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Last active October 26, 2020 11:11
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Vazkii's Mods FAQ

Questions Regarding Vazkii's Mods in General

Q: How do you install mods?
A: This depends on the type of mods you want to install. Here at Vazkii's Mods we make Forge mods. You can learn how to install Forge mods at the Download page of the quark website by clicking "Show How to Install". This will teach you how to install Quark, but you can do the same for every other mod.

Q: My game is crashing! Help!
A: Before you request help, please check all the following steps:

  • You're using the most up-to-date version of the mod, as well as Minecraft Forge, or any other mods it might require (e.g. Quark requires AutoRegLib, Botania requires Curios and Patchouli)
  • You're NOT using Optifine. Optifine is notorious for crashing mods.

After you've verified this, you can ask for help on the #help channel. Make sure to include a copy of your crash log, and post it on a paste website (type ??paste to get a good list of them).

Q: I found a bug! How do I report it?
A: Check the #bug_reports channel, under META.

Q: Why do you recommend Optifine is removed all the time?
A: Optifine is a closed-source mod, this means we can't see the mod's code. Because of this, and the fact it does drastic changes to how the game displays, it means there's going to be incompatibilities with the way mods display their things. Since we can't see the code, and the author isn't cooperative in that regard, we highly recommend you do not run Optifine in your game, and instead opt for smaller packs, or other optimizations like lower render distance or particle usage.

Q: Optifine works fine for me though, should I still remove it?
A: If optifine is working fine for you, there's no reason to remove it, however, do be aware that it is very much known to cause issues, and the first thing you should do when troubleshooting any problem, is to remove it.

Q: How do I find a mod for an older version of Minecraft?
A: Curse is pretty bad at letting you see files for old versions. Here's how you can get to them:

  • Find the project page for the mod you're looking for on
  • Click Files right under the mod's logo and info
  • Scroll down a bit after the Main File section, and click the button titled View All that's on the same line as Recent Files
  • Right by the page numbers on the top, you should find a dropdown titled Game Version

Questions Regarding Quark

Q: Can you bring Quark to Fabric?
A: Not as an official endeavor, but there's a small team working on it at their pace. Please don't ask for updates on it as it's not something that's supported yet.

Q: What happened to (insert feature I remember from 1.12 here)?
A: Quark had to be rewritten fully for 1.14 and forward. During the rewrite, many features were culled, either because I wasn't satisfied with their existence, I felt they were too minor, or they weren't compatible with later versions.

Q: But can you add back (insert feature I remember from 1.12 here)?
A: At this point, I'm not taking requests for features to bring back.

Q: Where do I suggest new features?
A: You can post ideas for new features over at /r/QuarkMod on reddit. I don't tend to reply much, but rest assured if you post something there I'll read it.

Q: Why do my Item Frames/Totem of Holding look like black and pink blocks?
A: This is an issue with optifine, it's not fixable unfortunately.

Q: What does (insert feature here) do?
A: Every feature is documented in the Quark Website. Feel free to check it out there.

Q: There's a feature I don't like. How do I disable it?
A: You can disable all features in the mod through the q button in the home screen, or the Config button under Quark in the mod list menu. If this button isn't available, you'll have to edit the config file, which you can find at /config in your instance folder. You can open the config file with any text editor (such as Notepad), and you can use the editor's find ability (usually bound to Ctrl-F) to get there.

Questions Regarding Botania

Q: What's the best generating flower to use?
A: All flowers are valid for usage and will output roughly equal to the amount of work necessary to automate them (measured for vanilla+botania). Feel free to pick any that tickles your fancy.

Q: Where do I suggest new features?
A: Botania is currently deemed feature complete and not accepting feature requests. Sometimes new features are added based on conversations going on in the server, but there's no direct way to request features right now. Consider asking an addon developer.

Q: What happened to Dayblooms and Nightshades?
A: Dayblooms and Nightshades were removed during 1.12 for being too easy to spam in mass.

Q: What happened to the ability to disable decay for Hydroangeas?
A: Similarly to the previous question, this was also removed during 1.12.

Q: Is there a botania subreddit?
A: Yes, /r/botania.

Q: What's the code for the Matrix Flugel wings?
A: ■■■■■■■■■■■ oh dear it got deleted that's odd

Q: Why are Botania's cool graphical effects not working?
A Either you're using Optifine, or your graphics card doesn't support the OpenGL features they need.

Q: Corporea is too complex! How do you get started?
A: The Lexica Botania has a lot of information on it, but if that's not your thing, try this visual guide by quat.

Questions Regarding Psi

Q: Where do I suggest new features?
A: Psi is currently deemed feature complete and not officially accepting feature requests, however you can always pitch ideas in the /r/psispellcompendium subreddit and if they gain enough traction they might be added into an addon or taken into consideration.

Q: Why are Psi's cool graphical effects not working?
A Either you're using Optifine, or your graphics card doesn't support the OpenGL features they need.

Q: What is the relationship between Psi and the Mahouka IP?
A The spell system, CAD name, and CAD gun design were inspired or taken from Mahouka. Otherwise the mod is an independent thing and does not strive to reproduce other parts of the IP such as specific items or spells.

Q: Why do people keep saying Psidust is uncraftable?
A It's an inside joke based on this issue that turned into a copypasta.

Questions Regarding Patchouli

Q: How do you refresh the book without closing the game?
A: Shift-click the pencil icon in the home page. (The pencil only shows in creative)

Q: How do you remove the entry ID under its name in the first page?
A: This only shows if you have F3+H enabled.

**Q: Why is the mod called Patchouli?
A: The name comes from the Touhou character Patchouli Knowledge, who is a librarian.

Questions Regarding Neat

Q: Why do my health bars flicker when using shaders?
A: This is an issue with optifine, it's not fixable unfortunately.

Q: Is there a Fabric compatible version of Neat?
A: While not official, there's a port called Orderly available you can try.

Q: Why is the mod called Neat?
A: The name comes from the WoW addon Tidy Plates. Originally Neat was going to be called "Neat Dishes", as a gag version of Tidy Plates, but I deemed that to be too silly, so we ended up with just Neat.

Questions Regarding Vazkii

Q: Are you for hire or available for commissions?
A: I am not currently for hire, but if you have an interest in a commission of a small mod, feel free to contact me and we can discuss rates.

Q: Why are your DMs closed everywhere?
A: I get a lot of people using my DMs as a way to get assistance with mods. Unfortunately, I really don't have the time and mental availability to be constantly able to help 1 on 1, so I have them off to help push people to the public help channels.

Q: How do I contact you privately?
A: Feel free to send an email to contact <at> vazkii <dot> us. (yes that's my old domain I really should move the email address over)

Questions Regarding The Discord Server

Q: I've pledged to Patreon and don't have my roles yet, what's the deal?
A: Roles are given in waves every few days, so you may have to wait a bit. If you absolutely need it at that very moment, you can ping @Vazkii.

Q: How do I get my Twitch Subscriber role?
A: This is handled automatically by a bot that Twitch manages. You have to connect your Discord account to your Twitch account through your User Settings. After doing that, your role should be given to you in the next hour or so.

Q: What's #starboard?
A: Starboard is where the best messages posted on the server end up. Any message that's reacted to with ⭐ 6 or more times is copied there. You can also type star leaderboard to see who has the most stars.

Q: What's #super_loss_zone?
A: It's where you can throw your absolute spiciest memes (within reason and server rules). You can only post every 6 hours and you can't see old memes, ensuring your spice is exclusive. Why, you ask? Why not?

Q: How do you get the "Nerd" rank?
A: The Nerd rank is manually given to Vazkii's friends, or otherwise noteworthy people. It's not a thing you can earn.

Q: A message I typed got removed! Why?
A: We have a bot that automatically removes messages with banned words. should automatically DM you with what triggered the removal. Warnings expire after 12 hours, and you need to get a very large amount of them to get kicked, so don't worry about it.

Q: Why was I banned? Can I appeal it?
A: The Vazkii's Mods discord server is an LGBT+ and general minority, friendly space. In order to keep it as such, problematic people are banned when noticed. There's currently no direct means to appeal your ban, but if you believe you understand why it was you were banned, and you're willing to better yourself, feel free to get in contact.

Q: Why is Kamefrede such a jerk?
A: Kamefrede is our local #general shitposter and should never be taken seriously. (for real he's a good person he means no harm)

Q: What does the :eject: emote mean?
A: It's the Eject Button from pokémon. It basically means "delete this".

Q: Why is X person allowed on the server despite breaking the rules?
A: Moderators aren't omnipresent, and sometimes things slip by. We try our best to keep the place safe and clean, so make sure to report problematic people as you see them.

Q: How do I report someone exhibiting problematic behaviour?
A: In most cases, pinging @Moderator should get the job done. If there's no one available at the time, or this is a repeat offense, feel free to get in contact.

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