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Forked from tpapp/diffeqhmc.jl
Created February 2, 2018 14:41
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# DiffEq tools
using DiffEqBayes, OrdinaryDiffEq, ParameterizedFunctions, RecursiveArrayTools
# clone from
using DynamicHMC, MCMCDiagnostics, DiffWrappers, ContinuousTransformations
using Parameters, Distributions, Optim
f1 = @ode_def_nohes LotkaVolterraTest1 begin
dx = a*x - b*x*y
dy = -c*y + d*x*y
end a=>1.5 b=1.0 c=3.0 d=1.0
u0 = [1.0,1.0]
tspan = (0.0,10.0)
prob1 = ODEProblem(f1,u0,tspan)
# Generate data
σ = 0.01 # noise, fixed for now
t = collect(linspace(1,10,10)) # observation times
sol = solve(prob1,Tsit5())
randomized = VectorOfArray([(sol(t[i]) + σ * randn(2)) for i in 1:length(t)])
data = convert(Array,randomized)
struct LotkaVolterraPosterior{Problem, Data, A_Prior, ObservationTimes, ErrorDist}
function (P::LotkaVolterraPosterior)(θ)
@unpack problem, data, a_prior, t, ϵ_dist = P
a = θ[1]
prob = problem_new_parameters(problem, a)
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5())
ℓ = sum(sum(logpdf.(ϵ_dist, sol(t) .- data[:, i]))
for (i, t) in enumerate(t))
ℓ = -Inf
if !isfinite(ℓ) && (ℓ ≠ -Inf)
ℓ = -Inf # protect against NaN etc, is it needed?
ℓ + logpdf(a_prior, a)
P = LotkaVolterraPosterior(prob1, data, Normal(1.5, 1), t, Normal(0.0, σ))
parameter_transformation = TransformationTuple((bridge(ℝ, ℝ⁺, ))) # assuming a > 0
PT = TransformLogLikelihood(P, parameter_transformation)
PTG = ForwardGradientWrapper(PT, zeros(1));
# NOTE: starting from correct parameter is important, otherwise stepsize
# adaptation is not handled well. would probably maximize PT in a real-life
# setting.
PO = OnceDifferentiable(x -> -P(x), [2.0])
a₀ = Optim.minimizer(optimize(a -> -P([a]), 0, 10))
sample, _ = NUTS_init_tune_mcmc(PTG,
inverse(parameter_transformation, (a₀, )),
posterior = ungrouping_map(Vector, get_transformation(PT) ∘ get_position, sample)
a, = posterior
mean(a) # 1.49983
std(a) # 0.0002
# visualize
using Plots; pgfplots()
a_grid = linspace(0, 2, 1000)
ℓ_grid = map(a -> P([a]), a_grid)
plot(a_grid, ℓ_grid, xlab="a", ylab = "log density", label = false)
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