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A network packet decoder for Danmaku Kagura (東方ダンマクカグラ)
RIP dankagu 2021.8.4-2022.10.28
class DankaguNetEnc {
private $key;
private $keyUint;
private $round;
title placeholder
// $return为获取到的durl json
// 按照设置 替换upos服务器
if (isset($_COOKIE['upos_server']) && in_array($_COOKIE['upos_server'], ['ks3u','cosu','kodou','bosu','hw','wcsu','xycdn'])) {
$return = preg_replace_callback('/upos\-hz\-mirror([a-z0-9]+?).acgvideo\.com/', function ($m) {
if (in_array($m[1], ['wcs','ks3','cos','kodo','bos'])) {
if (!empty($_COOKIE['upos_server_legacy'])) {
return 'upos-hz-mirror'.$_COOKIE['upos_server_legacy'].'';
Manual update timer for DataMeter on iOS 13
SBStatusBarStateAggregator hook is freezing SpringBoard
Dump dlst encrypted comic from PFViewer
require_once __DIR__ . '/Workerman-master/Autoloader.php';
use Workerman\Worker;
use Workerman\Connection\AsyncTcpConnection;
use Workerman\Protocols\Websocket;
use Workerman\Lib\Timer;
$udp1 = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, SOL_UDP);
socket_set_option($udp1, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, 1);
require_once 'UnityBundle.php';
$f = fopen('patch.dat', 'r');
$head = fread($f, 1024);
$heads = new MemoryStream($head);
Decreasing Arcaea score!
Build with theos
esterTion / arcaea-frag-award.c
Created April 30, 2019 16:09
pseudo code of fragment award algorithm in Arcaea
void award_fragment() {
int play_award = 0;
int clear_award = 0;
int performance_award = 0;
int first_clear_award = 0;
int partner_award = 0;
int difficulty = Chart->difficulty;
int clear_type = GameResult::getCalculatedClearType(...);
esterTion / pac_add.c
Last active October 20, 2021 19:35
Set a pac url to (ip1), i.e. cellular data
// pac_add.m
// pac_add
// Created by esterTion on 2019/4/19.
// xcrun -sdk iphoneos clang -isysroot $THEOS/sdks/iPhoneOS11.2.sdk -arch arm64 -I$THEOS/include -framework Foundation -framework SystemConfiguration -L$THEOS/lib -lactivator main.m -o pac_add