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Working from home

Valter Andrei ValterAndrei

Working from home
  • Poços de Caldas - MG, Brasil
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# frozen_string_literal: true
module Aws
# Client for AWS Cognito Identity Provider using Secure Remote Password (SRP).
# This code is a direct translation of the Python version found here:
class CognitoSrp
def initialize(username:, password:, pool_id:, client_id:, aws_client:)
@username = username
ProGM /
Last active January 5, 2025 23:56
Arel cheatsheet on Steroids

Arel Cheatsheet on Steroids

A (more) complete cheatsheet for Arel, including NamedFunction functions, raw SQL and window functions.


posts =
posts = Post.arel_table # ActiveRecord

Table alias

erdostom / Dockerfile
Last active December 26, 2024 08:25
Good starter Dockerfile + docker-compose.yml for Rails 6.
FROM ruby:2.6.5-alpine
RUN apk add --update --no-cache bash build-base nodejs sqlite-dev tzdata postgresql-dev yarn
RUN gem install bundler:2.1.4
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY package.json yarn.lock ./
RUN yarn install --check-files
lucaspiller / .gitlab-ci.yml
Last active April 14, 2022 09:07
Rails 5.2 + Docker + Gitlab Continuous Deployment
image: ruby:2.6
- postgres:11-alpine
POSTGRES_DB: myorg_test
saboyutaka / Dockerfile
Created July 28, 2018 06:20
Docker Compose for Rails
FROM ruby:2.5.1
RUN apt-get update -qq && \
apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
build-essential \
libpq-dev \
libfontconfig1 \
less \
falvarez /
Created January 24, 2018 08:10
Run docker container, mount current working directory and get interactive shell
docker run -ti -v $(pwd):/tmp DOCKER_IMAGE /bin/bash
rahsheen / rspec_mock_net_http.rb
Created November 30, 2017 19:33
Easily Mock Net::HTTP with Rspec
require 'rails_helper'
RSpec.describe MyWorker, type: :job do
include ActiveJob::TestHelper
let(:sqs_msg) { double AWS::SQS::ReceivedMessage,
id: 'fc754df7-9cc2-4c41-96ca-5996a44b771e',
body: 'test',
delete: nil }
primaryobjects / react-confirm.js
Created November 1, 2017 19:03
A simple example of a confirm alert dialog in ReactJs / React.
<div className='delete-button' onClick={() => { if (window.confirm('Are you sure you wish to delete this item?')) this.onCancel(item) } } />
wbotelhos /
Last active December 20, 2024 19:11
Clear Sidekiq Jobs
require 'sidekiq/api'
# 1. Clear retry set
# 2. Clear scheduled jobs

Realtime Notifications with ActionCable

In this episode we're going to be adding realtime notifications into your app using ActionCable. We've talked about notifications a few times in the past and we used AJAX polling for that. 95% of the time, polling is the solution that would be recommended for it.

But if you're looking for a good introduction into ActionCable then this is a decent one because we're only really using it for one way from the server side to the client side.

Getting started

So to get started we're starting with an app that has Bootstrap installed and then we created a Main controller with an index view which is where we will list our Notifications as for this example.

Before we generate our channels let's install a few things