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Last active February 22, 2024 05:31
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Bang Dream proto dumper
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Used to dump proto defination from BangDream, meant to dump ios binary

First, modify Il2Cpp (like using dnspy) to dump Properties. (Config.dumpProperty = true)
Then dump the game as usual
Modify generateMessage.php to match your binary and dump.cs file
And run php generateMessage.php <messageClass>

Example proto output attached

Notice: Dictionary is outputed as two elements message, 1 for key, and 2 for value

用于导出BangDream proto定义文件,可用在ios程序上
首先修改Il2Cpp(比如用dnspy)使之导出属性(Config.dumpProperty = true)
修改 generateMessage.php内的程序与 dump.cs 文件位置
然后运行 php generateMessage.php <messageClass>


注意:Dictionary 键值对输出为两元素结构,1为键,2为值

* Updated for il2cpp-dumper v6.1.2
$dumpcs = file_get_contents('D:\\ida_workplace\\bang\\dump.cs');
$prog = fopen('D:\\ida_workplace\\bang\\UnityFramework','rb');
$class = $argv[1];
$outputProtoFile = fopen(__DIR__.'/'.$class.'_gen.proto', 'w');
fwrite($outputProtoFile, "syntax = \"proto2\";\n");
function stripClass($s) {
$idx = strrpos($s, '.');
if ($idx === false) return $s;
return substr($s, $idx + 1);
function writeMessage($class, $message) {
global $outputProtoFile;
$class = stripClass($class);
fwrite($outputProtoFile, "message ${class} {\n");
foreach ($message as $item=>$info) {
$type = stripClass($info[0]);
$tag = $info[1];
$hint = $info[2];
$comment = $info[3];
fwrite($outputProtoFile, " ${hint} ${type} ${item} = ${tag}; // ${comment}\n");
fwrite($outputProtoFile, "}\n");
function readClass($level, $class) {
global $dumpcs;
global $definedClass;
if (($shownClass = array_search($class, $definedClass)) === false) {
$definedClass[] = $class;
$message = [];
//echo str_repeat(" ", $level).$class."\n";
if (preg_match("(\[ProtoContract\].*\n\w+ class ".$class." [^{}]*?(\{((?>[^{}]+)|(?-2))*\}))", $dumpcs, $classDef) !== 0) {
preg_match_all('(\[ProtoMember\((\d+)\)\].*\n \w+ ([^\ \<]+(\<((?>[^\<\>]+)|(?-2))*\>)?) ([^\ ;]+))', $classDef, $propList);
for($i=0;$i<count($propList[0]); $i++) {
$type = jumpType(
$message[$type[0]] = [$type[1], $propList[1][$i], $type[2], $type[3]];
if ($class == 'MasterActionSet') {
$message['areaName'] = [
'manual add'
if (!$shownClass) {
echo $class."\n";
writeMessage($class, $message);
} else {
echo $class.' not found';
// 1012ECB5C 1
// 1012ECB70 2
function jumpType ($level, $type, $name) {
if (substr($type, -2, 2) == '[]') {
// array entry
//echo str_repeat(" ", $level+1).$type."\n";
$sub = jumpType($level+2, substr($type, 0, -2), 'entry');
return [$name, $sub[1], 'repeated', 'array'];
} else if (substr($type, 0, 11) == 'Dictionary<') {
// dictionary
preg_match('(<(\w+), (\w+)>)', $type, $subType);
//echo str_repeat(" ", $level+1).'dictarr_'.$name."[]\n";
$prefix = $subType[1].'_'.$subType[2];
global $definedClass;
if (($shownClass = array_search($prefix, $definedClass)) === false) {
$definedClass[] = $prefix;
$message = [];
$sub = jumpType($level+1, $subType[1], $prefix.'_key');
$message[$sub[0]] = [$sub[1], 1, $sub[2], $sub[3]];
$sub = jumpType($level+1, $subType[2], $prefix.'_value');
$message[$sub[0]] = [$sub[1], 2, $sub[2], $sub[3]];
if (!$shownClass) {
writeMessage($prefix, $message);
return [$name,$prefix, 'repeated', 'dictionary'];
} else if (substr($type, 0, 5) == 'List<') {
// array entry
preg_match('(<(\w+)>)', $type, $subType);
//echo str_repeat(" ", $level+1).'arr_'.$name."[]\n";
$sub = jumpType($level+1, $subType[1], 'entry');
return [$name,$sub[1], 'repeated', 'list'];
} else if (array_search($type,
['uint','string','ulong','float','int','double', 'bool','long']
) !== false){
// normal type
//echo str_repeat(" ", $level+1).'<'.$type .'> '. $name."\n";
return [$name,array('uint'=>'uint32','string'=>'string','ulong'=>'uint64','float'=>'float','int'=>'int32','double'=>'double', 'bool'=>'bool','long'=>'int64')[$type], 'optional', 'normal type'];
} else if (substr($type, 0, 9) == 'Nullable<') {
// array entry
//echo str_repeat(" ", $level+1).'<'.$type .'> '. $name."\n";
//return [$name,$type, 'optional', 'nullable type'];
preg_match('(<(\w+)>)', $type, $subType);
$return = jumpType($level, $subType[1], $name);
$return[3] = 'nullable';
return $return;
} else {
// sub message
readClass($level+1, $type);
return [$name,$type, 'optional', 'sub class'];
readClass(0, $class);
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@YumeMichi 不知道为什么更新了一下评论不见了……
现在新版本的il2cpp dumper会直接帮你读属性值,所以直接匹配dump.cs里面[ProtoMembere(\d+)]就能拿key了。

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@YumeMichi 不知道为什么更新了一下评论不见了…… 现在新版本的il2cpp dumper会直接帮你读属性值,所以直接匹配dump.cs里面[ProtoMembere(\d+)]就能拿key了。 同理,原本的[ProtoContractAttribute]都变成[ProtoContract()]


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