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Last active November 4, 2019 08:37
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  • Save esterTion/989b30794ef6111dc0daf59165e15249 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save esterTion/989b30794ef6111dc0daf59165e15249 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
require_once 'UnityBundle.php';
$f = fopen('patch.dat', 'r');
$head = fread($f, 1024);
$heads = new MemoryStream($head);
$heads->littleEndian = true;
$heads->position = 4*4;
for ($itemCount=0,$i=4;$i<255;$i++) {
$itemCount += $heads->long;
$itemCount = int($itemCount);
echo "Items count: $itemCount\n";
//fseek($f, 0);
$fileInfos = fread($f, 16*$itemCount);
$heads->position = 212;
$fileInfos = dd($fileInfos, 16*$itemCount, $heads->long);
$fileInfos = array_values(unpack('V*', $fileInfos));
$firstFileOffset = $fileInfos[3];
$fileNamesLen = $firstFileOffset - (1024 + 16 * $itemCount);
$fileNames = fread($f, $fileNamesLen);
$heads->position = 92;
$fileNames = new MemoryStream(dd($fileNames, $fileNamesLen, $heads->long));
$map = [];
for ($j=0; $j<$itemCount; $j++) {
$key = $fileNames->string;
$map[$key] = [
'position' => $fileInfos[4 * $j + 3],
'length' => $fileInfos[4 * $j + 1],
'key' => $fileInfos[4 * $j + 2]
function dd($b, int $L, int $k) {
$array = gk($k);
for ($i=0; $i < $L; $i++) {
$b2 = ord($b[$i]);
$b2 ^= $array[$i%253];
$b2 += 3;
$b2 += $array[$i%89];
$b2 ^= 153;
$b[$i] = chr($b2 & 0xff);
return $b;
function gk(int $k0) {
$itemCount = int($k0 * 7391 + 42828);
$firstFileOffset = int($itemCount << 17 ^ $itemCount);
$b = [];
for ($i=0; $i<256; $i++) {
$itemCount -= $k0; $itemCount = int($itemCount);
$itemCount += $firstFileOffset; $itemCount = int($itemCount);
$firstFileOffset = $itemCount + 56;
$itemCount *= $firstFileOffset & 239; $itemCount = int($itemCount);
$b[$i] = $itemCount & 0xff;
$itemCount >>= 1; $itemCount = int($itemCount);
return $b;
function int(int $d) {return $d&0xffffffff;}
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