Q: How do you install mods?
A: This depends on the type of mods you want to install. Here at Vazkii's Mods we make Forge mods. You can learn how to install Forge mods at the Download page of the quark website by clicking "Show How to Install". This will teach you how to install Quark, but you can do the same for every other mod.
Q: My game is crashing! Help!
A: Before you request help, please check all the following steps:
- You're using the most up-to-date version of the mod, as well as Minecraft Forge, or any other mods it might require (e.g. Quark requires AutoRegLib, Botania requires Curios and Patchouli)
- You're NOT using Optifine. Optifine is notorious for crashing mods.