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Last active April 10, 2020 22:43
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  • Save Ultrabenosaurus/b94d373f3a32d2b5d6ae5256e04784a7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Proof-of-Concept Firefox Add-On to Redirect Before Page Loads
"description": "Redirect AMP addresses to their non-AMP sources",
"manifest_version": 2,
"name": "AMP Redirect",
"version": "0.1",
"author": "Ultrabenosaurus",
"_comments_": {
"signed_xpi": "",
"source:": "",
"based_on": "",
"userscript": ""
"permissions": [
"background": {
"scripts": ["redirect.js"]
* name AMP Redirect
* namespace ultrabenosaurus.AMP
* version 0.1
* description Redirect AMP addresses to their non-AMP sources
* author Ultrabenosaurus
* signed XPI
* source
* userscript
* Based on MDN web docs:
* from:
* to:
function UBredirect(requestDetails){
// console.log(requestDetails);
var a = requestDetails.url.split("/");
// console.log(a);
var al = a.length;
var d = a[2].split(".")[0].replace(/-/g,".");
// console.log(d);
if(d == a[5]){
var p = a[al-1].split("?")[0];
for (var i = al-2; i > 6; i--) {
if(a[i] !== "amp") { p = a[i]+"/"+p; }
// console.log(a[i]);
// console.log(p);
var s = a[0]+"//"+d+"/"+p;
// console.log(s);
return {
redirectUrl: s
{urls: ["<all_urls>"]},
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gwarser commented Apr 10, 2020

why was it not redirecting me for the example URL I have included in the comment block in the JS file?

These are supported:




You should probably report few samples to the author - maybe he will add them.

Also, neither of the source links in your comment work for me:

Hmmm, seems you have network issues. Works for me on two different browsers and two devices.

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