMap masterMiracleTicketExchangesMap = 74; // sub class
optional MasterSpecialLotteryMap masterSpecialLotteryMap = 75; // sub class
optional MasterBirthdayStoryMap masterBirthdayStoryMap = 77; // sub class
optional MasterBirthdayPageMap masterBirthdayPageMap = 78; // sub class
optional MasterSkin masterSkin = 79; // sub class
optional MasterCharacterInGameVoice masterCharacterInGameVoice = 80; // sub class
optional MasterPickupSituationMap masterPickupSituationMap = 81; // sub class
optional MasterSingleFrameCartoonMap masterSingleFrameCartoonMap = 82; // sub class
optional MasterSingleFrameCartoonCharacterMap masterSingleFrameCartoonCharacterMap = 83; // sub class
optional MasterFourFrameCartoonMap masterFourFrameCartoonMap = 84; // sub class
optional MasterFourFrameCartoonCharacterMap masterFourFrameCartoonCharacterMap = 85; // sub class
optional MasterMusicVideoMap masterMusicVideoMap = 86; // sub class
optional MasterBandStoryChapterMap masterBandStoryChapterMap = 87; // sub class
optional MasterNewMusicIntroductionMap masterNewMusicIntroductionMap = 89; // sub class
optional MasterEventMap masterEventMap = 101; // sub class
optional MasterEventConfigMap masterEventConfigMap = 102; // sub class
optional MasterStoryEventMap masterStoryEventMap = 201; // sub class
optional MasterEventLiveBoostMap masterEventLiveBoostMap = 202; // sub class
optional MasterEventExchangesList masterEventExchangesList = 203; // sub class
optional MasterEventItemMap masterEventItemMap = 204; // sub class
optional MasterEventMap masterEventMapForExchanges = 205; // sub class
optional MasterEventLoginRewardMap masterEventLoginRewardMap = 206; // sub class
optional MasterChallengeEventMap masterChallengeEventMap = 207; // sub class
optional MasterEventLiveContributionMap masterEventLiveContributionMap = 208; // sub class
optional MasterMultiVersusLiveScoreMap masterMultiVersusLiveScoreMap = 209; // sub class
optional MasterMultiVersusLiveMatchingLogicList masterMultiVersusLiveMatchingLogicList = 210; // sub class
optional MasterVersusEventMap masterVersusEventMap = 211; // sub class
optional MasterEventBoxGachaMap masterEventBoxGachaMap = 212; // sub class
optional MasterLiveTryEventMap masterLiveTryEventMap = 213; // sub class
optional MasterEventSituationMap masterEventSituationMap = 214; // sub class
optional MasterNewSituationIntroductionList masterNewSituationIntroductionList = 300; // sub class
optional MasterGachaInformationMap masterGachaInformationMap = 301; // sub class
optional MasterGenericAnimationMap masterGenericAnimationMap = 302; // sub class
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